
No to US and Chinese expansionism

PHILIPPINES: Akbayan Party condemns plans for increased United States military presence in the country amid burgeoning Chinese military expansionism. We believe these acts by the two superpowers will inevitably destabilize the West Philippine Sea and Southeast Asian region.

Recognition of inherent Aboriginal title

Not much use a charter of rights that can't be ratified by a women's legislature since all that does is perpetuate male privilege, which is at cause of why a charter of rights is needed in the first place.

The doctrine of discovery, as with terra nullius, is male speculation intended to preserve male privilege, which wouldn't survive autonomous female scrutiny, as the collapse of these approaches with the empowerment of women attests.


WGAR News: Eyewitness accounts of the Tent Embassy protest on Invasion Day / Sovereignty Day

Newsletter date: 2 February 2012

* Eye-witness accounts of the protest on Invasion Day / Sovereignty Day
* The Tent Embassy protest on Invasion Day / Sovereignty Day
* The march up to Parliament House from the Tent Embassy


redSTACHE: The Tent Embassy Debacle from A Protester’s POV
26 Jan 12: "Speaking to Sam Castro, currently at the Tent Embassy, I was able to get a run down of the day’s events.

Rally says no to HRL coal power station

About 400 people gathered in the sun, on the steps of the Victorian parliament for a weekday lunchtime protest to say no new coal fired power stations. The Rally was against the propoed HRL coal fired power station for Victoria. Speakers included Adam Bandt, Greens MP for Melbourne, Kelvin Thomson, Labor MP for Wills, Victoria McKenzie-McHarg, Safe Climate Campaigner for Environment Victoria, Greenpeace Energy Campaigner Julien Vincent, and Gem from AYCC.


Is The Punch being unduly censored?

I recently documented on The Punch how my son Jordan, a victim of severe school bullying and education discrimination has become a victim of escalating human rights abuses including police brutality, false arrest, false imprisonment and wrongful prosecution. After my blog comments were published online they received over a dozen replies. However, sometime between 5 and 6 pm on 13/12/11, all my published comments and the responses to them were removed from The Punch website due to censorship.


Forever Planting (for Peak Oil & Climate Change)

We depend utterly on fossil fuels, especially to grow our food. From natural gas comes the millions of tons of fertilizers. Oil provides herbicides and pesticides. All is planted and harvested with oil power, driven, shipped or flown to your table.

For now. Until fossil fuels become too expensive, too rare, too polluting to use. We only have a short time to find other ways.

Feb 1 & 2 Solidarity with Julian Assange of WikiLeaks Supreme Court, London

Sky Livestream of the Hearing

A Year of Standing Against the War and in Solidarity with Julian Assange & Bradley Manning.


- Background & Updates on the Extradtion to Sweden Hearing

- U.S. Military refers all charges against Bradley Manning to Court Martial

- U.S. Grand Jury on WikiLeaks


Occupy Sydney occupies Westpac Headquarters

Occupy Sydney occupied the head office of Westpac in Sydney on January 30 to protest against the axing of 188 jobs. The people whose jobs are being axed will have to train their overseas replacements, who will be paid far less. Meanwhile, Westpacs CEO Gail Kelly was paid $9.5 million in 2011 and Westpac made $6.9 billion.


Declaration of Independence for a Sovereign Union of First Nations

The embassy received a declaration of independence which is to go to the nations for discuassion and negotiation. Below is the text as it stood when presented.




Of First Nations Peoples in Australia

Declaration of Independence



A Statement by the Elders

Campaign launch: Stop Ta Ann from destroying Tasmania's forests


A new campaign targeting Ta Ann Tasmania and their ongoing use of Tasmanian high conservation value (HCV) forests launches today. is a partnership between Markets for Change, Huon Valley Environment Centre and The Last Stand.


Critical time for stopping HRL coal fired power station in Victoria

Victorian residents are fighting to stop the construction of a new 600MW coal fired power station at Morwell in the La Trobe valley. The HRL coal gasification plant proposes to turn brown coal into a synthetic gas which is mixed with natural gas to fire steam turbines to generate electricity. The pollution generated will be the equivalent of a black coal fired powered station, around 4 million tonnes of CO2 pollution each and every year.

John Howard awarded HRL $100 million, a low emissions technology 'clean coal' grant contingent on it meeting certain project deliverables including raising commercial finance by 31st December 2011. These conditions have not been met. Victorians will rally on Wednesday 1st February 2012 at Parliament House in Spring Street at 12.30pm for the Federal Government to withdraw this grant money and redirect it to renewable energy projects. And to ensure that Julia Gillard keeps her 2010 promise "that there will be no more dirty coal powered stations built in this country".

Related: July 2011 - Victorian Government needs to come clean on plan to achieve 20 percent emissions cut by 2020 | June 2011 - Ferguson and Gillard feeding HRL's coal gasification technology in Melbourne | April 2011 - Government foyer occupied to stop new Victorian coal power station | Campaign sites: Stop HRL, Quit Coal


I see no riot or attack on Australia Day but police aggression, how about you?

The incident where Prime Minister Gillard was dragged away by the security forces to the car and speeded away has been portrayed by the media as an attack or riot in Australia Day.

Refugee hunger strike continues in Tasmania

Three men being held in Pontville detention centre in Tasmania have been on hunger strike for 11 days now, at the lack of progress of their refugee assessments. Around 150, more than half of the Afghan asylum seekers at Pontville detention centre in Tasmania were involved in a hunger strike, with most suspending their fast on January 25 to continue talks with immigration officials.

Related: Afghan mass hunger strike at Pointville


Wilkie to supprt Abbott for PM

Andrew Wilkie has shown his true colours in this report where he has said he will vote in favour of a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister.  Wilkie will not forgive Gillard for ditching his pokies reform bill and will now vote with the opposition to unsettle the government.  Wilkie can no longer say he is concerned about the welfare of working families, which his pokies reform was meanto to do,  Abbott will turn back the boats, tear up workchoices,


Tune in tomorrow (midday est) for the truth and a contextual balance - Lobby restaurant and more

We were at the Lobby restaurant... we have written the whole story for this Wednesday's The National Indigenous Times, and have various accounts contrary to what's been pummelled out by mainstream news media - we have our own eye witness account. We have included all accounts, all sides!

To get a contextual balance you need to read this week's The National Indigenous Times, so find a way to get a copy.