
Upcoming South Australia Aboriginal rights for your diary - 5 events from 26 March 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 22 March 2012: various locations including SA
(various dates throughout Mar/Apr 12)
National Close the Gap Day
"National Close the Gap Day (NCTGD) is a way
for all Australians to join together and remind our
political leaders of their commitments to close
the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and
non-Indigenous Australians within a generation.
Our focus for 2012 is on the need for genuine,
meaningful partnership with Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander health peoples at all

"Our Generation" screening in Parramatta

Dear All,

please forward widely!

Reconciliation for Western Sydney would be happy to see you at a free Parramatta screening of 'Our Generation' with Jeff McMullen.

Introduction and Q&A by

Jeff McMullen AM

Former Foreign Correspondent

Jeff will be talking about the Stronger Futures legislation, its clash with our human rights obligations and the calls by NT Elders for opposition to the Government's approach.

Monday March 26, 11:30 to 1pm at WA state parliament - Walk for Justice Rally

On the steps of Western Australia's State Parliament - please gather and bring everyone you know, everyone who will care - The Walk for Justice, from Albany (Friday March 23) finishes up at the steps of state parliament in a call for justice for Aboriginal folk whose predicaments are long drawn out, neglected, dismissed, lost to the cowardices of various prejudices and racisms shoved down our throats generation after generation.

Monday (26 March), 11:30am, West Australian State Parliament

It is a call for justice, your presence will be part of the call

Spread the word

Michael Anderson: "If this continues we'll ask for UN peacekeepers to protect us"

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 25 March 2012 – An Aboriginal leader says if police forces continue to use riot squads, mounted police and police dogs against peaceful protesters, the United Nations will be asked to send in peacekeepers.

Michael Anderson, Interim Chair of the National Unity Government, was commenting on the police attack on the Nyoongar Embassy in Perth.



"Deep into the eyes of racism" - Nyoongar Tent Embassy, Thursday March 22

Gerry Georgatos
Two of Nyoongar Tent Embassy's stalwarts had not been to the Embassy for more than a week. Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation's Robert Eggington and John Pell were in Perth city on planning duties for the March 28 Stolen Wages march and rally when Mr Eggington was urged on by a spiritual sense and looked at Mr Pell, "Johnny, lets go to the Embassy."


WGAR News: Call for delegates to interim Aboriginal unity government assembly

Newsletter date: 24 March 2012
Last updated: 1 May 2012

* Call for delegates to interim Aboriginal unity government assembly
* GLW: Brisbane’s Aboriginal embassy deserves wide support
* Perth police invade Nyoongar Tent Embassy
* STICS: Aunty of deaths in custody victim speaks out against 'Stronger Futures'
* Photograph your feet and 'Stand For Freedom'
* More on Petition opposing an extension of NT Intervention
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 25 events from 24 March 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 11 February 2012 to 26 May 2012: South Bank, Brisbane, Qld
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow
- Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970
Event description:
Event location:

Event: Tue 28 February to Sun 25 March 2012: Adelaide, SA
Exhibition: Deadly: in-between heaven and hell
Tandanya NACI and Adelaide Festival

Scientists warn we have a 20 metre sea level rise coming due to Global Warming

Scientists studying the geological record have determined that at slightly above current temperatures we are about 20 metres below what the sea level equilibrium should be. Sea levels are increasing and forecast to rise at least a metre this century (although there is a low probability they could be higher than this), the change in sea level will occur over several hundred or thousands of years.

Scientists looking at the Pliocene period from 2.7 to 3.2 million years ago, the last time temperatures were at a similar range of 2 degrees C above average, estimated peak sea level was 22 ± 10 m higher than modern levels (extreme likelihood). This rise in sea level would require the equivalent of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets disintegrating, and some volume loss from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. We are already seeing substantial mass loss from Greenland and West Antarctic Ice sheets.

Related: Scientists Estimate Sea level Rise for next 500 years | Sea Level Rise and Australia | Australian Sea Level Rise Maps | Video Interview - The risks of Sea Level Change - Dr Peter Ward

Greenies obsessed with old trees

In a startling rebuke to “greenies” in the south west, Dr Chrissy Sharp, former Greens MLC, fired both barrels at greens and forest managers at a World Forestry Day dinner held in Bunbury last night.

Dr Sharp stated that the real risk facing WA’s native forests was climate change and that drying out of the forest was a potential calamity. Her concern was that greenies were totally focussed on reservation of old trees, totally ignoring the far more pressing need to manage stands of young regrowth trees.


Congratulations and urgent next steps re: QLD election & commitment to nature reserves

Congratulations! Anna Bligh has just responded to 3876 emails from Queensland GetUp members, sent yesterday, with a new policy to protect the Bimblebox nature refuge and others like it from mining. In her letter to GetUp members, she wrote: “I can now confirm that Labor’s policy would have the effect of ruling out mining in areas like the Bimblebox nature refuge.”

Well done, and thank you - this is great news.

Tasmanian tree sitter reaches 100 days.

Media Release March 23rd 2012 Miranda Gibson has been at the top of a tree in Tasmania’s threatened forest for 100 days. Ms Gibson’s extraordinary effort began in mid-december when she climbed to the top of the tree vowing to remain on her tree-top platform until the area was protected, as it should have been according to the Intergovernmental Agreement. Miranda celebrated her 100th day amid snow.


Audio: No uranium for QLD thanks

On March 16 anti-nuclear campaigners, citizens and Greens members spoke in Brisbane's King George Square on the dangers of opening up uranium mining and the nuclear industry.

Track 1: Greens Mt Cootha candidate Adam Stone and Greens Senator Scott Ludlam.

Track 2: Greens Senator Scott Ludlam.

Track 3: Robin Taubenfeld from Friends of the Earth Brisbane's Peace and Clean Energy collective.

The latest Shortwave Report 3/23/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (March 23) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Carnaby's Cockatoo suffers 37 per cent population decline in one year

Flocks of Carnaby's Black Cockatoo are iconic sights for the people of Perth, the Swan River Region and the forests of the South west. But comparing two population surveys in 2010 and 2011 showed a 37 percent decline in numbers across the Swan river region. That is a 37 per cent decline in one year.

According to Statistical modelling based on the 2011 Great Cocky Count the population of Carnaby’s cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) in the Swan Region was between 5200 and 8600 birds. A year earlier it was estimated that the population was 8000 to 10,000.

Related: Scientific American - Endangered Australian Cockatoo Loses One Third of Population in Just 1 Year | Biodiversity crisis: Habitat loss and climate change causing 6th mass extinction

Ecuadorians fighting for access to water seek help

Dear friends of the rainforest,

"Water is life!" This is the cry of thousands of indigenous people and peasants who are currently streaming in to the Ecuadorian capital Quito. They are fighting for free access to this essential resource and for its status as a common good.

Ecuador's government is heedlessly promoting the mining industry which is threatening to engulf billions of litres per day. This could result in a dangerous lack of water in the neighbouring villages.