
Support growing for national unity government

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 1 March 2012 - - There have been many offers of financial and in kind support from individuals and groups very interested in engaging with the Aboriginal movement to form a national unity government, says Euahlayi activist, Michael Anderson. The movement was launched at the recent 40th anniversary corroboree of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra, of which Anderson is the last survivor of the four men who set it up in 1972.


HRA media release: This is why we risk the high seas! & the Federal Government Cabinet wants more of this told to the Australian peoples

The Human Rights Alliance (HRA) has long warned of maltreatment and detention centre deaths in Malaysia and Indonesia. The HRA has long warned of more deaths to come in Australian detention centres as a result of unnecessarily long incarceration or waiting periods in immigration detention.

The HRA can reveal its well placed sources in federal government have confirmed that the Cabinet has discussed the death of the 28-year-old Afghan (Hazara) man, who was among a group of five who escaped from the Pontianak detention centre, Kalimantan, Indonesia, on Sunday.

Get real with infinite love at the Sydney Mardi Gras debaptism ceremony.

Free Yourself Now!!!, an international apostasy action to liberate humanity from religious bigotry, aggression and abuse has been announced by Pope Alice. “De-baptise now. Love is my religion. Love is revolution. Free Yourself in preparation for the Upcoming Vast Changes for Humanity.” Pope Alice says.


WGAR News: Press conference on Stronger Futures legislation by Hon. Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC

Newsletter date: 1 March 2012

* Press Conference on Stronger Futures legislation by The Hon. Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC
* "Democratic process in tatters" Michele Harris
* Parliament House Canberra protest called for repeal of the NT intervention
* ANTaR: New laws would entrench coercive measures for another ten years
* Online Petition: "No nuclear waste dump at Muckaty"
* "Labor attempts to sneak nuclear waste dump under the radar" Greens Scott Ludlam
* Tent Embassy set up in Portland’s Market Square, Vic

Climate denial investigation - while scientists muzzled Dr. John Mashey investigates right-wing billionaires & corporations who pay alleged "charities", bloggers, & old weathermen to deny climate science. Some of that propaganda money went to New Zealand and Australia. Then Canadian journalist Margaret Munro on government muzzling scientists, plus update by UCS Francesca Grifo on science freedom in U.S.
CD Quality of this Radio Ecoshock report (56 MB) here:

Global Intelligence Files reveal charges drawn up against Julian Assange

The Age has reported that the leaked emails from Stratfor, known as the Global Intelligence Files, reveal that secret charges have indeed been drawn up by the U.S. Government against Julian Assange.

The Age reports:

Wikileaks press conference: Global Intelligence Files

WikiLeaks held a press conference after it began releasing The Global Intelligence Files, or G.I. Files, a collection of over 5 million emails from intelligence company Stratfor on the 27/2/2012

Global Intelligence Files on the Wikileaks Website

Democratic process in tatters

By Michelle Harris, writing in ON LINE opinion 29 February 2012
Reproduced here by courtesy of ON LINE opinion

Imagine a Government that wishes to pass a package of controversial legislation, such as the Stronger Futures legislation. It calls for a Senate Inquiry as a way of showing that a democratic process will be followed, but once the actual process starts realises that its proposed legislation is being widely slammed by those who will be mostly affected by it.

Stronger Futures legislation passed through the lower house on Monday 28th Feb

The Stronger Futures legislation passed through the lower house on Monday 28th Feb - the day of the leadership battle- & weeks BEFORE the senate is due to report. The senate is due to report on March 13th.

Read: Michele’ Harris OAM article of today: Democracy in tatters

And, Greg Barnes (former Govt advisor) article of yesterday.. The NT intervention: undermining equality He speaks of the inequality and in setting precedents.

Left disconnections

The left is a broad church. Excuse me if I make a few generalisations here.

The left is represented by the right of the Labor Party at its furthest right, although there are some unions that would argue they represent left values who are to the right of even the right of the Labor Party. let's accept that the Labor Right is about as right as we want the left to be.

At the other extreme is those anarchists who promote radical libertarianism and hard left Marxists who support the old ways of the Chinese Communist Party and Stalin.


Tell me lies... Pinocchio joins campaign against Tassie forest destruction

Bryan Green got a surprise this morning - the Deputy Premier of Tasmania was fresh off the plane from his much vaunted trade mission to China and Japan, selling out Tasmania's forests, and he was confronted with a huge walking, talking Pinocchio. The Last Stand crew got together with the Huon Valley Environment Centre and Code Green to give him a warm welcome back to Oz.


Historic day for the Adnyamathanha over Arkaroola

By Gerry Georgatos

The Traditional Owners of the Arkaroola sanctuary in South Australia's northern Flinders ranges are now able to rest easy with a new law banning miners from the region. Late into the night on February 28 the South Australian Upper House passed legislation that will ensure protection of the environmentally sensitive lands.


Government puts renewable industry in hot water - again

SEA Media Release – 29 February 2012
The termination of Australia’s Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme, which has provided more than A$320 million in incentives for households to switch to more energy-efficient hot-water systems, announced 28 February 2012 by the Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus, is likely to have significant short-term negative impacts on solar hot water manufacturing, wholesale, retail and installation businesses across Australia as well as those businesses who supply goods and services to them.

Nyoongar Tent Embassy - 1 Nyoongar Way, Mattagarup - the story to date

Police move in to smash the spirit of Nyoongar Tent Embassy

Gerry Georgatos

Following Thursday evening when 60 police officers marched into Nyoongar Tent Embassy to pull down and confiscate tents, and which included an arrest, the Western Australian police force flexed its muscle once again on the Friday afternoon on behalf of the Perth City Council and the Barnett state government.
