
Act against the Stronger Futures legislation before it's too late

The vote in the Senate on the Stronger Futures Legislation is now imminent. This bill will extend the NT Intervention for another ten years and make the stripping of the rights and dignity of Indigenous people in the NT an ongoing reality. The campaign against this bill has been gathering momentum. Watch this video here on the Stand for Freedom website. Sign the petition which now has over 30,000 signatures. The Government is deliberately ignoring the consultation process in the form of the Senate Committee where communities such as Maningrida expressed their hostility to the bill. The Nygoongar Embassy has also rejected the bill instead calling for Australia to Pay the Rent. The time for action for those who want defend Indigenous rights in this country is now. Sign the petition. Write or call your Senator. There can be no reconciliation without justice.

Related: Stronger futures will kill us: Maningrida -- Stand for Freedom Campaign Website -- Stand For Freedom on Facebook -- Aboriginal Catholic Ministry: Committee report ignores concerns -- ANTaR concerned that community support was not obtained -- National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission: Stronger Futures or stronger policing -- Uniting Church disappointed by Senate report -- Senate Report -- Greens urge Senate to reject NT Intervention Expansion -- The Intervention is about mining


Government action of pure contempt towards Aboriginal peoples

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

this action by the federal government is an action of pure contempt towards aboriginal peoples.

this action by the federal government merely highlights that the somewhat
abused term, democracy, as mutated as it is, does not apply to aboriginal

but, i would argue, it has always been thus. or at least since the

Back Andrew Wilkie on pokies crunch

Andrew Wilkie has an important decision to make. For a long time now he's been a passionate campaigner for real pokies reform to curb problem gambling -- going up against the powerful clubs and hotels lobby who have been fighting dirty to protect their profits. 
Now Mr. Wilkie is under enormous pressure from a cashed up and desperate industry and a government that is trying to save face. 

"As if they were nothing" - Future government apology?

Speaking at a Senate inquiry, St Vincent's Chief Executive John Falzon said the next phase of the Government's Northern Territory intervention treats Aboriginal people as if they were nothing.

Dr Falzon predicted the NT intervention could be the subject of a future government apology

ANTaR concerned that community support has not been obtained

March, 2012


The Senate Committee charged with reviewing the Stronger Futures Bills has supported the passage of the controversial legislation despite widespread community concern about its coercive measures.

“ANTaR is very concerned that community support for these far-reaching and long-term measures has not been obtained. In the absence of consent, these bills must be withdrawn,” said Jacqueline Phillips, ANTaR National Director.

Uniting Church disappointed by Senate report

Press Release 15 March 2012
Uniting Church Disappointed by Senate Report into Flawed Stronger Futures Legislation

The Uniting Church in Australia today expressed its disappointment in the Senate Report into the Stronger Futures Legislation.
General Secretary of the Northern Synod, Mr Peter Jones, who appeared at the Darwin hearings for the Senate Inquiry, expressed his concern over the harsh and disempowering legislation that the Senate Report supports.

Aboriginal Catholic Ministry: Committee report ignores concerns

ACM SydneyGraeme Mundine: Committee report on Stronger Futures ignores concerns Posted on March 15, 2012
Statement on the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee report on Stronger Futures

The Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee has today released its report on the “Stronger Futures” Bills.

The latest Shortwave Report (March 16) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (March 16) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

The latest Shortwave Report (March 16) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (March 16) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

2010 World Council of Churches scrutiny of Intervention

September 19, 2010
The Intervention was under international scrutiny as a delegation from the World Council of Churches talked with indigenous communities about the impact of Canberra's policies.

Malcolm Fraser on Stronger Futures legislation on 8th March 2012:

WWEA releases Small Wind World Report 2012

- - World market for small wind turbines sees dynamic growth as total capacity reaches 440 MW
- More than 330 manufacturers of small wind turbines operate in 40 countries all over the world
- More supportive policies could boost the small wind market

You Make Us Feel As If We've All Been Fools

Over roughly the past three years my country, America has had the opportunity to have President Barack Obama as our president. It is now 2012 and as we head into the election for those of us that voted for him, though we wish we could say differently in our hearts, there is a place that remains unsure and disappointed. There were so many promises and most of us that voted for him in 2008 knew there was no way to fulfill those all or even mostly.

RAC condemns Rob Oakeshott’s push for offshore processing of asylum seekers

RAC Press Release 15th March 2012 Independent MP Rob Oakeshott is attempting to get legislation through parliament that will allow asylum seekers to be sent to third countries for processing. Oakeshott has called on both major parties to support his bill.

The Refugee Action Collective has condemned Oakeshott’s bill as being anti-humanitarian and an attempt to circumvent the High Court ruling in 2011 that ruled the Malaysian refugee swap deal as illegal.


Indigenous land claimants, Greens, vow to fight nuclear waste dump at Muckaty

Indigenous representatives of Muckaty, Greens and environmentalists are vowing to fight the nuclear waste dump passed by the Australian Senate on March 13.

The Greens spokesperson for nuclear issues, Senator for Western Australia Scott Ludlam, said Labor and the Coalition colluding to pass the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill in the Senate today was "just the beginning of the next phase in the campaign to stop this waste dump".

Toolangi Case decided: Forestry law designed to log, not protect

  • Supreme Court judge has said an urgent overall review of Leadbeater’s Possum reserve in Central Highlands in needed
  • VicForests’ planned logging in Sylvia Creek now greatly reduced
  • Logging may now become unviable in many areas of Leadbeater’s Possum habitat
  • Community environment group considering options in wake of Supreme Court challenge to protect Victoria’s Leadbeater’s Possum

"Pay the Rent" - say Nyoongars - "Stronger Futures can go straight to hell"

Gerry Georgatos
With the Stronger Futures debacle in the Australian Senate the following could not be more timely. Nyoongar rights advocate and CEO of Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation, Robert Eggington has gathered together with several prominent Nyoongars, and a large number of the Nyoongar community, to announce their own Native Title proposals for the state government to consider.
