
De Pod 2011-12-10 mp3

National and International news commentary German language

Internationale und Nationale Nachrichten unter der Lupe mit Wolfgang

Kalter Krieg Vers 2.0, Euro Krise, Australische Angelegenheiten und einige Takte Humor

21:05 min 128 kbps stereo 19.5 MB

"Uranium industry has to be shut down to end nuclear age" - Call to international conference

A German anti-nuclear group is inviting like-minded to an international uranium conference in February.

SOFA Muenster played a large part in stopping exports of uranium waste from enrichment plants in Gronau (Germany) and Almelo (Holland) for open-air dumping in Russia, "at least for the time being", as they write.

As part of that campaign they hosted an international uranium conference in Dortmund in 2007.

The sad story of Marlon Noble

Michael Brull

Marlon Noble was born on 11 February, 1982. When he was about four months old, he suffered meningitis, and spent the next eight months in hospital. As a result of this, Marlon was left intellectually impaired. He has well below average intelligence, and cognitive difficulties. A 1995 assessment found he had problems with literacy and numeracy, and was likely to be confused by complex instructions. He also had problems expressing himself verbally.

International solidarity day for Bradley Manning. Julian Assange support action

Adele Goldie

For those in or near Brisbane who want justice for Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks, and Julian Assange.

Bradley Manning
December 17th is Bradley Manning's 24th birthday there will be events held worldwide to demand his freedom and show our support.


ā€œWhat do these blacks want? An education? Send them back to the bush where they belong.ā€

by Gerry Georgatos My father, struggling in his 82nd year of life, never went to school, and who first left home at the age of 13 because of abject and acute poverty, and the effects of war before migrating to Australia near sixty years ago, taught me, the eldest of his six children, to put nothing between myself and what is right. We are a continent apart however in our conversations, as he strains to find the physical strength to muster a yarn, he kindly reminds me of the common good, and that all else does not get people anywhere unless we are prepared to accept divisiveness and inequalities ā€“ and in accepting inequality then we accept as natural that the aspiration of humanity is wed by paradoxes - vacuums of inhumanity.


Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 5 events from 11 December 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 11, 12, 13 December 2011: Brisbane, Qld
Documentary Film - The Tall Man
"... a vivid portrait of an Australian island enraged
by the death of an Aboriginal man while in custody
of the local, predominantly white-run police force."
Palace Barracks Cinema, Brisbane
Cinema Release Date: Thu 17 November 2011
Event details, incl. film review and interview with the director:
Event details:

Melbourne Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 6 events from 13 December 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 13 December 2011: Upwey, Melbourne, Vic
Belgrave Survival Day film showing:
Murundak: songs of freedom
"Journeys into the heart of Aboriginal protest music
following The Black Arm Band, a gathering of
some of Australiaā€™s finest Indigenous musicians,
as they take to the road with their songs of
resistance and freedom."
Event details:
Event details:


Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 6 events from 11 December 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 11, 12, 13 December 2011: Paddington, Sydney, NSW
Documentary Film - The Tall Man
"... a vivid portrait of an Australian island enraged
by the death of an Aboriginal man while in custody
of the local, predominantly white-run police force."
Chauvel Cinema, Paddington
Cinema Release Date: Thu 17 November 2011
Event details, incl. film review and interview with the director:
Event details:

WGAR News: ABC Video: Kimberley gas hub opponents claim legal victory

Newsletter date: 11 December 2011

* ABC: Kimberley gas hub opponents claim legal victory
* Michael Anderson: Aboriginal sovereignty confirmation expected soon
* Yananymul Mununggurr addressing 'The case against the NT Intervention'
* New Updated Version of Our Generation is out
* Tom McMahon: Govt fails to heed lessons of the Intervention
* What's Working: Language and Wellbeing
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles

Ray Jackson will vote 'no' to proposals to write Aborigines into the constitution

[The Canberra Times newspaper has run an opinion piece arguing against the way it is planned to write Aborigines into the constitution. Amongst other things, a planned referendum would trigger ā€œa torrent of hate towards Aborigines and the programs supposed to be helping themā€, the author wrote.]

i will vote no

Tentmonster parade and march in Melbourne

Occupy Melbourne held a ā€˜tentmonsterā€™ parade and marched to the City Square today. Around 70 people gathered in Flagstaff Gardens with many dressed in costumes made of tents at around 1pm. The idea was to highlight the absurdity of recent actions by the Victoria Police Force in stripping protesters who have been wearing tents as clothing. The crowd then marched past the Victoria Police contingent who were sitting on chairs around an official campervan which is now stationed permanently at Flagstaff Gardens.


OccupyCOP: Hundreds protest inside UN climate venue in Durban as talks draw to a close

The Durban UN climate talks - COP17 - are drawing to a close. Ministers and heads of state met through Friday night to thrash out some meaning from these talks.

