Declaration of Independence for a Sovereign Union of First Nations

The embassy received a declaration of independence which is to go to the nations for discuassion and negotiation. Below is the text as it stood when presented.




Of First Nations Peoples in Australia

Declaration of Independence



A Statement by the Elders

•       Our Wisdoms dictate that British Colonial governments within and on our shores, long established, must support the objectives of our Peoples, who choose to exercise their right to be governed by their own peers in accordance with their Laws/Lores and under their authority, and in accord with the binds upon the Commonwealth to help make this happen pursuant to Resolution 2625 (XXV) of the 26th full General Assembly of the United Nations, ratified by Australia on 24th October 1970.

•       Accordingly, "...that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men (and women {our inclusion}), derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government become destructive to these ends, it is the right of people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such a form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness"... "all experience has shown that humankind is more disposed to suffer, while the evils are sufferable, than to correct them by abolishing the forms from which the evils are derived. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpation deprive the rights of Peoples, reducing them to absolute despotism, it is the right of the oppressed, it is their sacred duty, to reject and throw off such tyrannical governance, to provide new guards for their future security..." [taken from the American Declaration of Independence p.1] and to pursue our own goals and objectives; personal wellbeing with the absolute right to Self-Determination without hindrances, again pursuant to the above mentioned UN Resolution, which binds Australia under international law.

• Our History with the British invaders is one of constant and repeated injuries and attempted usurpation that give effects to genocide by the invader society with the sole purpose of clearing the land of the Original inhabitants for the Aryan Race and in so doing established an absolute tyrannical leadership over our Peoples.

•       After Queen Victoria's Order in Council, included in the Pacific Islanders Protection Act 1872 as amended in 1875, the emerging Colonial legislatures ignored and knowingly acted in contradiction of such Orders, including inter alia, expanding the territorial boundaries of the settlement without regard to the recognized and now legal ownership of all such dominions, and thereby establishing and introducing illegal regimes to take and maintain absolute rule in these parts of the colonies.

•       In order to achieve their illegal acts they sent amongst our Peoples armies and permitted the settlers to raise their own illegal vigilante armies to clear the lands by killing innocent men, women and children.


We, the authorizing Elders

Call upon the powers of the Creators of the DREAMING to enforce through their wisdoms, the natural authority establishing a decent respect of humankind and all naturally occurring life.

•       Hold the Law/Lores of the Dreaming, as evidence of authority that all people are born equal and are granted by the Creator certain inalienable rights, that amongst which are life, liberty, the right to maintain the Law/Lores of the DREAMING and the pursuit of spiritual wholeness and personal happiness and wellbeing.

•       Derive our just powers from the consent of the people and the spiritual authority from the Dreaming.

•       Declare such has been the patient sufferance of our Peoples and such is now the necessity, which requires us to alter the existing destructive systems that oppress us and to establish our own systems of self-governance, in accordance with our customs and traditions consistent with the Law/Lores of the DREAMING.

•       Declare the causes which impel us to separate from the oppressor and to unite as we were from time immemorial.

•       Dissolve any and all artificial political and legal bonds, which have connected us to the oppressor through their doing, without our consent.

•       Institute new governance by ensuring its very foundation is based upon the principles and rules of customary and ancient Law/Lores of the Peoples and by organizing its powers to ensure the most pleasing of outcomes for peaceful existence, safety of the Peoples and happiness and their personal wellbeing.


Declare that, past and present Kings and Queens of Great Britain and its parliament have a history of repeated injuries and usurpation, all having the direct objective to establish an absolute tyranny over our Peoples and our lands.


To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world/international community and let them be the judges.





The Sovereign Union declares:

Whereas:- the Crown of Great Britain and its parliament invaded our lands and settled under the rules and disciplines of war without declaring their intent.

Whereas:- the Crown of Great Britain and its parliament, sent against us armed civilians, troops and police, who were to wage war against us so as to have us submit to their power by forced military power over our Peoples.

Whereas:- the Crown of Great Britain and its parliament assented to contradictory and repugnant laws usurping our ancient and sacred lands despite their Queen having recognized by way of a an exercise of the Crowns Prerogative declaring that The Crown did not claim sovereignty and/or dominion over Aboriginal peoples.




Whereas:- the Crown of Great Britain and its parliament and its Australian Colonies plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our homes, desecrated our lands, places of worship and burial sites, stole our sacred objects, destroyed the lives of our Peoples, and made trophies of our remains.


