National call-out to artists of all shades to a unique cross-cultural lab in the Northern Terrritory



Would you like to be a part of ARTIST WANTS A LIFE, a unique artists lab that will take place in Central Australia in April?

ARTIST WANTS A LIFE, a lab run by and for artists, is open to practicing contemporary artists of any form or discipline. This 14-day lab is led by Watch This Space, an Artist Run Initiative based in Alice Springs, and will take place in the central deserts of the Northern Territory. A total of ten Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous artists will be selected to participate in this event including five artists based in Central Australia and five from elsewhere in this broad land.

The primary purpose of the exchange will be to create dialogue between regional/remote artists and urban artists, develop individual and collaborative skills and create opportunity for artistic relationships to be formed, spanning the geographic divide. Watch This Space is interested in developing a concept for a skills-building artist experience around the theme of communication and cultural ‘heat’. Are ideas about this created by perceived isolation?

Artist Wants a Life is an opportunity for artists who work in the visual arts, design, installation, digital media, theatre, dance, sound, text, and architecture and across creative disciplines. The lab is specifically designed for artists that have an established interdisciplinary approach to their practice or where there is evidence that the arc of the artist’s practice is compelled towards playing with boundaries and border crossings across artistic disciplines. Artists will work both collaboratively and independently in a dynamic environment that encourages critical thinking, engagement with site, risk-taking and play.

The kinds of artists we’re seeking – and who stand to benefit from this experience - are personally desiring or already involved in dynamically evolving processes and collaborative practice, are interested in actively participating in shaping peer led dialogue around art-making, and have a history or demonstrated desire for community engagement either through their own immediate communities or beyond.

Skilled provocateurs will be engaged in partnership with Watch This Space and the producer to structure and theme the lab. Whilst the overall direction is being mapped out by leading arts professionals, the lab is designed to be reflexive with contributions from the participating artists helping to shape the lab as it progresses and as it manifests into future activities. It is intended that relationships forged between the lab participants and organisers will form a network which will be made available to other artists and generate further opportunities for ongoing collaboration, exhibition, performance and dialogue.

Artist Wants A Life is both a creative lab and literally an artist’s ‘Camp’ – run for and by artists, with artists active in all aspects of creating their own experience. The lab will take place in a remote location where participants will camp, cook, clean and create together. There will be no Internet access for the duration of the camp and phone reception unpredictable. It will be a rough and ready artist-led bush adventure in beautiful gentle country with thought-provoking history. Traditional Owners will be engaged to give some background to the land where it is held.

Participation is voluntary however artists’ travel to and from the lab, their accommodation and food will be covered by the project. The end date of the lab is timed to coincide with WIDE OPEN SPACE festival – an emerging music arts and cultural festival taking place 80 kms east of Alice Springs May 4-6th. Participants have the option to attend the festival and return home afterwards.

To apply please contact us for an application form at
And include the following:
Your artistic CV (One page only)
4-6 examples of work in any form completed in the last 2 years. Examples can be digital photographs, videos or links to websites – please ensure all support material is in digital format and retain your own copies, support material will not be returned. If this is a problem please contact us.

Applications close 5pm Friday 17 February 2012.
Successful applicants will be notified the week of 27 February.
For further information please visit our website at or connect with us on our Face Book page, Artist Wants a Life.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. Proudly supported by the Northern Territory Government.