The sticking point is that developed countries are not taking the lead in initiating the deep emissions cuts of 25-40% as stated in the Bali road map in 2007 and the Kyoto Protocol. Europe, The US, Canada and Australia are responsible for most of the historical emissions in the atmosphere that has caused global warming. The 1% in developed countries are attempting to exploit the 99% of people in developed and developing countries. It is small nations facing obliteration due to global warming like the Maldives, Tonga or Tokelau which are actually leading by example.

Related: One climate Live Coverage | Adopt a negotiator Flickr photostream | Occupy COP17 video report

Tonga and climate change: "Our people are on the line, our cultures are going to disappear"

One World TV interviewed Sione Taulo Fulivai from the small Pacific Island state of Tonga on the last day of the UN climate negotiations at COP17 in Durban. Small Island states face rising atmospheric and sea surface temperatures, rising sea levels spoiling freshwater reservoirs and agriculture and threatening to innundate their land, and changing rainfall pattens. They are on the frontline of global warming.

Tonga is a nation of 100,000 people with a GDP per capita of US$3711. Tonga and Vanuatu are at the top of a UN list of countries most vulnerable to natural disasters in the Pacific.

Related: Pacific climate change: temperatures rise, sea levels increase, rainfall changing

Occupy Melbourne's Dare To Share Teddy Bears Protest

After our weekend picnics were rained out on consecutive weekends Occupy Melbourne's Dare To Share Teddy Bears Protest went off on Friday December 9th without a hitch. About 25 kids, carers and others met up in Treasury Gardens at 10am for a picnic before heading off on a tour of the various bodies involved in cutting $481 million from education spending in the past year. Despite a little interference from Protective Services officers we were able to occupy the lobbies of the Premiers Office, Department of Education and Department of Education (Office of Children and Early Childhood) buildings. At each we engaged in various activities including mic checks linking the big picture (capitalist greed) to the everyday one (cuts to TAFE, VCAL, occasional care, school maintenances, etc), sining the Teddy Bears protest song (lyrics below) and presenting novelty sized Education report cards (small version attached) failing the government for its anti-social behaviour and indicating that it "must do better". A fun time was had by all and we have plans for more kid friendly protests in the near future.



PALEA takes fight to Australia and Canada

The embattled Philippine Airlines Employeesā€™ Association (PALEA) is taking its fight against the outsourcing and contractualization plan of Philippine Airlines to Australia and Canada. The vice president of PALEA, Alnem Pretencio, is in Australia now on a tour sponsored by unions with the aim of soliciting international support.

Filipino activists call end to military atrocities in West Papua

PHILIPPINES - Asia-Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC) and Partido ng Manggagawa (PM) solidarity activists today held a silent protest in front of Indonesian Embassy in Makati City in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of West Papua's declaration of independence from the Dutch rule.

Euahlayi activist expects Aboriginal sovereignty confirmed "over the next few days"

London, 9 December 11 - - Euahlayi tribal leader Michael Anderson reports from London that over the next few days he will have confirmed Aboriginal sovereign status within Australia under international law. He writes in a media release that the High Court Mabo judgment (No. 2) gives Aborigines rights in ownership and title to all Crown lands in Australia, affirmed from the Order in Council from England in 1875 through the Pacific Islanders Protection Act.

Another absurd and disturbing "tent arrest" but you can join the "tent fightback" on the 10th of December

Occupy Melbourne Tent Monster "The Baron" was arrested after midnight on Wednesday night. Once again the absurd yet disturbing nature of State harrassment of this movement was highlighted. Many police clinically and very forcefully tried to remove the tent costume from "The Baron" as he stood his ground in a dignified and non-violent way. He insisted the tent costume was a form of political expression and was in fact a "protest sign". He refused to let it go despite painful force being used against hi. When they were unable to remove it from him they put in the divvy van under arrest whilst the frame was still around him.
Related: The Baron arrested -- Police lash out at Sarah (again) -- 10th Decemebr International Humans right day tent action at OM


FMG imposes ā€˜apartheid-likeā€™ rules on Yindjibarndi visits to country

From Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation
Friday 9 December 2011

Having acquired a limited right to mine in Yindjibarndi country, FMG is now demanding that Yindjibarndi people stay out of their traditional country and apply to FMG ā€˜managersā€™ for permission in writing to enter.

The Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC) advised FMG on Wednesday that members were heading to Ganyjingarringunha (Solomon mining project) to record the cultural history of the area and to conduct
certain religious rituals which are required to be performed each year.

The ABC lie that built the Intervention

On 21 June 2006 the ABC broadcast a Lateline report titled "Sexual slavery reported in Indigenous community". The film presented a harrowing story about an Aboriginal community in Central Australia, where an alleged paedophile abused little children.

Lateline claimed men in the community conspired together to protect the man, despite the efforts of some ā€˜local heroes', such as the community doctor and an anonymous "youth worker" who tried to expose his activities.