
“It was fraud to include Aborigines in the 1967 census”

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 19 March 12 – An Aboriginal leader has thrown open the possibility of Commonwealth government having “committed a major fraud against the Australian public” in connection with the 1967 referendum that included Aborigines in the national census for the first time.

Indonesia Jails Five West Papuans

 Indonesia jails five peaceful protestors for treason. Amnesty is calling for their immediate release.

- Five West Papuan citizens have been jailed for THREE YEARS for peacefully expressing their political views.

- They were charged with the absurd charge of TREASON for taking part in the 3rd Papuan People's Congress in October.

- These five West Papuans are now officially “prisoners of conscience” according to Amnesty International.

- Amnesty says there are now 95 prisoners of conscience in Indonesian occupied West Papua.

Ashfield Anarchist HQ Evicted

On Thursday the 15th of March a massive 4 story squat in Ashfield Sydney was evicted by private security forces. For 3 inspiring and eventful months the building had been home to over 20 homeless students, workers and anarchists. The space had become a centre of anarchist organising and counter information, where many demos and actions were planned and countless zines, leaflets and posters were printed for mass distribution.


Finkelstein report triggers hysterical response from the press

The Finkelstein media report has sent the press into a frenzy about the notion of free speech.

Some journalists say the hysteria is stifling community debate about effective complaint handling and promoting quality journalism. Ensuring independence and funding, and questions about the power of a new media council, are central issues.


WGAR News: Responses to Senate Committee report on 'Stronger Futures' New NT Intervention laws

Newsletter date: 18 March 2012

* Responses to Senate Committee report on 'Stronger Futures'
* Greg Barns: "Politicians ruling by stealth as wilful ignorance is allowed to flourish"
* Paddy Gibson: "Chorus of opposition greets Macklin’s extended Intervention"
* CLC: "New waste dump legislation fundamentally flawed"
* UN Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination - 21 Mar 12
* National Close the Gap Day - 22 Mar 12
* Message Sticks Festival 2012 - Sydney
* 'Our Generation' Film screenings - Melbourne, Sydney & NSW
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles

Protest at Chemist Warehouse(s) in solidarity with striking Sigma workers

Below is footage of a solidarity action that occured in Melbourne at a Chemists Wharehouse which is one of the major recipients of drugs from Sigma. There is currently a picket and lockout occuring at Sigma's Factory in Roweville where management is trying to abolish penalty rates for nightshift workers in what is seen as a test case in the abolishment of penalty rates.


ANF imposes real wage cut in Victoria

Reprinted from the WSWS
By Patrick O’Connor 17 March 2012 The Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) in Victoria has announced a sell-out deal with the state Liberal government for a new enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) covering public hospital nurses and midwives. The agreement, quickly rammed through a mass meeting of nurses yesterday, involves a substantial real wage cut and a significant “flexibility” concession that erodes existing mandatory nurse-to-patient staffing ratios.


Australian workers locked out by pharmaceutical company

Reprinted from the WSWS

By Peter Byrne : 14 March 2012 Around 150 warehouse workers have been locked out of their workplace in the eastern Melbourne suburb of Rowville since March 5. Their employer, Sigma Pharmaceuticals, said it would lift the lockout at the end of today but is still demanding a new enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) involving significant concessions on night shift and other penalty rates.


Nuclear-free Earth Sun 11 March 2012 Channon Market, Lismore shire, Australia

Jenny Dowell, Mayor of Lismore shire, commiserated with Mahyan Kuri, a young mother originally from Fukushima, and reminded us of the scale of the human tragedy caused by the Japan tsunami; David Bradbury, film-maker and environmental activist just back from a visit to India, spoke of how the Indian farmers and fisherfolk saw nuclear power and uranium as a evil serpent; Robert Corrowa, Bundjalung songman and firekeeper at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, emphasised that the Aboriginal elders did not wish for uranium to be mined in Australia and were deeply distressed that Australian uranium ha


Tasmanian tree sitter launches Japanese awareness campaign

March 13th Still Wild Still Threatened Press Release Today Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Miranda Gibson is launching a campaign in Japan. Miranda Gibson has been living at the top of a tree, known as The Observer Tree, since December 14 2011 and her action has received international attention.

The innovative campaign to outreach the Observer Tree to the people of Japan will raise awareness of the threatened forests of Tasmania.


Victorian Duck Shooter Abuse - Coalition Against Duck Shooting

Coalition Against Duck Shooting (CADS) rescuers today documented being shot at and physically abused by duck shooters on the wetlands of Lake Buloke, located near the central Victorian town of Donald.

Rescuers were targeted on the wetlands by angry and abusive duck shooters whilst attempting to protect and rescue Australian native waterbirds.

After the tragic incident last year where a female duck rescuer was shot in the face, the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has failed to ensure firearms safety on the wetlands.


Upcoming Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 12 events from 18 March 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sun 18 March 2012 10pm: ABC Local Radio
Interview and Discussion on the Northern Territory
* Anglican Bishop of the NT Greg Thompson
* Dr Djiniyini Gondarra OAM
* Graeme Mundine
* Jeff McMullen
Event details:

Event: 21 March 2012: various locations internationally
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Event details:

Upcoming Melbourne Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 9 events from 18 March 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sun 18 March 2012 10pm: ABC Local Radio
Interview and Discussion on the Northern Territory
* Anglican Bishop of the NT Greg Thompson
* Dr Djiniyini Gondarra OAM
* Graeme Mundine
* Jeff McMullen
Event details:

Event: 21 March 2012: various locations internationally
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Event details:


Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 27 events from 17 March 2012

Last updated 18 March 2012:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 11 February 2012 to 26 May 2012: South Bank, Brisbane, Qld
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow
- Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970
Event description:
Event location:

Event: Tue 28 February to Sun 25 March 2012: Adelaide, SA
Exhibition: Deadly: in-between heaven and hell
Tandanya NACI and Adelaide Festival

Treason trials hand down guilty verdict on West Papua Congress leaders

by West Papua Media from West Papua Media sources in Jayapura March 16, 2012

Hundreds of security forces are on the streets around Jaypura, West Papua, in a show of force as an Indonesian court found five Congress leaders guilty of Makar (treason), and sentenced the defendants each to three years in prison.