Tune in tomorrow (midday est) for the truth and a contextual balance - Lobby restaurant and more

We were at the Lobby restaurant... we have written the whole story for this Wednesday's The National Indigenous Times, and have various accounts contrary to what's been pummelled out by mainstream news media - we have our own eye witness account. We have included all accounts, all sides!

To get a contextual balance you need to read this week's The National Indigenous Times, so find a way to get a copy.

Come to the Indymedia site tomorrow around middayish and onwards and I'll have written up something a little more comprehensive about Aboriginal Tent Embassy (though in no way do I speak for ATE, and rather I am writing to issues as a journalist, and I was there predominately in that capacity, and of my personal witness, etc.,)and to the event at the Lobby restaurant - was the award giving at the Lobby restaurant interrupted or not? Did others in the PM's office and the PM know about Tony Hodges' call to Kim Sattler? Read Indymedia tomorrow and for the full account pick up the paper on Wednesday. This edition of the paper will be filled with photos which will evidence a time line and speak many more words and of facts.

I have written this on Indymedia because I feel few events have disturbed me as much as the Lobby restaurant incident, the promulgation of various news media and social commentary around it, that it is not just that I feel I must walk alongside my brothers and sisters however more so for the sake of the truth, for a more informed consciousness - for all of us.

What occurred was a civil protest, nothing wrong, nothing violent, nothing dangerous - the PM and the opposition leader were never in harm's way - I had spoken to the PM 'minders' at the door prior to their calling in unwarranted numbers of police officers, and even though civil protest was manifest by the PM's office, there is nothing criminal about this, anyone who carries on it is an uncommon practice is nescient to the political landscape and its machinations, however there is an immorality in our senior politicians and bureaucrats in denying various truths, in skirting around the facts, in dissociating from the ownership of responsibility and in manifesting blame on others who only engaged in a civil and just protest. Even if some things are not criminal in terms of the rule of law, I believe some of these actions are cowardice and even though they cannot be investigated by various authorities, such as the police, and well they should not be, some of it should be investigated with through-care journalism by the news media for the sake of the national conscioiusness.

Okay, read on tomorrow (Indymedia) and again (Wednesday) The National Indigenous Times.


You guys be proud