
National Day of Action against uranium: March 11

March 11 marks one year since the devastating earthquake and tsunami that ravaged northern Japan. It is one year since the start of the meltdowns at Fukushima Daichi nuclear power plant. An Australian National day of Action Against Uranium is planned for March 11 to commemorate the commencement of the ongoing Fukushima crisis.


Nuclear Waste and a Western Sydney Suburb

The NSW State Liberal Government is planning to send Nuclear Waste from the site of an old uranium smelter in Hunters Hill to the Western Sydney Suburb of Lidcombe. The proposed storeage facility is within walking distance of thousands of local homes. Local residents have produced this film to try and explain why Nuclear Waste shouldn't be brought to our backyards.

Please send us your support.

You can find our film at:


Germans face growing animosity from their fellow Europeans

By Marc Young, Editor

Are Germans the new Americans?

That's what some commentators are asking as Germans face growing animosity from their fellow Europeans amid the seemingly endless eurozone debt crisis.

Because just like the United States in many parts of the world, Germany is finding itself unloved yet indispensible at the same time.

WA Police said they helped 437 at-risk youths in three months

WA Police said they helped 437 at-risk youths in three months

Gerry Georgatos

The Office of the Police Commissioner of Western Australia said that its focus on vulnerable youth has been working, and that more than 400 at-risk youths have been taken off the streets after dark.

A police spokesman said they had implemented the operation to protect the best interests of vulnerable youth and the community, with Operation Safe Place.

What Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) have to say about Wayne Swan's essay on wealthy mining giants

Fortescue fuming at Wayne Swan's attack

Gerry Georgatos

Mining giant Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) has come out swinging at Federal Treasurer's Wayne Swan's attack on the rich mining giants, who he described as the 0.1% and who deny the middle classes various equity.

In an essay by Mr Swan published in The Monthly magazine, he accused 'an elite' of entrepreneurs, including Australian mining magnates Gina Rinehart, Clive Palmer and Andrew Forrest, of using their incredible wealth to pursue vested interests.

Occupy Protestors occupy TPPA negotiations in Melbourne

On the 1st day of the 11th round of TPPA negotiations, Occupy Melbourne took non violent direct action at the Melbourne Convention Centre. Three protestors locked on with thumb locks inside the venue and before being arrested for trespass were cut free by police using an angle grinder, an action that was heavy handed and dangerous. The protest aimed to draw attention to the way the secret negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement will empower U.S. multi-nationals at the expense of democracy.
Related: Sean Bedlam's footage of lock on -- Will Wallace in Green Left Weekly -- Occupy TPPA campaign website


Upcoming Sydney Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 8 events from 11 March 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sun 11 March 2012: cities across Australia
Rally against uranium
Event details:

Event: 21 March 2012: various locations internationally
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Event details:
Let's Fight Racism!:

Event: Thu 22 March 2012: various locations across Australia
National Close the Gap Day

Anarchist intervention against the 150 year celebration of the NSW Police Force

At around 10am on March 1st, shortly before the police began their official ‘Sea of Blue’ anniversary march from the Rocks to the Sydney Town Hall, a group of anarchists dropped a banner reading “PIG BRUVA IS WATCHING, COMMUNITY NOT SURVEILLANCE CULTURE” from the Cahill Expressway bridge. The banner was hung directly above the George St march route while 750 pigs were gathered only two blocks away at the Rocks Police station.

Brisbane forum: The War on Wikileaks

The release of millions of Stratfor documents by Wikileaks this week has shown the world the gross injustice being meted out on Julian Assange for his part in establishing the Wikileaks institution in an attempt to make democracy accountable.

Related:National Rally Alert


Nyoongar Tent Embassy - 1 Nyoongar Way, Mattagarup - the story to date

Police move in to smash the spirit of Nyoongar Tent Embassy

by Gerry Georgatos
Following Thursday evening when 60 police officers marched into Nyoongar Tent Embassy to pull down and confiscate tents, and which included an arrest, the Western Australian police force flexed its muscle once again on the Friday afternoon on behalf of the Perth City Council and the Barnett state government.


