
Fracking - The Rest of the Story

As shale gas (or coal gas) fracking envelops Australia and the world - pay attention to the repression of information and victims in the United States.

This is a full program about the risks of fracking, with voices seldom heard. It's also about the failure of the US Environmental Protection Agency to regulate this industry (although it's hands were tied by Pres Geo Bush's exemption for the industry from the Safe Water Drinking Act).

WGAR News: "Four actions to help stop the proposed NT nuclear dump" Beyond Nuclear Initiative

Newsletter date: 8 February 2012

* Four actions to help stop the proposed NT nuclear dump
* More on the Aboriginal Tent Embassy protest on Invasion Day
* Submissions received on Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Bill
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


Beyond Nuclear Initiative: Four actions to help stop the proposed NT nuclear dump

Democracy needs reform: Human rights, housing policy – Australia and China compared

Housing affordability is an issue of basic human rights. A recent report in the UK, A Silent Killer by Sheffield University commissioned by a charity organisation, Crisis (21 Dec 2011) reveals that:

“People who live on the streets die an average of 30 years before the general population” due to:

UK MPs call for end to ‘human safaris’ as new video proves police link

Jarawa girls. Newly released videos show Jarawa
women being ordered to dance. © Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, February 6, 2012 - - The ‘human safaris’ scandal in the Andaman Islands has reached the British Parliament, with MPs tabling a motion calling on India to close the illegal road that cuts through the Jarawa tribe’s reserve.

NSW Government is a liar

The NSW Government is a LIAR, it has done every thing the Labor Party warned it would do before Election, save jobs and wages sack the Lib Government at the next election, plus every thing they have planned Rail, Roads, Hospatials and Education all going to happen after the next Election, The Premier has lied to me personally over a Parlaiment Equiry, today i have found out that i have been Ignored all the time, i ask to be told the truth from the start, waste of time of Michael in Mr Bart Bassett's office,,, any way Labor voters come back and sack the NSW Government and keep the Federal L


Egypt amidst repression, Islamist reaction and workers’ struggle

After the killings at the soccer match on February 1 at Port Said (74 deaths, mainly among supporters of the Al-Ahly club of Cairo), the “ultras”, supporters of the teams from the capital whom, throughout the events of last year had fought many times the forces of repression, have accused the SCAF of premeditated killing. Therefore, with the support of various leftist parties and youth movements, they organized protests demanding the departure of SCAF, towards the parliament, the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Defense.

No coal mine in Bacchus Marsh - locals and activists halt exploratory drilling

Locals and activists from Quit Coal stopped exploratory drilling in Bacchus Marsh today, 50km west of Melbourne. About 20 people occupied a drilling rig belonging to Mantle Mining on the side of Glenmore Road, near the corner of Daisybank Lane, Bacchus Marsh.

Two people locked themselves to the Mantle Mining exploratory drilling rig this morning: Paul Connor climbed to the top of the rig and unfurled a banner which read ‘No New Coal Bacchus Marsh’. Bacchus Marsh mother Natasha Mills, who is pregnant with her second child, locked herself to the bottom of the rig and told reporters "I felt a responsibility to stop drilling today because I’m determined to protect my family from a dangerous coal mine, and I don’t want my children’s future to be marked by run-away climate change."

Background: Our neighbour the coal mine? Bacchus Marsh | Quit Coal | Quit Coal Flickr Photostream | Moorabool Environment Group | Sourcewatch: Bacchus Marsh coal project


Seven nations represented at anti-uranium conference in Germany

By SOFA Münster

Two hundred anti-nuclear activists from Niger, Russia, France, Poland, Turkey, the Netherlands and Germany attended a one-day uranium conference in the German city Münster on 4 February.

The main focus of the gathering was the demand to shut down the international uranium industry and to stop the worldwide uranium mining, enrichment and processing into nuclear fuel.

Supported by 35 anti-nuclear and environmental organisations this was the biggest conference of its kind in Germany for years.

No apologies are due to either politician, nor to anyone else

that the media lies is not new. that politicians lie is also not new. that the police lie is definitely not new and has been happening for quite some time.

it is also not new that all three entities lie collectively to protect themselves and the police especially. the cover-up and white-wash of the death of tj hickey examples that most easily.


Heavy rain and flooding in Fiji tests climate disaster preparedness

Fiji is experiencing heavy rain and major flooding with a 15-day state of emergency being declared in Fiji’s west coast areas. At least 8 people have died in the Fiji January-February 2012 floods with up to 51 reported cases of water-related diseases, thousands in evacuation centres and $30million in damages reported so far.

Related Images: Flood Relief 2012 in Fiji

Oppose Gina Rinehart

Mining magnate Gina Rinehart has just bought a major stake in Fairfax media -- in a bid that could turn The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald into mouthpieces for climate denial to protect her mining interests. But together we can foil her plan.

A report from the solidarity vigil for Julian Assange at the Supreme Court, London

By Ciaron O'Reilly

By the time I lived in community with Phil Berrigan, he was a wise old man. He had served many years in U.S. prisons for his nonviolent resistance to the Vietnam War and nuclear weapons - initiating the draft board raids and plowshares movements. After I moved on, he would serve many more years. He was in the very best sense disillusioned with popular American pretensions. He suffered from few illusions.

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 17 events from 3 February 2012

Newsletter date: 3 February 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 4 November 2011 to February 2012: Townsville, Qld
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow
- Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970
Event description:
Event location:

Event: February 2012 to May 2012: Queensland Museum
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow
- Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970

Upcoming Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 3 events from 17 February 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 17 Feb 2012: International
Submissions on role of languages and culture due 17 Feb 2012
United Nations Human Rights:
Study on languages and cultures
"Call for submissions from indigenous peoples and their
The Expert Mechanism is calling for submissions on the role
of languages and culture in the protection and promotion of
the rights and identity of indigenous peoples, its current


Upcoming Melbourne Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 10 events from 9 February 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 9 February 2012: Carlton, Melbourne, Vic
Film screening: Operation 8 with Gary Foley
"Operation 8 involved 18 months of invasive
surveillance of Maori sovereignty ...
Reflections on Operation 8 & Q&A hosted by
Gary Foley after the screening."
Event details:

Event: Sat 11 February 2012: Melbourne, Vic
Aboriginal Rights Film Festival
The Coolbaroo Club; The Tall Man;
Ningla A-Na [Hungry for our land]; BarbaKiueria


Still time to make submission on 10-year extension of the Intervention

Important: Please forward widely!

By Sabine Kacha

Dear All,

If you haven’t lodged your submission yet regarding the 10 Year extension of NT Intervention measures which allows for massive human rights breaches towards Aboriginal peoples to continue and is in non-compliance with Australia’s International obligations, you still have a chance to have your voice heard!

The Federal Government has extended the deadline for submissions on the legislation that replaces the Emergency Intervention into Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory…

The latest Shortwave Report (February 3) is up on the web

Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (February 3) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

     This week's show features stories from Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and the Voice of Russia.

Johns reinforces the colonialist view that we being invaded was really a blessing in disguise

Response to an article ‘Special treatment is the new black’ by Gary Johns in ‘The Australian’

once again the australian offers its pages to allow its white-blindfolded pundits to highlight their racist and wasp-ish views of an assimilationist australia. the arguments differ little in content and context from those other 'saviours' such as bolt, devine, mundine or pearson, who want nothing more than to have 'those uppity blacks' properly put in their (hidden) place.