
Gillard & the Australian government directly responsible for the tragic drownings off Java

Media release by the Human Rights Alliance Australia owns significant responsibility for yesterday’s tragic sinking of another asylum boat off Java and of the many drownings. Australia should assist in repatriation, counselling and compensation of and for the survivors. The boat was carrying Hazara and Irani refugees. Ms Gillard's push for Indonesia to criminalise those assisting asylum seekers in the passage to our shores is directly responsibly for this sinking and drowning, and for people's desperation.

Neither Indonesia and Australia should be criminalising the seeking of asylum and people should be allowed to map out their journey openly, to travel with various public assistance and in seaworthy boats. The Gillard government has manifest the desperation that gives rise to unseaworthy boats and passage under the cover of the clandestine.
Related:Refugee Action Collective(Vic)Press Release -- Refugee Action Coalition (Sydney)Statement


Steelworkes 'demonstration in athens (17/12)

400 steelworkers made a dynamic demonstration ,today
in the centre of athens.They have stike from 31 octomber until today when the boss of their factory released 37 workers and threated them that he will fire also 187.Solidarity
actions have made a lot of organisations,left parties
and anarchists.
A lot of parties for economical solidarity took part
these week .The anarchosundikalist union of Holland
send a solidarity message to the workers.΀

The gluttony of Australian politicians

The Gluttony of Australian Politicians.

While Nurses ask for a one percent wage rise and amongst these would be people who nurse Rudd when his heart needs medicals and are refused, Julia Gillard will be receiving a wage of a quarter or is it half million if my stats are correct.
The source is correct politicians in Australia are getting a pay rise.
This is in total disregard for the disadvantaged who are being tormented and turfed into living in abject poverty under systems created by the former and this government.


The Shortwave Report (December 16) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (December 16) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

VID (1m 44s) Oz activist/former U.S. political prisoner Ciaron O'Reilly outside the U.S. embassy/London calls for Dec 17 solidarity with Bradley Manning

YOUTUBE (1min 44 secs) OZ activist/former U.S. political prisoner Ciaron O'Reilly outside the U.S. Embassy/London Calls for Dec 17 Solidarity with Bradley Manning

Tuesday Dec 14th. Veterans for Peace UK and supporters held a vigil for Bradley Manning at the U.S. Embassy in London. Bradley begins a pre-trial hearing on Friday at Fort Meade, Maryland/USA. Bradley faces charges that could lead to a lifetime in prison.

Who deleted the phrase ‘her heirs and successors’?

Media Release 15 December 2011
Michael Anderson, in Japan en route from London to Sydney says today:

Having attended the Office of Parliamentary Counsel in Whitehall, I am shocked after locating the official record of the original Pacific Islanders Protection Act 1875, the one that was actually passed in the UK Parliament at that time.

The Pacific Islander Protection Act 1875 that has been bandied around on the internet and other places has been doctored by a person or persons unknown. It is clear that someone did not want the real Act circulating.

State-nourished Nazi terror in Germany

How politicians, police and justice system promote fascist terrorism in Germany
[Translation of an article in barricada – Newspaper for autonomous politics and culture]

“Relentless and all-inclusive clarification” of the scandals around the murders by the National Socialist Underground (NSU) is being demanded by politicians across the spectrum from Left Party to Greens to Christian Social Union. “Relentless and all-inclusive clarification” is being promised by the responsible persons in the ministries, the secret services and the police.


WGAR News: Euahlayi tribal leader Michael Anderson addresses Occupy crowd in London

Newsletter date: 15 December 2011

* Michael Anderson addresses Occupy crowd in London
* Gerry Georgatos: Aboriginal Tent Embassy - Canberra, January 26 2012
* Recordings from the Forum: Hot Politics - Radioactive Waste Management in Australia
* National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples: Leaders meet in Canberra
* ANTaR: Act now to ensure a free and equal future for Aboriginal and TSI young people
* Greens Penny Wright: Native Title Wins Few and Far Between

Xstrata Ulan coal mine expansion required to offset greenhouse gas emissions

In a landmark judgement concerning climate change, a judge in the NSW Land and Environment Court has given approval for the expansion of the Xstrata Ulan coal mine near Mudgee in Central western New South Wales, but conditional on the mine offsetting all of its greenhouse gas emissions generated in mining the coal.

Background: June 2011 - Legal Challenge to Xstrata Ulan Coal mine expansion


Tsunami relief funds used to kill whales?!

The Japanese whaling fleet is barrelling south to hunt thousands of majestic whales, escorted by a $30 million private security force paid for out of the tsunami disaster relief funds! The Japanese PM is already under enormous pressure for failing to help victims of the tsunami - a global outcry can shame him into using relief money to save people, not kill whales -- sign the petition, and forward to everyone.

Cold War 2.0 - Euro Division - Durban mp3

A new cold war ? An armsrace the last resort of financial rescue ?

