
The Syrian people's gift to us

Powered by millions of online actions and donations from 75,000 of us, our community is playing a central role in supporting the Syrian people as they persist in peaceful protest against all odds. Together, we're empowering citizen journalism, smuggling in medical supplies and western journalists, and much more.

Stolen wages offer a ‘slap in the face’ says WA Aboriginal Legal Service

ALSWA Media Statement
6 March 2012

The Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (ALSWA) has slammed the WA State Government’s offer of up to $2000.00 to Aboriginal workers whose past wages were stolen by the state.

“This is a slap in the face and a cruel and heartless offer which offends the very notion of recompense,” said ALSWA CEO Adjunct Professor Dennis Eggington.

Death and the Olympics

On December 2-3, 1984, as the people of the central Indian town of Bhopal slept, over 40 tons of a deadly toxic gas -- methyl isocyanate -- leaked from the pesticide plant owned by Dow Chemical subsidiary Union Carbide India Limited. Company executives could have warned the public, but instead chose not to sound the emergency alarm bell in town, sending confused parents and children fleeing directly into the poison cloud.

Conflict at night as Japanese whaling vessels harass lone Sea Shepherd ship

Conflict at night on the high seas of the southern ocean whale sanctuary as two Japanese harpoon ships harass Sea Shepherd activists on board the Bob Barker in an attempt to throw them off the tail of the Nisshin Maru whaling factory ship. The weapons in this mini conflict were Tow lines, lasers, spotlights and rockets (flares). The harassment occurred as night was rapidly falling with snow flurries in the air, and within hours of the Bob Barker sighting the Nisshin Maru.

Related youtube videos: Sea Shepherd: The Japanese whaling fleet attacks the Bob Barker - March 5, 2012 | ICR: Bob Barker fires rockets at Yushin Maru 2 - March 5, 2012


UNESCO investigators arrive in Australia today to check on Great Barrier Reef

How could we let this happen? That’s what UNESCO officials want to find out, as they take the extraordinary step of coming to Australia, arriving today. They're here to investigate how Australian governments have allowed one of our most precious World Heritage areas, the Great Barrier Reef, to be devastated by dredging and dumping to make way for coal and coal seam gas export facilities.

UK government conspiracy to cover up paedophilia / UK cabinet admits to have blocked lawsuit against Pope / Raelians organise protests worldwide in front of UK embassies

Las Vegas USA, March 5, 2012 - The International Raelian Movement ( says they have a letter from the UK Cabinet which proves that the UK Cabinet is complicit in crimes of paedophilia as well as Crimes Against Humanity. All this stems from a lawsuit the Movement filed against the Pope during his visit to the UK in September 2010, alleging covering up paedophilia within the church as well as Crimes Against Humanity for the Vatican's telling millions of Africans that condoms do not stop the transmission of AIDS.


We are lucky Bob Carr was not appointed Indigenous Affairs Minister!

Gerry Georgatos

Former NSW premier, Bob Carr, autocratically selected by Prime Minister Julia Gillard, without it going to a vote of even the Cabinet, to fill the vacant Senate position meant Warren Mundine, who lobbied for the senatorial vacancy was overlooked - and who would have been the first ALP Aboriginal federal parliamentarian in the hundred year history of the party. The Prime Minister has publicly said that she values Mr Carr’s advice and that she has often consulted him on a range of issues.


How Australia’s right to know is being systematically perverted and denied!

Is there a recent issue in Australian politics, which has been more reported to death, bored and offended us more than Kevin udd’s planned comeback as Prime Minister? How many times has the media reported Kevin Rudd’s renewed leadership ambitions and the fact he was convinced he was a better PM than Julia Gillard?


Sea Shepherd ruse allows Bob Barker to find whaling factory ship

The Japanese whaling fleet is facing a second year of poor whaling in the southern ocean whale sanctuary due to the dogged perseverance and tactics of two Sea Shepherd vessels: the Steve Irwin and Bob Baker. A third sea sheperd vessel, the Brigitte Bardot, was forced to retire early in the whaling season when it sustained damage from a rogue wave.

Related: Japanese Whalers Lose Bid To Block U.S.-Based 'Sea Shepherd' Activists | Sea Shepherd - ICR’s injunction is denied in U.S. District Court

Veterans say, "PM, get the troops out fast!

Media Release 5 March 2012 The veterans and ex -service people of Stand Fast are demanding that PM Gillard get Australian troops out of Afghanistan and fast.

They say widespread anger and unrest amongst Afghans caused by the burning of copies of the Quran by reckless US soldiers, has all but collapsed security for Westerners in Afghanistan.


Bonjour - Delivery of radioactive waste

This morning (5th March 2012) Friends of the Earths- ACE & Yellow cake road collectives, delivered a barrel of radioactive waste to Martin Ferguson's electoral office in Preston. The stunt was a response to the Federal Governments lack of community consultation & lack of ability to have an open transparent national discussion about the safe storage of the nations radioactive waste. In 2014-2015 Australia is due to receive back spent fuel rods from France, that have been sent for processing.


Call for a national death in custody organisation

Attached is a working document based on our talks in the Tent Embassy regarding the Death In Custody campaign.

It is a working document because we have to start discussions in our organisations to see if it is possible to develop the organisation to have a united response to the DIC. Ray J. will be contacting you to see how we can progress our project.

Apple spin

By SumOfUs

The fight to improve the treatment of workers in Apple’s supply chain is going to be a long, hard one – and it’s going to be fought on the shifting sands of PR spin, against one of the most sophisticated corporate media apparatuses in history.

“Stronger Futures will kill us”

The federal government’s special measures under the proposed Stronger Futures laws “will kill Aboriginal people”, a forum in Maningrida, broadcast by National Indigenous Television (NITV), heard from an Elder.