WGAR News: NITV Current Affairs present the Stronger Futures Forum shot on location in Maningrida

Newsletter date: 3 March 2012

* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention legislation
* NITV Current Affairs present the Stronger Futures Forum
* Amnesty International Australia: Lobby your MP for homelands
* Speeches from Parliament House Canberra protest against new NT Intervention legislation
* National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples: Aboriginal Communities now subject to 15 Years of Intervention
* New website: "Sovereign Union - National Unity Government"
* The Wire: Indigenous call for help reaches the community

The Intervention is about mining

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

The Stronger Futures legislation designed to roll out the second stage of the intervention in the nt is not about improving the life of the aboriginal communities and those families who reside there. this is not about the original lie of stopping child abuse or even closing the gap. youth suicides have skyrocketed, arrest and incarceration of aborigines, mainly for alcohol abuse, has also increased dramatically. school attendance is, in fact, dropping. health remains a high priority.

ACTA - time to win!

In days, the European Commission will try a last ditch attempt to revive ACTA. But we can shine a light on their dirty trick and foil their plans.

Governments are turning their back on ACTA one by one, so the EC is asking their Court of Justice to give the treaty the greenlight and renew its momentum -- but they plan to manipulate the process by giving the court only a narrow, uncontroversial question to consider, hoping it will lead to a positive outcome.

Volunteer help sought for Elders Olympics - Friday 23 March at Bargo

We are looking for some volunteer assistance and resources for the
Elders Olympics.

We do not have a budget to be able to 'buy-in' this assistance, so I was
hoping that some of you might be willing to lend a hand.

Can you please pass this message on to anyone who might be able to help.

If people could contact Gay directly as soon as possible, that would be

Sarah Lees | Manager - Community Services

Wollondilly Shire Council | PO Box 21 Picton NSW 2571
P 02 4677 1108 | E | W

Woolworths alone owns more poker machines than the top five Las Vegas casinos combined

On Tuesday Getup members called on their local MPs to reject the Government's smokescreen of a gambling reform bill. You talked, and Canberra listened. 

In record time more than 5,000 of you spoke out against the shoddy bill and yesterday Senator Nick Xenophon and Andrew Wilkie MP joined the Australian Greens in declaring the bill dead on arrival. They will not support it, and instead are pushing for the tried and tested '1-120 solution' that we detailed in Tuesday's email.

Warren Mundine's brave face but gutted - our source correct about Senator Bob Carr!

Gerry Georgatos Former ALP president and Bandjalung man, Warren Mundine is putting on a brave face after being denied the opportunity to become the first Aboriginal federal Labor politician.


The Shortwave Report 03/02/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (March 2) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK World Radio Japan, and the Voice of Russia.


Nurses vs bossy boots Ballieu

Rank & File nurses here in Victoria Australia have now taken over their own struggle as their Union the ANF has been legally braked by "FairWork Australia" ...

8 am and 6pm daily there are community assemblies, meetings outside 15 hospital sites.
Check out the nearest one to where your live, study or work and bring family, neighbours, friends, workmates.

Ambos (ambulance crews) and Firies (Fire fighters) and other unions now regularly show solidarity community, class wide support for the nurses.


Justice is now completely UNJUST

The Australia Corporate Government and its Companies over a 27 year period have removed every single one of my Human Right. Every human rights written - that includes any treaty covenant- Declaration of Human Rights
In amongst them all is the right to fair and just legal representation. Sedition orders which read 'no assistance to be given' are seen often.

My post is written in sincerity, it is a much needed ADVERTISEMENT seeking A highly ethical, fearless SOLICITOR AND BARRISTER who can find the guts to stand up in the High court and represent my case as it deserves to be.
