
Help stop the spread of infections in the sick - go vegan!

If being healthier, reducing your carbon and water footprint and reducing the suffering of animals was not enough reason for you to go Vegan perhaps you should think of the sick. This recent article in the Age explains how anti-biotics banned in the U.S. are still being used in Australia. This is despite scientific findings tat the use of these anti-biotics in livestock is likely to be leading to the increase in resistant strains of bacteria's and infections.


ALP keeps dole at poverty levels to undermine conditions of Australian workers

The following article from the World Socialist Website explains how the Federal ALP is keeping the dole at $243 a week or only $35 a day to try and force people into sub-standard working conditions. To add insult to injury the minister in charge of this decision is former Union official Bill Shorten - showing once again how hostile the union bureaucracy is to ordinary people.

Australian government rejects any dole increase

By Mike Head
14 January 2012


Web to go on strike on January 18th to stop SOPA

On Jan 24th, the U.S. Congress will vote to pass internet censorship in the Senate, even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed. We need to kill the bill - PIPA in the Senate and SOPA in the House - to protect our rights to free speech, privacy, and prosperity. We need internet companies to follow Reddit's lead and stand up for the web, as we internet users are doing every day.

On Jan 18th, sites will go dark to protest the internet censorship bills. Urge the biggest sites to join the strike. Sign the Petition. Participating? Add your site to the list, and spread the word.

Aboriginal Tent Embassy – Canberra, January 26-28 – “We will not leave till justice, at long last, is done”

•Thousands to camp at Aboriginal Tent Embassy
•Thousands to stay till racism and discrimination are eliminated
Read full featured main story: Here | Event: Aboriginal Tent Embassy Canberra January 26-29, 2012


Call-out to 8th anniversary of the death in a police chase of Aboriginal youth tj hickey

A colour leaflet is available advertising the 8th anniversary of 17 year old tj hickey who died as a result of a redfern police chase on st. valentine's day 2004 when he was rammed by a police vehicle that catapulted him onto a spiked fence.

on this 8th anniversary we are attempting to build our numbers to show the redfern police and the nsw government of barry o'farrell that we are not going to forget our true obligation to the memory of tj, his mother gail hickey and his sisters. as they will never forget the injustice that was done to tj on that infamous day, nor should we.


Climate activists protest spying and surveillance authorised by energy minister Martin Ferguson

Martin Ferguson, Minister for Resources and Energy has pushed for increased surveillance of environmental and climate activists protesting coal-fired power stations and coal export facilities, after he was directly lobbied by coal and energy infrastructure companies.

Climate and Environment activists along with Occupy Melbourne paid a call on thursday afternoon to Martin Ferguson's electoral office at 159 High Street, Preston. The office, of course, was closed early supposedly on occupational health and safety grounds, and had a Federal and Victorian police presence.

Related: Northcote Independent - That's a pretty clear "No" to Ferguson's NOSIC | Photos by Takver

The Shortwave Report 01/13/12 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 13) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, Spanish National Radio, and Radio Havana Cuba.

India: No Michelin factory in the forest of the "untouchables"

By David Vollrath at Rainforest Rescue

The French company Michelin is planning to cut down a community forest in southern India to construct a tire plant. If that happens, the people living there will lose their livelihood. They have resisted the plans for two years. Next week farmers, workers environmental alliances will rally and protest in front of the Michelin head office in France.

Rex Bellotti Jnr Walk for Justice - 450km - an end to injustices against Aboriginal peoples

Rally on and walk for justice to end Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander injustice.

It's almost three years since a police vehicle ran over Nyungar boy Rex Bellotti Junior in Albany, Western Australia and justice is yet to be served.

Rex Junior, the leading goal kicker on his Clontarf Football Academy team was not being pursued by the police, he was crossing the road when he was hit on March 10, 2009 and is now permanently impaired.


