Save Sylvia Creek case in court

The six weeks of protests culminated in local environment group MyEnvironment gaining a court injunction on all logging at the site until a Supreme Court hearing over claims of illegal operations.

The plaintiff, MyEnvironment Inc. alleges that VicForests has logged and intends to further log habitat protected at law, including under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act. VicForests, the defendant, argues that the area is not Leadbeater’s possum habitat and so should not be protected.

The trial has huge implications for the future survival of the Leadbeater's possum, and MyEnvironment needs your help to bring it to completion. We rarely email you with requests for donations – but we consider this historical opportunity so important that we’re doing so on behalf of the courageous MyEnvironment – your donation will go straight to them!

If you can support the campaign to protect Sylvia Creek, now is the time - click here to make a financial donation to help protect the Leadbeater's Possum.

For more information and regular updates on the court proceedings, visit My Environment’s website.
