March 11 marks one year since the devastating earthquake and tsunami that ravaged northern Japan. It is one year since the start of the meltdowns at Fukushima Daichi nuclear power plant. An Australian National day of Action Against Uranium is planned for March 11 to commemorate the commencement of the ongoing Fukushima crisis.
Refugees from the area may never be able to go back to their home towns and farms in the 60km radius of the Fukushima plant, which has displaced between 150-400,000 people. Radiation spikes from the meltdown have been felt as far afield as Toyko, Japans capital and home to nearly 13 million people.
Radioactivity has been detected in the food and water supply and severe restrictions now apply to foodstuff grown in Japan.
Radiation has been detected thousands of kilometeres away in California and the west coast of the US, where the disaster has been linked by medical researchers to an unusual spike in premature babies and pre-term fetus deaths.
The Japanese government and electricty company TEPCO were complicit in hiding the extent of the problem from the affected people and have been slow to offer compensation.
There is reason to believe that it was Australian uranium that fuelled the reactors that melted down in Fukushima.
An Australia-wide commemoration and National Day of Action Against Uranium will be held on March 11.
Event Details: ”11 March Day of Action to End Uranium Mining: Fukushima One Year On”
Time and Date: 1 pm on March 11th, 2012
Place: The front lawn of the State Library of Victoria
The event includes a number of speakers and performers, such as a Japanese wadaiko drum group. The rally will be followed by a march through the CBD area led by a Japanese drum group.
Remembering Fukushima-one year on
Time to end the nuclear chain
No uranium mining in NSW
Sunday March 11, 3pm-6pm
Tom Mann Theatre
136 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills (near Central)
Remembering Fukushima – Creating a Nuclear Free NT
6-9pm Sunday March 11
Alice Springs Town Council Lawns
Short film screenings, speakers, live music and BBQ
Supported by the Arid Lands Environment Centre
11 March Day of Action to end Uranium Mining - Free Community Film Screening
“Aches to Honey” by Hitomi Kamanaka
Time and date: Sunday 11th March, 5pm
Place: Pullman Reef Hotel Casino, 35 – 41Wharf St, Cairns
Information: Nicole Hunter,
BRISBANE: A working bee and brainstorm for the March 11 action will be held on March 7 at 10am, FoE Brisbane office, 20 Burke St, Woolloongabba.
Forum and Films
WHERE: Darwin Museum Theatre, Conacher Street. Fannie Bay.
TIME: 6.30pm – 8pm
Fukushima Anniversary – One Year On
Join us on the lawns of parliament house, Hobart on Thursday the 8th of March between 1.00pm and 2.00pm as we remember the victims of the tsunami and the subsequent and on going victims of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima.
The 11th March marks the first anniversary of the nuclear disaster, but we will be gathering on the 8th of March.
Screening of END:CIV with director Franklin Lopez plus a short documentary Franklin made on the Anti nuclear movement in Japan Amateur Riot.
Date&Time: 6pm, 11 March 2012
Place: Nimbin Bush Theatre, Cullen St Nimbin, NSW 2480
Franklin and Linda Rose from 4ZZZ will also report back from their recent trip to Roxby Downs and the BHP Billiton Uranium Mine and be sharing information about The Lizards Revenge a Music/Art Festival/Action at the gates of Olympic Dam being held in July.
Supported by:
Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia
Arid Lands Environment Centre
Australian Greens
Australian Conservation Foundation
Beyond Nuclear Initiative
Conservation Council of Western Australia
Environment Centre of the Northern Territory
Footprints for Peace
Friends of the Earth
Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Japanese for Peace
Medical Association for Prevention of War

"The end of the nuclear age?" TV feature,broadcastingNum=1330247,day=4,week=10...
The bilingual Franco-German public TV channel 'arte' on 6 March is airing a feature, "The end of the nuclear age?". I have asked them for a transcript which most likely won't happen. But maybe you reading this can suggest to broadcasters here that they ought to pick up that program for translation and broadcasting here. arte programming is usually top class and more left than right-leaning.
Re: National Day of Action against uranium: March 11
we need an anti-nuclear party again just to fight this by itself
Re: National Day of Action against uranium: March 11
Lol! We had a Nuclear Disarmament Party in Australia the 70-80s. Look where one of the high-flyers of that org, Peter Garrett, ended up: in power and permitting uranium mines, betraying what he seemed to believe in and the people that believed in him. Politics sometimes attracts a certain kind of person preoccupied with power. Electoral politics demands compromising one's values.
Big demos planned in Europe
Big demos are planned for Sunday in many European countries.
In France they will include a human chain through the Rhone Valley planned to get 235 kilometres long.
There will be demos in Brussels (Belgian capital and main location of the European Union) and Borssele, Holland, location of the country’s only nuclear power plant which has had “serious incidents” and where plans for a second one have been put on ice. There have been protests against it within Holland and in neighbouring Germany. The Dutch utility Delta said it postponed the plan because of the poor investment climate and low electricity prices. Although Delta states it remains committed to the project, not many believe in its resurrection.
Five large demos are planned in Germany including a 75-kilometre-long human chain between nuclear waste dumps at Braunschweig and Salzgitter in northern Germany.