
The Brutal Logic of Climate Change "The future is impossible" says Dr. Kevin Anderson, former Director of UK's top climate research institute, the Tyndall Centre. Speech in London lays out our awful tilt toward an unlivable climate. Followed by discussion with Washington's Dr. William Calvin.

Are you ready for the bad news about climate change? Really?

I'm going to play you a speech too awful to run during the holidays.

Turn back the boats

The Opposition under Tony Abbott if they win election have a very clear policy to Turn Back the Boats.  This goes beyond the idea of off shore processing or temporary visas, it means refugees will no longer be able to land on our shores.  If anyone thinks that there is not a clear distinction between Labour an dthe Liberal Pary on this issue read this article.  The Liberal's are turning back th eclock and entering very murky waters, they will rip up work choices, aband


SOS for refugees - Vigil at Broadmeadows gives hope to those detained

About 50 people attended a peaceful vigil in solidarity with refugees, held outside the immigration detention centre on Camp Road, Broadmeadows in Melbourne's northern suburbs on Wednesday evening, January 18, 2012.


Memorial for Indigenous freedom fighters gathering momentum in 2012 - videos

On January 20, 2012 about 150 people gathered in Melbourne to commemorate the lives of two indigenous Australian freedom fighters and push for a permanent monument to be erected in their honour. Speeches were made after a solemn welcome to country was given by Bunwurrung elder Caroline Briggs. The momentum for a permanent memorial is gathering: this year three councilors from Melbourne City Council attended and expressed their support.

Background story | Photos of Five years Commemorating Freedom Fighters Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner | Lest We Forget - The Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner Saga (PDF) | 2011 Commemoration | 2010 Commemoration | Callout for Aboriginal Tent Embassy Canberra | Treaty Republic


We stopped PIPA and SOPA, now help us take the fight across the world

We did it! Your voices have been heard!

After days of international pressure online and offline against internet censorship legislation, including by so many of you from Access, leaders in the US Congress announced they are postponing votes on the PROTECT IP Act and Stop Online Piracy Act. This is a fatal blow to this legislation!

Michael Anderson condemns proposed constitutional reforms as treasonous and fraudulent

20 January 12 -- A northwest NSW Aboriginal leader, Michael Ghillar Anderson, has condemned proposals for writing Indigenous people into the constitution as a treasonous act and serious fraud against Aboriginal peoples, because it does not represent their interests across the nation.

The proposals, handed to the Gillard government by a panel, fail to deal with the central and substantive issue of sovereignty and true land rights, the leader of the Euahlayi nation writes in a media release.


The latest Shortwave Report (January 20) is up on the web

Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (January 20) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

END:CIV director Franklin López to tour Australia

END:CIV director Franklin López to tour Australia.

END:CIV illustrates the brutality of a civilization addicted to
systematic violence and environmental destruction, and the heroism of
those who confront it head-on.

As Australia is beginning to experience more frequent environmental
crises resulting from climate change and a history of poor environmental
management this film will be instrumental in bringing awareness of the
need to confront the system which allows this destruction to continue.

López’s will answer questions from the audience and lead a discussion


National call-out to artists of all shades to a unique cross-cultural lab in the Northern Terrritory



Would you like to be a part of ARTIST WANTS A LIFE, a unique artists lab that will take place in Central Australia in April?

Gillard governmnet shreds agreement to restrict problem gambling

The Prime Minister and the Federal Cabinet have scrapped problem gambling reform, instead turning to a model of 'voluntary' pre-commitment that independent trials (and common sense) have shown to be completely ineffective. If the Prime Minister chooses to break her promise and trash reform, either by scrapping it all together or delaying it beyond the next election, thousands more lives could be destroyed just for political expediency. Can you chip in to our rapid response advertising campaign so that we stop this backdown before the Government makes their final decision? --

The internet is going dark tomorrow

Much of the internet is going dark tomorrow to protest an ill-conceived law that the US Congress is proposing in the name of stopping online piracy, but at great expense to free speech and the integrity of the internet. Given the huge sway the US has over the operation of the internet, many see it as the biggest threat to internet freedom ever.

Help to stop Rupert Murdoch’s Australian dream coming true

A draft government proposal would wipe out almost all media ownership limits in Australia -- giving Murdoch free reign over what we read, see and hear! We have just two weeks to flood the government with comments rejecting this proposal -- before Murdoch's dream becomes a reality. Click here to send your message and forward to everyone.

Biodiversity a crucial climate change buffer for ecosystem and cultural diversity

A new multi-author scientific study says that preservation of plant biodiversity provides a crucial buffer to negative effects of climate change and desertification in drylands. Preventing ecosystem degredation in a warming world is significant with drylands particularly vulnerable to environmental changes and desertification. Dryland ecosystems cover 41% of the land surface of the Earth and support 38% of the human population.

Related: Species biodiversity under threat from the velocity of climate change | Climate change and habitat loss threaten biodiversity, extinction rate underestimated

Peace ? - Not A Chance ! mp3

explicit language !

War profiteering a necessary recourse for re-starting our stalled world economy.

Movie samples of " War Inc.", "International", news media, corporate videos, Jeremy Scahill, sounds by Suicide Machine, others...

29:55 min 128 kbs stereo 27.6 MB

Where we are coming from, moving into a new and exciting future

Media release

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 17 January 2012.

By Michael Anderson ©

With a new and exciting future ahead, I think it is time for me to remind people of where we have been in the past 40 years in respect of our struggle for land rights, sovereignty, restitution and compensation, and what has been said and acted upon by the governments.

White-blindfold-view of Australian history

Argument by Ray Jackson against a polemic in “The Australian” newspaper, “The grim legacy of compassion”

the paean to assimilation by patrick mccauley is most surely seen only through his eyes that are wrapped up in the white-blindfold-view of history whereby it becomes confused, contorted and seriously contentious.

i have no idea who mccauley is even though seeking information on google

China’s Wukan protest and corruption - another side of the story

One of the major flaws with many western writers is that, there is a common lack of detail studied and understanding of policy development on the respective issues in the developing countries such as China: journalists and writers alike simply hop in and begin all kind of negativity against the Central government as and when an incident took place within some corners of the society.

Concern for Iranian refugees on hunger strike in Broadmeadows Detention Centre

Refugee activists have raised concerns for the welfare of two Iranian refugees currently on hunger strike in the Melbourne Immigration Transit Accomodation centre in Broadmeadows, after one refugee, on hunger strike now for 6 days, was found lying by the fence.

Related: SOS for Refugees - Vigil at Broadmeadows gives hope to those detained


From behind the iron door

By Leonard Peltier

Hau Kola

Greetings my friends, relatives, relations, supporters

I wrote a statement the other day sitting here in my cell and I know that no one really cares to read something that is 6 pages long. So this is my effort to shorten it a little bit.

The first subject I want to touch on is being in prison for 36 years is hell.