Arrest the Syrian torturers

This is hard to report, but Avaaz’s own members are being tortured by Syria’s monstrous regime. Manhal* reports that he was held in a secret prison where they pulled out his fingernails and toenails and electrocuted his body parts. "I have seen death, and I’ve been tortured nearly to death," he's told us. But if we act now, we can make Manhal's sacrifice the last straw that turns the whole world against the Assad regime.

Call for wind energy papers for world conference and exhibition

11th World Wind Energy Conference & Renewable Energy Exhibition WWEC2012

"Community Power – Citizens' Power"

Bonn, Germany, 3-5 July 2012

Call for Papers

The World Wind Energy Association WWEA and the German Wind Energy Association BWE are pleased to invite papers and presentations for the 11th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition WWEC2012, taking place 3-5 July 2012 in Bonn, Germany. The conference is aimed at presenting, exchanging and discussing the latest knowledge on the state of wind energy and renewable energy in general, including the state of the technology.

ANTaR NSW is looking for a new campaigns manager

ANTaR NSW is looking for a new Campaigns Manager – with a particular focus on developing more effective communication and engagement strategies.

The position is part time, 2 days per week. Applications close on January 20. Please see full details below.

Please pass this information to people or networks you think might have the skills we are looking for.

ANTaR NSW Campaigns Manager - Position Description

ANTaR NSW exists to support and help protect the human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in NSW.

National Check in with Martin Ferguson campaign launched

Some very clever climate activists have launched a National Check in with Martin Ferguson campaign on Facebook as a response to the revelations of his spying on climate activists on behalf of the coal and power multinationals - see below

Australian Taxpayers money is being spent to monitor the activities of community climate groups.


Call for submissions - new Perth based newspaper/magazine

Dear friends,

We aim to provoke, educate and inspire.

We support community organisation and direct action.

We believe in solidarity, justice, equality and freedom.

We believe that ethnicity, gender, ability, sexuality and age are not
legitimate determinants of value and worth.

We oppose all forms of hierarchy.

We oppose political parties and bureaucracies.

We seek input from our readers.

We are taking submissions for the first issue of the self-published
magazine/journal/newspaper 'Unnamed' to be released in late February.


The simple facts on Australia's failure to stop the whale slaughter by the Japanese

Three activists, by boarding the Shonan Maru 2, have highlighted to the international news media the illegal whale-slaughters by the Japanese who argue that they are doing it in the name of scientific research. Campaigners against whale slaughter argue this is not true and a ploy to circumvent a 1978 international ruling prohibiting whale poaching for commercial use, effected as a moratorium by the International Whaling Commission in 1986.

Loggers invade tribal home of Amazon Indian child 'burned alive'

Awá men travel down a road cut by loggers.
© Uirá Garcia

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, January 10, 2012 -- Loggers have invaded the Amazon home of uncontacted Awá Indians, one of whom has reportedly been ‘burned alive’.

Members of the Guajajara tribe, which also inhabits the area, have said that they came across the burned remains of an Awá child deep in the Amazon forest, following an attack by loggers, according to Brazilian NGO CIMI.

Jenny Macklin taps $400m Aboriginal fund for running costs

by: Paul Cleary From: The Australian January 10, 2012 12:00AM

INDIGENOUS Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin is increasingly using a burgeoning $400 million indigenous fund to pay for running costs and short-term financial fixes - actions that have attracted a warning from the Auditor-General.

The mining boom has given Ms Macklin growing financial clout as she presides over the little-known Aboriginals Benefit Account, which last year collected $155m in mining-related income and has quadrupled in size since 2004 to $412m in equity.

Our sincere apologies, Prime Minister: Commentary by Paul Watson

Our apologies, Prime Minister. I’m sorry we were not racing around the world trying to establish a world record on a ten million dollar sailing vessel that was wrecked by a storm.

I’m sorry we were not a Russian poaching vessel stealing Patagonia toothfish from the waters off the coast of Antarctica where we breached our hull and needed your help.

I’m sorry that we are not an eco-tourist vessel grounded on the beach of Antarctica in need of your assistance.

Unfortunately we’re not setting world records, poaching fish or gawking at penguins.