
OccupyCOP: Hundreds protest inside UN climate venue in Durban as talks draw to a close

The Durban UN climate talks - COP17 - are drawing to a close. Ministers and heads of state met through Friday night to thrash out some meaning from these talks.

The sticking point is that developed countries are not taking the lead in initiating the deep emissions cuts of 25-40% as stated in the Bali road map in 2007 and the Kyoto Protocol. Europe, The US, Canada and Australia are responsible for most of the historical emissions in the atmosphere that has caused global warming. The 1% in developed countries are attempting to exploit the 99% of people in developed and developing countries. It is small nations facing obliteration due to global warming like the Maldives, Tonga or Tokelau which are actually leading by example.

Related: One climate Live Coverage | Adopt a negotiator Flickr photostream | Occupy COP17 video report