8 years of cover-up and lies - demand justice now!

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TJ died in Sydney in February 2004. His bike was rammed by a police vehicle driven by a Redfern police officer

There have been a coronial inquest, Redfern police and a NSW government cover-up and continuous protests, but 8 years later still no justice for the young Aboriginal man and his family.

The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody from 1987 to 1991 made 339 recommendations to stop Aboriginal deaths in custody.

No one has implemented them in any serious way and no NSW government departments are following them. Nationally over four hundred Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have died from 1/1/1980 up to the present day, that equates to one plus death per month for a 32 year period. this must not be allowed to continue.

There are many reasons why such deaths in custody occur. The entrenched racism in the so-called justice system, the lack of compassion from the police, corrective officers and custodial health workers are further compounding the problem. The entrenched federal government attitude of “white” Australia also does not help.

Empty apologies, “programs” to fix health, housing and jobs have failed and the gap is getting bigger. Look at some facts:

1) The NT intervention is still going, more areas like WA, Queensland have been added, harder compliance rules have been enacted and even other local areas like Bankstown and Logan will be affected.

2) The number of Aboriginal people in prison is proportionally greater and growing faster than any other ethnic group in the country. The NSW Juvenile Justice numbers incarcerated include some 60% of Koori kids in that population. Elsewhere it is worse.

3) Aboriginal land rights always have been denied but now is even worse. State and federal governments have been imposing mining/gas/oil projects on Aboriginal lands. Now a radioactive waste dump will be built on these lands despite objections by some traditional owners.

4) The “WhiteJustice”, so racist for Aboriginal people, is working overtime to protect prison, police and custodial health officials to keep the perfect record: NO CUSTODIAL OFFICER HAS EVER BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF ANY CRIME, NOT EVEN LACK OF DUTY OF CARE. OVER 400 DEATHS IN CUSTODY AND ONLY THE FAMILIES TO BLAME!

So, no justice anywhere. NSW politicians came and went but none ever took responsibility for seeking Justice for TJ and his family. No honest Redfern police officer ever came forward to break the culture of the police to cover-up blame for death in custody events. 8 years of silence on the real reasons for the death of 17 year old TJ.

We also call on the Redfern police to cease their objection to the placement of the TJ plaque to be affixed to the concrete blocks under the spiked fence on which TJ became impaled. The Hickey family, the Redfern-Waterloo community and other supporters demand that this be done to allow proper respect to TJ and his family.

We further call for a NSW death in custody memorial to all those Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders who have died in a custodial situation since 1980 to be situated in the rebuilt Pemulwuy Project on Aboriginal land at The Block. We also call on Sydney Lord Mayor, Ms. Clover Moore, to honour her written agreement from February last year to broker a meeting with Mick Mundine to allow this to be brought to fruition.

However, nothing will happen without your presence and support. We are calling the Aboriginal people from Sydney and around the country, all political and community organizations and everyone concerned with the terrible situation of Aboriginal people to join us in organizing the biggest rally possible and demand:


for further information contact ray jackson 0450 651 063 or raul bassi 0403 037 376

ray jackson
indigenous social justice association

(m) 0450 651 063
(p) 02 9318 0947
address 1303/200 pitt street waterloo 2017


we live and work on the stolen lands of the gadigal people.

sovereignty treaty social justice