Whereas:- The Crown of Great Britain and its parliament made no meaningful attempt to stop the killings of many thousands of Aboriginal Peoples in Australia, and remains statute barred from doing so to this day.


Whereas;- the Crown of Great Britain and its parliament together with their colonial legislatures are equally guilty of kidnapping our children and turning them into State owned Slaves to be traded to the `squatocracv' within Australia despite these acts being repugnant to the British Laws, and thereby causing the breaking up our families. This was achieved through a program of forced re­settlement of our people without our prior and informed consent causing us to become internally displaced people within our own lands and territories. These being acts of ethnic cleansing and genocide.


Whereas;- In the name of the Crown of Great Britain and its parliament, the colonial Administrators within Australia entered into a program that denied and destroy our languages, customs and traditions to give further effect to their genocidal acts.


Whereas:- The British Colonial authorities in Australia entered into a program to prevent the population of Aboriginal Peoples from increasing by established ethnocidal laws to forcefully breed the color out of the people through a government inspired program of eugenics.


Whereas:- The Australian colonial authorities have illegally made Aboriginal people subject to their imposed laws through conventional practices of judgments against our people without any real and material legal authority.

Whereas:- The Australian Colonial authorities have subjected our people to a jurisdiction foreign to our traditional lore/law and customs; to a system giving its assent to acts of pretended legislation that is totally foreign and unacknowledged by our traditional lore/law and customs.

Whereas:- The Australian Colonial authorities have kept among us in times of peace, standing orders of rules and regulations that restrict what we can and cannot do, without our prior and informed consent, but only with the consent of the legislatures solely dominated by our oppressors.

Whereas:- The Australian and Colonial authorities and their parliaments are guilty of establishing and imposing an arbitrary system of governance, and enlarging its boundaries thereby illegally usurping our lands; waters; natural resources and our naturally occurring Bio-diversity without any form of agreement(s) and/or compensation or restitution.

Whereas:- the Australian Colonial Governments and their parliaments are guilty of taking away and rejecting our charters, and destroying our most valuable and sacred Lores/Laws, and altering the fundamental forms of our traditional government systems.

Whereas:- The Crown of Great Britain and their Australian Colony are guilty of having obstructed the administration of justice under international law at the time of invasion and now refuse to adhere to their own laws and refuse to permit proper judicial review of their past acts.

Whereas:- The Australian colonial governments continue to assent to laws that suppress and oppress our people under a rule of tyranny. They continue that which started at the time of invasion in 1788, applying absolute cruelty and perfidy/deceit scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous age, and totally unworthy of a so-called civilized Nation.

Whereas:- The Colonial Governments of Australia and their parliaments have authorized the incitement and vindications against our people with the sole purpose of creating domestic insurrections against us within their dominant population, and continues to bring about a false leadership amongst our own kind to sanction their rule over us




Whereas:- In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned, in the most humble terms, for redress. Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. The Colonial Australia governments are marked by every act that may define a tyrant, and they are unfit and have any legal authority to rule over us as Free Peoples in our own lands and territories.

Whereas:- The Australian Colonial governments attempts to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us, have at no material time attempted to negotiate prior and informed consent on their part. We must, therefore, through necessity, initiate our separation from any imposed governance of Australia, and call upon the international community to assist us as internally displaced Peoples to gain our right to self-determination and restitution that will permit us to return to our original homelands from whence we were forcibly removed.




We, the assembled authorizing Elders of the various independent Sovereign Nations in the land now known as Australia:-

Appeal to the Supreme Spirit of the DREAMING and the supreme judges of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, and do, in name, and by the authority of the good Peoples of our respective Sovereign Nations, solemnly publish and declare:

•       That our Independent Sovereign Nations shall from this day onwards be free and independent Nations.

  • These Independent Sovereign Nations affirm that they have never been a part of the old British Empire nor have we ceded or acquiesced and we now formally abstain from submission to the colonial Governments in Australia and all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain-and-Australia is be totally dissolved.

As free and independent Nations, we have the power to take whatever measures are necessary to conclude peace, contract alliances, establish governance and commerce and do all other acts and things which independent Sovereign Nations have of right do and thereby exercise our right of self-determination under international law.

In doing so, we affirm and assert our willingness to enter into formal and proper negotiations with the Australian States on the condition that they are internationally supervised.

For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of our divine DREAMING, and we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our Sacred Honors.


Authorizing Elder:

