
Performance ratings mp3

A laid back performance review of industry, government, institutions etc.

some sarcasm and explicit lyrics !

news media samples, 'Away From It All' Monty Python, 'Anonymous Revolution Music', various tracks Check Mate, various tracks Marcus Miller, Rap Guide To Evolution, other...

29:45 min 128 kbps stereo 27.6 MB

WGAR News: Only a few weeks left to voice opposition to 10 more years of Intervention

Newsletter date: 2 January 2012

* Only a few weeks left to voice opposition to 10 more years of Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Submissions on the role of languages in protection of indigenous rights due soon
* 40th anniversary of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy Canberra - 26 to 29 January 2012
* Congress Peoples' Forum: Sovereignty and Self Determination - Canberra - 24 to 25 January 2012
* Interview with ANTaR's Jacqui Phillips about the ‘Locked Up and Locked Out’ campaign

Extreme weather: Cyclone Thane hits India killing 46

One of the last tragic extreme weather events of 2011 was Cyclone Thane hitting the Tamil Nadu coast of India. It caused 46 deaths and damaged buildings, roads and crops. It was the strongest tropical cyclone of 2011 within the North Indian Ocean.

New year's eve solidarity demo at Villawood detention centre

At midnight, as 2011 became 2012, a group of anarchists held a small noise demo outside Villawood Immigration Detention Centre with fireworks, drums, chants and a banner reading 'NO ONE A HOSTAGE IN THE HANDS OF THE STATE - FIRE TO THE PRISONS'. People inside heard us and answered by waving and shouting 'freedom.' Being able to communicate with people across these borders meant that, even though it was a small gesture, for us it was a beautiful way to start this new year.


All children are sacred

The Intervention in the Northern Territory was of course an act of blatant racism. To send the army into indigenous communities to remove children from parents, to cut payments to aboriginals, to abandon the racial Discrimmination Act, to forego our responsibilities under International treaties on human rights, was an affront to the humanity of many Australians, black and white.

Aboriginal Tent Embassy – Canberra, January 26-28 – “We will not leave till justice, at long last, is done”

Aboriginal embassy.jpg•Thousands to camp at Aboriginal Tent Embassy
•Thousands to stay till racism and discrimination are eliminated
•The Intervention must end immediately
•The full suite of funding and services to all Aboriginal communities must be met
•The intentions of Native Title to be upheld, and more

By Gerry Georgatos On the midnight morning of January 27, 1972, at shy of 1am a beach umbrella was planted on a lawn in front of Parliament House in Canberra, and as dawn broke so did the news go national. History was raised - this was the onset of 'Aboriginal Tent Embassy'


Longshore Workers, Truckers: Shut the Ports, Coast to Coast!

The Internationalist
December 2011

Following Dec. 12 West Coast Port Blockade

Longshore Workers, Truckers: Shut the Ports, Coast to Coast!

 Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Occupy protesters blockade the port of Oakland, California, December 12. (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

The Shortwave Report 12/30/11 ¡Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (December 30) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Floating DVD Project - Strategies of Struggle From Below

This is a social project done through the sharing of an experimental documentary and the creation of an interactive space to engage with ideas that aren’t normally disseminated, in which people can connect and discuss experiences and their thoughts about various strategies of struggle. You can browse the site, stream or download the documentary, share your experience, read others’ experiences from around the world and debate ideas.

Palmoil industry kills orangutans as pests

The orangutang’s mother was killed on a palmoil plantation

By Rainforest Rescue The British Broadcasting Corporation reports that orangutans are treated as "pest" and exterminated on Indonesian and Malaysian palm oil plantations. In the last year alone, up to 1,800 orangutans were killed in Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo).

Environmentalists call for Australian government to investigate massacre in Indonesia

Friends of the Earth Australia Media Release 26 Dec 2011
With three dead and nine critically injured, questions are being raised about the role of Australian owned company Arc Exploration after a community protest on the island of Sumbawa was attacked by Indonesian police.


Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 4 events from 24 January 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 24 to 25 January 2012: ANU, Canberra, ACT
Congress Peoples' Forum:
Sovereignty and Self Determination: The Political Contract
Celebrating 40th anniversary Aboriginal Tent Embassy
Hosted by National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Thu 26 to Sun 29 January 2012: Parkes, Canberra, ACT
40th anniversary of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy Canberra
Sovereignty Never Ceded: a key theme of the 40th Anniversary


Melbourne Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 5 events from 20 January 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 20 January 2012: RMIT entrance, Melbourne, Vic
Indigenous freedom-fighters commemoration:
Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner
"To commemorate the execution of the indigenous
freedom fighters Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner"
Event details:

Event: 26 January 2012: Belgrave, Melbourne, Vic
2012 Belgrave Survival Day
"The Hills community is gearing up to celebrate
indigenous culture on ‘Australia Day’ at the fifth
annual Belgrave Survival Day event. This event


Sydney Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 4 events from 17 January 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 17 to 28 January 2012: Chippendale, Sydney, NSW
Photographic exhibition:
Manuwangku Under the Nuclear Cloud
"Manuwangku: Under a Nuclear Cloud, gives the affected
Aboriginal communities a collective voice against the
proposed radioactive waste dump. The exhibition aims
to dispel the myth that remote areas are uninhabited
and thus suitable to be dumping grounds.
Jagath Dheerasekara is a talented and respected
photographer as well as an Amnesty International
Human Rights Defender."

WGAR News: Wrapping up 2011; New Aboriginal Tent Embassy 40th anniversary website

Newsletter date: 28 December 2011

* New Aboriginal Tent Embassy 40th anniversary website
* Interview with activist Darren Bloomfield from the Aboriginal Tent Embassy
* Michael Anderson: Govt gives ultimatums to NAIDOC not to use 40th anniversary
* SBS Radio Living Black: WA Indigenous Affairs Minister clears the way for mining mate
* Dianne Stokes speaks at Hot Politics-Radioactive waste management in Australia
* Interview with Chris Graham wrapping up the year’s events
* SBS World News Australia: 2011 in review - The NT intervention

Stronger but fewer cyclones for Australia says CSIRO scientist

New research by CSIRO scientists is showing a trend for fewer tropical cyclones forming off the Western Australian coast, but those that do form may become more intense and potentially destructive. The results apply across the Australian region according to CSIRO in an interview with Dr Debbie Abbs from CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research.


Punks Not Dead - Melbourne punk bands reclaim unused spaces for shows

Almost 35 years since punk hit independent bands in Melbourne, Australia are still keeping the punk spirit alive. They are are saying F*@% you! to the main stream venues around that charge high prices for drinks, large entrance fees and make bands jump through hoops to play by running their own shows in unused spaces.


Aboriginal Tent Embassy - New website launched

Aboriginal Tent Embassy will be massive and we need to be there on January 26 starting with the march from Alinga to Parliament at 9am

People will be coming from all over Australia and some from overseas and I and others from WA will be on our way to stand alongside - A number of social justice groups will be there in numbers with our banners calling loud for justice and for an end to tragic incarceration rates as Gerry Georgatos and Ray Jackson often describe on this site.