
Apple workers dying on the job

Whether or not you're an Apple user, it is hard to deny that the brand has revolutionised information technology. Apple is the biggest company in the world, and the millions of people who buy iPhones and iPads make Apple’s investors very rich -- in January they announced a record-breaking 44.1% profit for last quarter and are sitting on $100 billion in cash.

Ireland faces decision on whether to ban live hare coursing

Ireland’s parliament, the Dail, will before June debate a Bill aimed at banning the cruel practice of live hare coursing.
If the Bill, proposed by independent members of parliament, is passed, the horrific blood sport in which hares (better known as Jack Rabbits to North Americans) are used as live bait for greyhounds will become illegal and the long suffering Irish Hare will be protected from this organized cruelty.

WGAR News: "The tent embassy: fact v fiction, black v white" by Chris Graham

Newsletter date: 20 February 2012

* "Aboriginal meetings across Australia to build national unity government" by Michael Anderson
* "The tent embassy: fact v fiction, black v white" by Chris Graham
* More on the Tent Embassy protest on Invasion Day


- Media Release

Aboriginal meetings across Australia to build national unity government

The ObserverTree: tree sit in Tasmania going strong

The ObserverTree is a platform situated 60m above the ground in an old-growth Eucalyptus Delegatensis tree, in the heart of Tasmania’s southern forests. On the 14th of December 2011 conservationist Miranda Gibson climbed a rope to the top of the tree and vowed to stay untill the forest is protected. Miranda’s upper canopy home is a tree under imminent threat, in a forest due to be logged any day now.


The National Indigenous Times - this Wednesday's Feb 22 edition - the office of our Prime Minister

The Office of the Prime Minister is distressed.

For months our sources have accurately described the unfolding events on the Australian political landscape.

In the February 1 and 8 editions of The National Indigenous Times our source(s) claims were published about the alleged extensiveness of the role of the Office of the Prime Minister in the Australia Day Lobby restaurant incident. There has been no formal apology from the Office of the Prime Minister to Aboriginal peoples for the imputations and aspersions cast upon them on that day and by the Office of the Prime Minister.

Police converge upon Nyoongar Tent Embassy

Nyoongar Tent Embassy has been surrounded by police since 6:45am this morning - I have been called by those from Tent Embassy, who are now not contactable that they have been ordered to pull down tents, remove cars and go. It was an early morning appearance while there is no-one on staff at The West Australian, however the call out went to news media, with Channel Ten and The Australian having arrived.


Michael Anderson backs Nyoongar Embassy in Perth

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 19 February 2012 - - The last surviving co-founder of the Aboriginal Embassy in Canberra has expressed his support for the Nyoongar Embassy encampment set up on Heirisson Island in Perth a few days ago and now under threat of eviction.

WGAR News: Book report launched: "NT Consultations Report 2011: By Quotations"

Newsletter date: 19 February 2012

* Book launched: "NT Consultations Report 2011: By Quotations"
* More on Government’s proposed Stronger Futures legislation
* More on Australia's first nuclear waste dump legislation
* ANTaR: Symbolic and practical actions must go hand in hand
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles


- The Book Report

'concerned Australians': NT Consultations Report 2011: By Quotations


Indigenous peoples are now claiming a higher role at the United Nations

By Les Malezer

I bring to your attention that Indigenous Peoples are now claiming a higher role at the United Nations. Some consideration of the claim is happening. This message from the United Nations is seeking submissions on the proposals by 9 April 2012.

Specifically, the higher role seeks participation on a more equal footing to States. This claim for improved status is being made to gain recognition of self-determining peoples, acknowledging Indigenous Peoples' delegations which represent nations or governments at the United Nations.

Belgrave Survival Day 2012

On January 26th approximately 1000 people gathered in Borthwick Park in Belgrave to share and learn about indigenous culture, reflect on the experience and consequences of colonization for Aboriginal people since 1776 and to celebrate the Survival of indigenous culture.


Sisters Inside seek sexual assault counsellor

Sisters Inside Inc is seeking a professional individual to join its innovative team, providing support to women in the criminal justice system in Queensland. Aboriginal women and women from culturally and linguistic diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Position description, selection criteria, information for applicants and application form are at t, where there is also for further information on Sisters Inside and its award winning programs.

Sisters Inside Inc

Macklin exposed: NT consultations may face legal challenge

Kristy O'Brien ABC News February 15, 2012
A former chief justice of the Family Court of Australia, Alastair Nicholson, says transcripts of Federal Government consultations in Indigenous communities could be used to wage a High Court legal battle. The group Concerned Australians has released transcripts recorded in the Northern Territory as part of consultations about the Stronger Futures legislation, which will replace laws governing the Emergency Intervention in the Territory in August. Mr Nicholson is a member of the group.


15 Feb Occupy Sydney: Solidarity with Greece demo - consulate evacuated, 6 comrades arrested, 11 hours of noise outside police station

On Wednesday the 15th of February participants of the Occupy Sydney movement staged a demonstration in solidarity with the Greek revolt. Over the past week, Greece has been rocked by a General strike, the mobilisation of 500,000 people and massive rioting in the streets of Athens and other Greek cities,


Robert Green jailed by corrupt Scottish judicary

ss Release: Robert Green Jailed by Corrupt Scottish Judicary

Robert Green - Hollie Demands Justice campaigner jailed today in Scotland.

The Hollie Demands Justice campaign very much regrets the decision today of the Sheriff Court in Stonehaven to deprive Robert Green of his Liberty.

Survival urges UN to end Andamans scandal

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, February 16, 2012 - - Five years after the UN first called on India to close the Andaman Trunk Road (ATR), Survival International is urging the organization to bring an end to human safaris by speaking out for a second time.

India ignored the UN’s call in 2007 to ‘implement the 2002 order of the Indian Supreme Court to close sections of the Andaman Trunk Road’; thereby allowing the exploitation of the Jarawa to continue.

However, in recent months, a series of articles by a British newspaper have put the issue under international scrutiny.


After more than 200,000 of you signed Apple fan Mark Shields’ petition, Apple has ordered independent auditors to inspect working conditions in its Chinese factories. See below for this and other incredible victories on in the past few weeks.

Something different is beginning to happen all over Australia. Everyday people are taking a stand on local, state and national issues that matter to them, and they’re winning.

Your picture (at the PM’s dinner table) is worth a thousand words

This coming Tuesday (21 Feb), the Prime Minister will sit down to dinner with three same-sex couples, thanks to GetUp members' winning auction bid last year. The PM will hear first-hand from committed and loving couples who simply want the same right and recognition afforded to most Australians: marriage.
While there are only six spots at the dinner table, we know - and want to show - that this issue touches the lives of LGBTI couples and their families throughout the country. So even if you're not at the dinner yourself, you can still be there.

Labor and Liberal join forces - Scullion does the deal for nuclear waste at Muckaty

Published by courtesy of Stephen Hagan, Editor of the National Indigenous Times
The story appeared in its 15 February edition

A nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory is a step closer to reality, after the ALP and the Federal Coalition parties revealed they had struck a deal on laws to allow a facility to be built. Despite calls from a local Aboriginal group at Muckaty Station and the Australian Greens for debate to be postponed, the Senate began debating the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill last week.
