
Occupy Sydney claim police harassment

The Occupy Sydney movement claims that the NSW Police force are harassing activists with regular raids on their Martin Place base and numerous arrests for trivial matters.

The group says Police visit their site up to three times a day, confiscate property and try to charge people with minor offences.

In the latest incident six occupy activists were arrested following a protest outside the Greek embassy on Wednesday.

Four of them were held for 10 to 12 hours each, then released without charge.


Urgent petition to stop racist legislation in parliament next week

We have just heard that despite intense community and civil society opposition the "Stronger Futures" legislation is being put to the vote in Parliament next week. This is before the Senate Inquiry has a chance to submit its report on the legislation on 13th March. The Stand For Freedom campaign is ready to spread like wildfire, and we need your support.

The Government clearly wants to rush this through before the nation gets a wind of what they're up to.

NITV Forum finds the Stronger Futures Legislation “dehumanising” and lacking consultation

Urgent petition to stop racist legislation in parliament next week

May face High Court challenge

NITV Current Affairs Opinion Piece-Stronger Futures to be broadcast on the 28 February 9.30pm AEDT has found overwhelming opposition to the Federal Government’s new legislation.


The Shortwave Report 02/24/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (February 24) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Dinner with the Prime Minister

On Tuesday night, six GetUp members – all in loving, same-sex relationships – sat down to dinner with the Prime Minister to make the case for marriage equality.

Why did the Prime Minister meet with these couples - and their children - on an issue she'd rather avoid? Because six months ago GetUp members moved at lightning pace to chip in and win her time at a charity auction.



Listen up! Ms Gillard and Messrs Rudd, Abbott, Shorten, Turnbull et al:

Aborigines sorted conflict between male and female leaders a long time ago with a tradition of joint leadership. Clearly the empowerment of women has left the Parliament of Australia adrift in unchartered waters. When will you deign to listen to those with experience?

Canberra needs to get ready for a new way of doing things. The experiment with women in power worked. Joint leaders, women's and men's legislatures.



WGAR News: Nyoongar Tent Embassy marches to Government House in protest

Newsletter date: 23 February 2012

* Reminder of Our Generation Film Screening in Canberra - 27 Feb 12
* Reminder of Canberra rally to Stop the Second Intervention - 28 Feb 12
* Nyoongar Tent Embassy marches to Government House in protest
* "NT Aboriginal leaders reject Stronger Futures" Tracker
* "[NT] may have highest youth suicide rate in the developed world" NT Children's Commissioner
* "The future of indigenous activism?" The Wire
* Videos of 12 Feb 2012 Public meeting in Bankstown
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles

36 hours to save our oceans

In 36 hours our government could save one million square kms of ocean -- but the commercial fishing industry is vigorously opposing this move. The government is holding a public consultation to get a clear mandate to put the environment above corporate profit. The consultation closes in two days -- let's send a flood of support to save our dying oceans. Send a message now, then forward this appeal to everyone:

The role of the U.S. in the leadership crisis in the ALP

As the media goes into overdrive discussing the leadership crisis in the ALP, the real story of the June 2010 coup against Rudd and its ongoing implications are being ignored. Rudd was removed by a few faceless men in the ALP for a number of reasons: Due to domestic pressure from the mining companies, due to frustration from sections of the business elite about his stimulus package and due to hostility by the U.S. to the Rudd's Government's position on China and the Afghan War. It has been written out of history by the press that Mark Arbib one of the key coup plotters was a U.S. spy and as the following article outlines, the recent Four Corners program has revealed further evidence that the U.S. Government had advance notice of the coup against Rudd. I highly recommend the following article and others on the World Socialist Website to get the real story about Australian politics - make no mistake there is far more than a clash of personalities going on in Canberra right now.

Truth does matter - Apology owed

Gillard and Rudd are products of the me-generation. They do not comprehend that politics is a calling.

Gorton was removed by his party. Whitlam was removed by the Governor-General and the CIA. Hayden was displaced by Hawke. Keating and Hawke tussled bitterly. There was bitterness however like Costello they predominately put the nation's interests first and stepped back.

Latham is another product of the me-generation.

The week's nuke news

By Christina Macpherson
Details at and


The New South Wales government hypocritically allows "exploration" for uranium , but not mining. At the same time, its regulations on renewable energy are designed to prevent small scale wind energy from being able to develop.

Rare earths Australian rare earths company Lynas facing court in Malaysia over its inadequate radioactive waste plan, and strong public opposition.

We are all Syrians now

Related: Smuggle hope into Syria - Amazing response!

With each passing day, Syria's crackdown on democracy protesters reaches new levels of horror -- bombing crowded neighborhoods filled with innocent civilians, cutting off electricity and phones so families can’t call for help, and blocking medical aid to the wounded. But finally a flicker of hope is emerging that could stop the terror.

NSW police to celebrate themselves this year

by ray jacksaon

i recently had brunch with two young comrades who told me, among other
matters, that 2012 is the nsw year of the police even though i can find
nothing on google. apparently the police intend to hold events
throughout this year to highlight to themselves, the nsw government and possibly
some of the public just what they do and how they do it. an important part of
what they do we all need to take a closer look at.

i have also volunteered to write up what was put to activists, aboriginal
and not, about formulating a national deaths in custody coalition that

My hat goes off to those organising DIY events around Melbourne

Recently I read an article on Indymedia that was a review on a DIY bridge gig held in North Melbourne. I have decided to write this follow-up article looking at a few of the DIY gigs that have been happening around Melbourne at the moment. Especially in the punk scene lot of the DIY of movement has been growing somewhat stale compared to what it has been in previous days.


Tell the 4 big banks you’re fed up with them and looking for a better deal

The big four banks are hiking up interest rates and sacking thousands of workers in the name of “saving costs” while they post record billion-dollar profits. Join Choice's campaign to tell the big banks you’re fed up with them taking customers for granted -- and that you’re looking for a better deal.

Click here.

Upcoming Sydney Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 5 events from 21 February 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 25 January to Wed 22 February 2012: Leichhardt, Sydney, NSW
Photography exhibition of works by Kamilaroi woman Barbara McGrady
"Boomalli Aboriginal Artists’ Co-operative is hosting
Rites here! Rights now!, a photography exhibition of
works by Kamilaroi woman Barbara McGrady."
Event details:
Event details:

Event: Thu 23 February 2012: UTS, Sydney, NSW

WGAR News: News of the Nyoongar Tent Embassy on Heirisson Island in Perth

Newsletter date: 21 February 2012

* News of the Nyoongar Tent Embassy on Heirisson Island in Perth
* New Website for Stronger Futures info and submissions
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 18 events from 21 February 2012


- Videos

Green Left: Nyoongar Tent Embassy: This is about sovereignty

No nukes for NSW

SNAP RALLY: No Uranium Mining NSW
12.30pm. Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Outside NSW Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney
Bring friends, banners, signs ...

The O'Farrell government has introduced legislation to overturn a 26‐year ban on uranium exploration in NSW, opening the way for future proposals to mine and export uranium.

The NSW government has no mandate for uranium mining in NSW. This issue was not raised at the election and, until recently, Premier O'Farrell maintained that government had 'no plans' to overturn the ban.
