Local author teaches Aboriginal secrets

By Pat Ratliff

A local author and international speaker, Robbie Holz, has recently written “Journey to the Heart – secrets of Aboriginal Healing.”


The book is the narrative posthumous memoir and guide of Dr. Gary Holz and his extraordinary journey to an aboriginal tribe in Australia to cure himself of progressive MS.

Confined to a wheelchair, he traveled alone to Australia, and lived in the far reaches of the Outback to be healed and taught by a tribe of Aborigines.

At the tribes request, Holz is bringing this knowledge to the Western world, revealing a secret medicine for the first time.

The book revolves around Holz and his interactions with Ray and Rose, two aborigines who travel between the two worlds of ancient aboriginal life and modern Australia.

With Rose as the “healer,” they work with Gary Holz to help him heal himself.

No secret medicines or magic potions here. The cure will come when Holz realizes a sense of “profound stillness and peace.” Then comes the self-awareness that the disease had been manifest by experiences and beliefs in his life.

This comes to the crux of the aboriginal healing methods… healing yourself from within.

“If you had a dandelion weed growing in an undesirable place, you would want to get rid of it before it spread or did damage,” Rose tells Holz.

“But if you merely cut off the top of the plant, thinking this would kill it, it would keep on returning.

“Unless the root is pulled out, the weed will continue to thrive.”

The Aborigines believe that healing will come from within; that the individual can facilitate the change from within to heal themselves.

“The root of an illness, where it all began, is what carries its power, not the symptoms,” Rose told Holz.

“When my people talk about healing, we include not only the body, but also the mind, body and spirit.”

Reading “Journey to the Heart” will allow you to see the amazing self-healing journey Gary Holz took to better health.

He arrived in Australia a quadriplegic, barely able to move himself down the aisle of the airplane in his wheelchair.

He left able to stand and move down the aisles by himself.

“Journey to the Heart” is different than most “self-help” books on the shelf today.

Told in the first person, it gives a more personal voice to learning about the healing powers we each have inside us.

“Journey to the Heart” is for sale in the Edmonds Bookshop.