Justice is now completely UNJUST

The Australia Corporate Government and its Companies over a 27 year period have removed every single one of my Human Right. Every human rights written - that includes any treaty covenant- Declaration of Human Rights
In amongst them all is the right to fair and just legal representation. Sedition orders which read 'no assistance to be given' are seen often.

My post is written in sincerity, it is a much needed ADVERTISEMENT seeking A highly ethical, fearless SOLICITOR AND BARRISTER who can find the guts to stand up in the High court and represent my case as it deserves to be.

To-date my own efforts to locate someone suitable have failed. That is how it is intended to be. The overly used court statement "find yourself a lawyer" knowing that they have blocked me from any assistance. This of course leads to self-representation and the Court Room abuse and corruption. This is acomplished behind closed doors and without audio...

For far too long many many of us have been forced to endure the courts corruption and its long over-due to step up to the plate. All the people who have been dealt a savage and unjust ruling by any court need to come together as one to be heard 'no justice - no courts'. We the people pay them to sit in their positions of power to ensure law and order is obeyed. We do not pay them to breach the laws against the people. WE ALL NEED TO UNITE AND BE HEARD.

The word needs to be spread we need to unite and I hope we can do that here.
