
Illegal loggers seized days after photos of uncontacted Indians released

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, February 8, 2012 - - Peru has raided an illegal logging site in the Manú National Park, just days after the world caught its first detailed glimpse of the uncontacted Mashco-Piro tribe.

The discovery followed Survival International’s release of close-up pictures of the tribe to raise awareness of the threats illegal logging poses to their survival.

In an operation led by SERNANP, Peru’s Department for Protected Areas, park guards and police uncovered more than 3,000 feet of illegally harvested timber.

Six men face charges for Guarani murders in legal ‘milestone’

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, February 9, 2012 -- Six men are being brought to trial for the murder of two Guarani Indians who were killed in Brazil’s Mato Grosso do Sul state in 2009.

The case has been described as ‘an important milestone’ by a public prosecutor.

Genivaldo Verá and Rolindo Verá were victims of an armed attack, after their Y’poi community attempted to reclaim its ancestral land from ranchers.

Local author teaches Aboriginal secrets

By Pat Ratliff

A local author and international speaker, Robbie Holz, has recently written “Journey to the Heart – secrets of Aboriginal Healing.”


The book is the narrative posthumous memoir and guide of Dr. Gary Holz and his extraordinary journey to an aboriginal tribe in Australia to cure himself of progressive MS.

Kim Sattler: 'Riot' tag distorts the facts

Kim Sattler, the Canberra union chief, wrote in the Canberra Times:

"The incident at The Lobby on Australia Day lasted little more than 30 minutes, and to describe it as a ''riot'' is a complete overreaction and distortion of the facts. It was not violent or dangerous. The national media were immersed in the crowd and appeared calm and safe. There have been no police charges filed or arrests made.

'Stronger Futures' won’t protect children: SNAICC

By Amy McQuire, February 10, 2012

A peak Aboriginal children rights body has called on a parliamentary committee to reject the Stronger Futures legislation, stating the NT intervention has failed to protect Aboriginal children.

Indigenous affairs minister Jenny Macklin introduced the controversial Stronger Futures legislation to the lower house in November last year. It has since been referred to a senate committee, with a reporting date of February 29th.

Stronger Futures is intended to replace the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER), which expires in August this year.

Hurley to my mind is responsible for four deaths

i have just taken the opportunity of again watching the tall man shown on sbs tv last sunday evening. it left me just as disturbed as the other viewings that i had. it most certainly has left me as disturbed as i was when following the case from the start to the unfinished business through the medium of the isja newsletters. (see ).

treaty with women

My blood is Palawa and I was brought up with the late Bruce McGuinness, Lionel Rose, and the Melbourne mob, the fighting Gunditjamara.

Six years before the 1987 Deaths in Custody Inquiry I applied for political asylum in Sweden after I was near bashed to death in custody following a police raid on a community financed entertainment centre in St Kilda I managed, so I know more than most about cause and affect (cause an international stir and you wind up with an inquiry with heaps of money thrown around to little effect).


RLL and Thiess destroy rare heritage gardens

Fresh from union busting in Wonthaggi, the construction behemoth Theiss is now intent on destroying the last of the working class heritage in Sunshine in Melbourne's west. The conglomeration of the Regional Rail Link Authority, Thiess, Parsons Brinckerhoff and others have officially announced their intention to destroy the HV McKay Memorial Gardens, Australia's oldest and rarest remaining industrial garden.


The Shortwave Report 02/10 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (February 10) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Stand against another decade of discrimination: Stop the second intervention!


WHEN: Noon, Tues 28th February 2012

WHERE: Lawns of Parliament House, Canberra
Newsletter date: 10 February 2012

Paddy Gibson:




Join the online and offline protests against ACTA

Demo in Brisbane

What started as a few scattered demonstrations against ACTA has exploded into an international day of action this Saturday! There are nearly 200 events across the world, with hundreds of thousands of people expected to hit the streets to protest this dangerous international agreement.

Save Sylvia Creek case in court

The six weeks of protests culminated in local environment group MyEnvironment gaining a court injunction on all logging at the site until a Supreme Court hearing over claims of illegal operations.

The plaintiff, MyEnvironment Inc. alleges that VicForests has logged and intends to further log habitat protected at law, including under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act. VicForests, the defendant, argues that the area is not Leadbeater’s possum habitat and so should not be protected.


Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 7 events from 9 February 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 25 January to Wed 22 February 2012: Leichhardt, Sydney, NSW
Photography exhibition of works by Kamilaroi woman Barbara McGrady
"Boomalli Aboriginal Artists’ Co-operative is hosting
Rites here! Rights now!, a photography exhibition of
works by Kamilaroi woman Barbara McGrady."
Event details:
Event details:

Event: Sun 12 February 2012: Bankstown, Sydney, NSW

WGAR News: Tent Embassy protest interviews with Michael Anderson, Jeff McMullen, Chris Graham, etc

Newsletter date: 9 February 2012

* Interviews on the Aboriginal Tent Embassy protest on Sovereignty Day
* More on the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill
* More on the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Bill
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 22 events from 9 February 2012



Alcoa to review Point Henry smelter at Anglesea

Alcoa have announced a review of the future of Point Henry Smelter near Anglesea in a press release to the Australian Stock Exchange. The smelter at Point Henry has been operating for 49 years and employs about 600 people. Maybe the government subsidies that prop up an inefficient industrial plant need to be redirected into reskilling, retraining and relocating the 600 odd workers that face losing their jobs.


8 years of cover-up and lies - demand justice now!

Related reporting

TJ died in Sydney in February 2004. His bike was rammed by a police vehicle driven by a Redfern police officer

There have been a coronial inquest, Redfern police and a NSW government cover-up and continuous protests, but 8 years later still no justice for the young Aboriginal man and his family.

The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody from 1987 to 1991 made 339 recommendations to stop Aboriginal deaths in custody.