
Victory Gardens Past & Future

If you eat food, maybe you've noticed groceries costs more and more. Well stock up now, food inflation is just ramping up. It's not just the extra 200 million mouths to feed on the planet next year. Climate change is already re-arranging your food bill. Learn how cities can start feeding themselves - in just one year! from Lamanda Joy in Chicago.

Download Radio Ecoshock special on Victory Gardens (1 hour, 14 MB LoFi)

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Heat kills gardens & guerrilla planting

Listen to/download the audio:

SHOW LINE UP - 24 minutes

1. "Guerrilla Gardening"

How to create an edible landscape on public and private lands. UK "Guerrilla of Love" Chris Tomlinson explains how he secretly plants food, perennials and trees, in waste lands, untended gardens, and even city streets. Fun interview on serious topic, as economy erodes. Try it where you live.

2. "Global Famine Starts in Texas"

Required listening for heat waves in Australia. Your garden may produce nothing.