The National Indigenous Times - this Wednesday's Feb 22 edition - the office of our Prime Minister

The Office of the Prime Minister is distressed.

For months our sources have accurately described the unfolding events on the Australian political landscape.

In the February 1 and 8 editions of The National Indigenous Times our source(s) claims were published about the alleged extensiveness of the role of the Office of the Prime Minister in the Australia Day Lobby restaurant incident. There has been no formal apology from the Office of the Prime Minister to Aboriginal peoples for the imputations and aspersions cast upon them on that day and by the Office of the Prime Minister.

In this week's edition, Wednesday February 22, we have published the claims from two sources - there is a second source - about the alleged extensiveness of the role of the Office of the Prime Minister in the Lobby restaurant incident. We have also published the refutations from the Office of the Prime Minister - we have engaged in protracted correspondence with the Office of the Prime Minister in terms of the propriety of giving them every opportunity to put on the record their version of the events.

In The National Indigenous Times we have published detailed claims from our source(s) which have now come to light as accurate - the bitter tussle for the Prime Ministership - the retribution, the vindictiveness, the immaturity, the ugly wills to power, the abuses of power, the demise of the Australian Labor Party as a party in its own right at this time.

The YouTube clip of Kevin Rudd was downloaded with the express purpose of destroying any chance of him as Prime Ministerial material even if Julia Gillard goes or is toppled - its purpose was to ensure that even if Julia Gillard went that he'd have no chance of replacing her. If he was returned to Prime Minister or leader of the ALP, which is difficult to understand how he could keep the party together at this time, with some frontbenchers refusing to support him - then the clip would be used by the Coalition as their predominant election material.

Julia Gillard does not want to go, she is distraught by all accounts however it is being discussed at this time that she should hand over power to someone else and avoid a destructive confrontation with Kevin Rudd. Bill Shorten may want the position however it is understood that it is perceived he would be hounded in similar ways as was Julia Gillard by the Coalition, that he is tainted by the coup to topple Rudd, therefore cleanskins are whom are being sought - Greg Combet, is being groomed with back ups in Stephen Smith and believe it or not Wayne Swan - he is somehow considered clean and perceived as well regarded by the Australian public. Others have been named however these three are the contenders with likely Combet as the front runner. It is understood he is favoured by both camps, the Gillard and Rudd camps, and was suggested that if Rudd was returned to power that Combet could be the Deputy PM. The Rudd camp too is angry, even amidst manifestations from them - Kevin is very upset with Nicola Roxon, believing she has gone too far, however he has his supporters in Cabinet and they are obvious in who they are, and he is always kept informed. It is disingenous and abominable everytime Kevin or Julia publicly lambast others for raising questions - they attack the news media for what is being put to the news media, it is not being made up by the news media, and this is insulting to all Australians when Kevin and Julia mock us all with their lambasts of the news media and of news media claims.

What is occurring at this time on the Australian political landscape is tragic for everyone and especially the disadvantaged and vulnerable whom are forever neglected. These politicians, for the most part privileged all their lives, need to grow up and understand who they are about, and that it is not themselves. As Plato said, "If we do not engage with our politicians we risk being governed by the dumb" - this is why I and The National Indigenous Times have followed these claims all the way, because many of our readers have been forgotten for far too long by those who step up and say they will represent them.

We have asked for the Office of the Prime Minister to apologise unfettered to Aboriginal peoples and all Australians for the Lobby restaurant incident and where required set the record straight.

We have asked the Prime Minister for an interview - this would be a positive gesture and positive social reach. Example is our only immortality.

Pick up this week's copy because the awareness raising is imperative in terms of contributing positively to the national consciousness.

We have not given up on the interview with the Prime Minister.

What must be given up are the ugly wills to power, the regard for self before others, monopoloy politics must be eroded, and this horrific and immature behaviour by our parliamentarians has to stop - it is the worst of examples to our children and to the present and the future. Our days are numbered and should not be wasted like this.

Hopefully I'll get that yarn in with Julia or whomever is in the role. Through-care journalism, where the membrane between fearlessly disseminating and the pursuit of just outcomes is thin, and where the community-interest is foremost matters and this most significantly so.

Kindly, Gerry Georgatos (The National Indigenous Times)
0430 657 309


Pick up this week's copy because the awareness raising is imperative in terms of contributing positively to the national consciousness.
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Cultural Wave Ralf - I have no stake in The NIT mate, Gerry

What's happening in Canberra is a classic case of what happens when the empowerment of women clashes with the male privilege of a parliament women attend with male consent, inclusive of leadership, a situation in which deviance thrives.

Therese Rein wants back in the Lodge and Julia Gillard is in the way, Kevin Rudd the meat in the sandwich. Unfortunately her candidate is a crock.

Janine Howard destroyed the Coalition government by insisting another crock, her husband, remain in leadership.

There's no prospect of Therese doing the same with Labor because she's up against a competent opponent of her own gender with a proven record of achievement under difficult circumstances, hardly a contest really.

If these women seek power to manage the nation, rather than a government policy sponsored business or a household, let them run for office rather than hide behind proxy.

Politics would be a lot more honest and open if the nation was led by joint women's and men's leaders, an approach the First Peoples Congress has embraced.