36 hours to save our oceans

In 36 hours our government could save one million square kms of ocean -- but the commercial fishing industry is vigorously opposing this move. The government is holding a public consultation to get a clear mandate to put the environment above corporate profit. The consultation closes in two days -- let's send a flood of support to save our dying oceans. Send a message now, then forward this appeal to everyone: http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_the_coral_sea_4_aus/?cl=1614390007&v=12830

This would set up the largest marine reserve in the world and preserve thousands of delicate species. But they will need a global outcry to beat out commercial fishing and mining companies hoping to destroy the plan.

The government hopes public consultation will give them a mandate to take a big step towards a sustainable future for our oceans and our planet. But the reserve will cost money and without massive support right now, the short term financial interests of industry could beat out our hopes for a safe future for our seas.

We only have 36 hours until the consultation closes -- click to send a submission to the consultation now, then forward this email to everyone:


The reports are dire: in 36 years, our oceans could be completely fished-out, in 100 years, all coral reefs might be dead. This action alone won’t be enough to turn the tide. But it will establish the largest marine reserve in the world!

Saving the world’s oceans from collapse will require bold political leadership and dedicated citizens taking action. The Australian government could be at the forefront. But industrial fishing companies want a marine highway through the area for their long line vessels.

We can save a million square kms of ocean by flooding the consultation with appeals from people across Australia. Let's drown out the voices of the commercial fishing companies, and protect our oceans for generations to come. Click the link below to send an urgent message, then forward this to friends and family:


In 2010, Avaaz members helped create the world’s largest marine reserve around the Chagos islands -- let’s create an even bigger one this time and stand up for the future of our oceans!

With hope,

Stephanie, Maria Paz, Alice, Ricken, Dalia, Diego, Antonia and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:

Protect our Coral Sea

Valerie Taylor joins battle for the Coral Sea (The Cairns Post)

Does the Coral Sea marine park proposal provide enough protection? (The Conversation)

Coral Sea Commonwealth marine reserve proposal (Australian Government website)

Impacts of fishery activities (FAO)

Queenslanders support coral sea protection (Pew Press Release)