
WGAR News: Greens Senator Rachel Siewert provides an overview: "Ending the NT Intervention"

Newsletter date: 15 March 2012

* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert provides an overview: "Ending the NT Intervention"
* Senate Inquiry into Stronger Futures releases it's report
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Maurice Blackburn lawyers: "New Federal laws on nuclear waste have no impact on Muckaty legal challenge"
* Other articles
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 22 events from 15 March 2012

Loggers intimidate and assault activists in Warrup Forest

Forest Rescue Media Release

14 March 2012

Forest Rescue has been waging a Non Violent Direct Action battle with the WA state government's Forest Products Commission (FPC) in order to secure the last remaining Numbat habitat in our southwest - the Warrup Forest near Bridgetown in WA. The forest is one of the last remaining intact colonies of the Numbat, of which less than a thousand remain in the wild. The Numbat was originally found across the whole of southern Australia.


The Crown owns Aboriginal culture and heritage – petition to change that

Under current laws Aboriginal people do not have a recognised right to decide what happens with their culture and heritage. In NSW the National Parks and Wildlife Act stipulates that all Aboriginal objects are considered to be ‘property of the Crown’, and gives the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (“OEH”) the power to authorise the damage or destruction of Aboriginal objects and places, through the issuing of ‘consents’.

The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is now chasing 10,000 signatures to a petition to have this important issue debated in parliament.

Upcoming South Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 6 events from 14 March 2012

Last updated 18 March 2012:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 28 February to Sun 25 March 2012: Adelaide, SA
Exhibition: Deadly: in-between heaven and hell
Tandanya NACI and Adelaide Festival
"A major exhibition of newly commissioned works
by eight leading Australian Aboriginal artists and
collectives. ... For many Indigenous peoples,
'heaven on Earth' is the divine world shaped by
ancestral creators, where connection to country
and culture are in harmony with the experience
of self and community. At the other extreme, the

Your CHOICE Move Your Money switching kit

The message to the big four banks is starting to hit home -- so far, more than 4,000 people have pledged to start looking for a better deal, and it's driving a national conversation about fairer banking in Australia.

Tomorrow is Move Your Money Day, and below is a quick update from CHOICE.

Cheers, Nathan and the team.


Upcoming Sydney Aboriginal rights for your diary - 7 events from 21 March 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 21 March 2012: various locations internationally
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Event details:
Let's Fight Racism!:

Event: Wed 21 March 2012: Sydney, NSW
Protest second intervention and deaths in custody on
UN day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Speakers include:
* Nicole Watson
* Ray Jackson
* Patricia Morton-Thomas
Event details:

Upcoming Melbourne Aboriginal rights for your diary - 7 events from 16 March 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 16 March 2012: Melbourne, Vic
Rally for Aboriginal Cultural Education
Save Ballerrt Mooroop College
"Ballieu's government is attempting to close
Melbourne's Last Indigenous School.
This will be met with peaceful community
resistance and a rally from Parliament to the
Minister for Education's office in Collins St."
Event details:

Event: 21 March 2012: various locations internationally
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


WGAR News: 28 Leading Australians call on government to abandon the Stronger Futures legislation

Newsletter date: 14 March 2012

* Statement supported by 28 Leading Australians
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Nuclear waste dump laws pass the Senate
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 19 events from 14 March 2012


- The Statement

Statement supported by 28 Leading Australians

Bob Katter's brother responds to homophobic TV ad - chip in to air it

“My brother talks about family values. Well, I'm here to tell him that hate is not a family value," Carl Katter, responding to his half-brother’s homophobic television ad that's airing right now in the lead-up to the Queensland state election.1
Click to view our response ad starring Carl Katter and help chip in to put in on air.

One of the most homophobic ads to hit Australian television screens is airing right now in Queensland.


The south west of WA is drying up - climate change everywhere

Gerry Georgatos

This summer the south west of Western Australia has experienced a record series of heatwaves - eight, and climate trends during the last four decades show a rise in temperatures and a drying climate. According too the Weather Bureau and CSIRO WA's south west is drying faster than other part of the country and scientists say it will have a transforming effect on agriculture and the habitats, and there will be an increased risk of bushfires.


What Monsanto doesn't want you to know

Monsanto is launching its latest war against good, healthy food -- but we have an opportunity to fight back.

Monsanto’s first genetically modified (GM) corn for direct human consumption has toxins built right into the plant's DNA, and could be on dinner plates soon -- sold unmarked, unlabelled, and untested on humans. Monsanto’s first foray into selling this potentially toxic GM corn straight to consumers is taking place in the U.S., but if they succeed, they won’t stop there.

Bring Julian Assange home - national rallies alert

Stating that a decision on Julian Assange's extradition will likely be issued in the next 6 days, Julian's mother, Christine Assange is calling on Australians to get ready for snap rallies across the country, as the decision should come down between March 6 - 14th 2012. This is close to home. When someone is dragged from the pack, we go back for them. It is expected that the appeal outcome to extradite Julian Assange to Sweden will be announced between March 6 - 14.

Violence breeds violence, police brutality is just not on, shouldn't be!

Some call for police to stop investigating police, others call for just common decency, when will police be brought into line with the rest of us, and for their sakes too, in being held accountable for behaviour that just makes it too difficult for us to trust in each other?

Fukushima Disaster - One Year Later

Government lies, Tokyo radioactive, 3 out-of-control reactors. News from nuclear expert Arnold Gundersen to Vancouver conference March 11th, plus reports of citizen activism in Japan, as parents measure radiation in their air, food, and children.

Reports from Aya Marumori & Wataru Iwata of CRMS from Fukushima.

Bottom line: when disaster strikes (whether nuclear, hurricanes, floods, etc) - big government hides the truth, and will not help. We have to organize and act as local communities to survive.

WGAR News: "Hear the voice of the people!": Video of Senate hearing at Maningrida 22 February 2012

Newsletter date: 13 March 2012

* "Hear the Voice of the People!": Video of Senate Hearing at Maningrida 22 February 2012
* Sisters of St Joseph question 'Stronger Futures Legislation'
* Bishop Saunders calls NT Intervention Policy a "travesty"
* Amnesty: Policies of exclusion continue in NT remote Indigenous housing programs
* Book Review: 'NT Consultation Report 2011 - By Quotations'
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Petition to Save Ballerrt Mooroop College

Anarchist Vandals salute Lambros Foundas

In the early hours of the 10th of March, exactly two years since Lambros Foundas was gunned down by uniformed pigs in the street of Athens, some anarchist vandals targeted the Marrickville branch of the Beirut Hellenic Bank.

We sprayed "BURN BANKS" "FOR LAMBROS" "FOR SOCIAL REVOLUTION" on the windows of the bank, put superglue in the ATM card slots and covered the screens with paint.

From Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation - Stolen Wages Rally - March 28

To all Media networks

There will be a large gathering of Aboriginal People on
28 MARCH, 2012
at the corner of Riverside Drive and Victoria Avenue
for a march to Parliament House .

The march route will be up St Georges Terrace,
stopping momentarily at the Office of Premier and Cabinet.

At Parliament House the speakers will address issues such as


Tens of thousands demonstrated in Europe against nuclear power

Click for pictures.

Nearly 130,000 people are reported to have demonstrated across Europe against nuclear power on 11 March on the first anniversary of the Fukushima catastrophe. More demos are certain to have happened unreported.

At Gronau in Germany, site of a uranium enrichment plant that supplies fuel to a tenth of the world’s reactors, 4,000 people demonstrated, assisted by 25 farmers with their tractors.Â