
Nyoongar Tent Embassy - 1 Nyoongar Way, Mattagarup - the story to date

Police move in to smash the spirit of Nyoongar Tent Embassy

Gerry Georgatos

Following Thursday evening when 60 police officers marched into Nyoongar Tent Embassy to pull down and confiscate tents, and which included an arrest, the Western Australian police force flexed its muscle once again on the Friday afternoon on behalf of the Perth City Council and the Barnett state government.


Aboriginal summit: “Be prepared for the fight of your life”

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 16 January 2010 - - Euahlayi activist Michael Anderson says people coming to the three-day Aboriginal summit in Canberra two weeks from now should “be prepared for the fight of your life”.

“This will be heated and furious because when people are hurting they will not hold back. (But) it is important to understand that it is the system that we have to fight, not each other,” the veteran campaigner for Aboriginal rights says in a media release.

Related: WGAR News: Call to an Aboriginal summit | Overwhelming interest in summit | UN report paints grim picture of world’s indigenous peoples |