The new "belingerence" of the first world against the "rogues", such as Iran...a boon for arms manufacturers and a shot in the arm of the ailing, faltering financial industry

media clips, Noam Chomsky, Onion News, Wharf Review, Beatles, Prodigy, Waxaudio, P.V. Ellis, They Might Be Giants, Nomad

30:00 min 128 kbps stereo 27.6 MB


China: Psychiatric torture of Falun Gong practitioners in hospitals

Twelve years ago, in Beijing, approximately 10,000 Chinese citizens peacefully gathered in Zhongnanhai (central headquarters of the communist government), to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong*1, an ancient Chinese exercise and meditation practice. Under the then dictator, Jiang Zemin, the Chinese Communist Party was ordered on July 20, 1999 to “eradicate” Falun Gong practitioners financially, physically and mentally by any means. Since then, this nonviolent group has undergone the most horrific persecution in modern history.

German Nazis killed at least nine immigrants and a policewoman

German authorities have revealed that a Neonazi terror cell murdered at least 10 people, eight of whom were Turkish small businessmen, one a Greek small business man and one police woman.

Two Neonazis killed themselves when police closed in on them. A woman accomplice is under arrest. Leftwing critics allege that identity papers showed that the men and the woman were connected to German domestic intelligence, who covered for them.

DSE's Koala sam still suppressed by tabloid media

Sam the scam, Sam the koala is an impostor!

This story remains suppressed as of 14 December 2011.
It'd be a great Christmas present to see the truth widely exposed.

On 12 February a paper was published that for the first time revealed that the stuffed “Sam the Koala” sitting in the National Museum of Victoria is an impostor or fake.

Yes, the original water-drinking Koala is a different animal!

That was a male Koala, later renamed “Bob”, who had been captive as far back as 2006!

Victorian agriculture minister locks in logging of native forests

The Victorian Coalition Government have given a green light to their logging mates by announcing the expansion of native forest logging and locking in to place much longer native forest logging contracts.

In a statement yesterday Agriculture and Food Security Minister National Party MP Peter Walsh released the Timber Industry Action Plan. Under the plan Vicforests would be able to harvest and sell timber through supply agreements of up to 20 years, instead of the current maximum five year period. VicForests will also be given the right to sell timber in a variety of ways, including both timber auctions and other sales arrangements. And contract clauses will be written in to provide compensation if there happens to be a change of government policy in the future (as sometimes happens in a democracy).


Violence engulfs Kenyan tribe just miles from royal hideaway


December 13, 2011

A Kenyan tribe living near the area famous for its links to Prince William and Kate Middleton’s engagement has been engulfed by violence after wildlife charities arranged to buy their land.

Kenya’s Laikipia district has been part of the traditional territory of the Samburu tribe for centuries until two US-based charities – The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) – agreed to pay $2 million for their land, which was officially owned by former Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi.

The defining phase in our struggle

By Michael Anderson We said it aloud all the time “Sovereignty Never Ceded” and now we can reveal that our sovereignty is real, both as a matter of fact and law. The challenge that is now before us as Peoples is how to put it all into practice. To assert our sovereignty as a right recognised in English law is the political and legal confrontation that we will now face with the Australian governments and territories.
Related: Who deleted the phrase ‘her heirs and successors’? | “Make 2012 the Year of the Last Stand for Justice” | Euahlayi activist expects Aboriginal sovereignty confirmed "over the next few days" | Aboriginal tribal leader off to Europe to challenge Australian sovereignty | Earlier statements


From Perth Airport - forcible deportation blockaded - Vigil ongoing - Come on out here if you can. UPDATE - two injunctions secured

A Tamil person, fearing for his life if returned to Sri Lanka, Emil, was due to be forcibly deported at 2:05pm from Perth International Airport and due to set foot in Sri Lanka at just after midnight (our time - WST). The Federal Magistrates Court in Sydney heard a last minute plea to review his case and an injunction was sought. While this injunction was being sought and heard, government agencies, in their obvious immorality and in many ways their criminality were prepared to deport him.
He has now been taken off the airplane. If he was on the plane while the appeal for an injunction was being heard then this is unbelievable immorality to have had him on the plane.

Confusion asunder at the Perth Domestic Airport Immigration Centre where a vigil has been underway to protect the rights of Emil and Vithuran(due to be forcibly deported tomorrow) - one of them was bundled into a vehicle by SERCO personnel however this vehicle was blocked by six protestors - there were no arrests and after some time SERCO personnel returned the person to the confines of the IDC - it turned out to be Vithuran, who they were obviously relocating in readiness for tomorrow's disgraceful, despicable and inhumane forcible deportation.

UPDATE: 13.12.2011 - The Injunction for Emil was secured late yesterday in the High Court. This morning an Injuction was secured for Vithuran in the High Court -thanks to the RAC Sydney and lawyers - for the time they cannot be deported.


Climate down in Durban


Diplomats from all over the world are returning home after a hard-won agreement in Durban, South Africa.

They agreed to do nothing to save our climate from disaster.

Our governments will talk until 2015, and then maybe do something serious about greenhouse gas emissions in 2020. By then, as Radio Ecoshock listeners know, we will be committed to at least 3 and a half degrees Centigrade hotter world in 2100, than our ancestors knew in 1750. It will only get hotter after that.