
Sydney University Gets Occupied

- Students start direct action campaign at Sydney Uni against plans to cut 350 jobs.

- They occupied staff offices to make their feelings known to the management who have so far kept them out of the loop.

- The cuts are planned despite student enrolments rising by 1000 on the previous year.

- The staff cuts are planned while at the same time the uni is planning to spend $250 million next year on two new buildings.


Bo Xilai, rumour journalism, Western prejudice and China’s Internet crackdown

- How rumour journalism works? 

Chinese police have arrested six people and shut 16 websites after rumours were spread that military vehicles were on the streets of Beijing. Without factual verification, such unsubstantiated internet rumour has gone viral internationally as a sign of instability and power struggling in Beijing following the arrest of Bo Xilai last month.

Anarchists disrupt Police Expo

Just before dawn on April 1st a group of anarchists dropped a banner reading “COPS OUT OF REDFERN, OUT OF OUR LIVES” from a construction site at 90 Regent St Redfern. The building now being renovated had been a squatted social centre and a home for more than 10 people throughout November and December of 2010. Within the large city owned building, dubbed ‘The People’s Castle’, solar power, a free shop and free café were established and opened to the public. In mid December 2010 police evicted the building following a failed supreme court challenge to keep the social centre open.

Demonstration over taser killing of Roberto Laudisio Curti

by ray jackson

today we held a very successful rally outside of the building where the brazilian consul-general works. up to 50 people attended, including 2 police officers, and the interest and enthusiasm of those present in hearing the good speakers from several groups was great to see.

Did you order a nuclear weapon?

The 6th of August 1945 was a dark day for my country. The United States had just dropped an atomic bomb on my town of Hiroshima. I was just 13 years old. Around 80,000 people died that day. Had I not been sick at home that day, I would have been one of them. My school friends were not so lucky. I would learn later that 360 of them had died in the blast. - Junko Morimoto (Hiroshima Survivor)

This is probably news to most of us - but our tax dollars are actively being invested in the manufacture of nuclear weapons, and the submarines and fighter planes to deploy them.


WGAR News: "Listening But Not Hearing" - Audio recordings from the launch of the report

Newsletter date: 3 April 2012

* "Listening But Not Hearing"- Audio recordings from the launch of the report
* Full video recording of Senate Hearing at Maningrida 22 Feb 12
* Transcripts of the Senate Hearings on 'Stronger Futures'
* ANTaR: Long term commitment to NT communities welcomed
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles


- Audio

Bob Brown on Global Democracy and World Parliament

Fellow Earthians,

Never before has the Universe unfolded such a flower as our collective human intelligence, so far as we know.

Nor has such a one-and-only brilliance in the Universe stood at the brink of extinction, so far as we know.

We people of the Earth exist because our potential was there in the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago, as the Universe exploded into being.

So far, it seems like we are the lone thinkers in this vast, expanding Universe.

Olive branch offered on Ta Ann markets campaign in Tasmania

Environment groups have offered to suspend their markets campaign in Japan for one month while forest peace talks proceed, on the condition that logging ceases in the 572,000 ha of verified high conservation value forests whilst negotiations about protecting them take place.

“It’s a moratorium for a moratorium,” said Peg Putt of Markets for Change.


Wedge tactics by WA government to water down Aboriginal Heritage Act

Gerry Georgatos
The West Australian government will attempt to water down the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 to make it easier for government and big business to secure the "assessments they want" of Aboriginal historical and cultural sites.

Aboriginal Elders and advocates have spoken about their fears that the only intention of this move by the state government is to keep on building assimilationist policies, to railroad Aboriginal folk and in effect extinguish customary and historical rights to the benefit or miners, big business and state and local government projects.


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 25 events from 2 April 2012

Newsletter date: 2 April 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 11 February 2012 to 26 May 2012: South Bank, Brisbane, Qld
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow
- Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970
Event description:
Event location:

Event: Intermittent 1 March - 3 May 2012: Various Locations
House of Representatives Committees
Inquiry into language learning in Indigenous communities


Film Festival about Uranium and Nuclear Energy invites to Rio de Janeiro

Film Festival about Nuclear Energy invites to Rio de Janeiro

2nd INTERNATIONAL URANIUM FILM FESTIVAL - from June 28th to July 14th, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, MAM

By Marcia Gomes

A few days after the Earth Summit (Rio plus 20) the 2nd INTERNATIONAL
URANIUM FILM FESTIVAL of Rio de Janeiro invites to the Cinema of the Museum
of Modern Art (MAM). The Uranium Film Festival has selected 40 films about
nuclear power, uranium mining, depleted uranium weapons and nuclear

What to do about racism in Australia?

By Barbary
Dear All, on Friday I went to a Melbourne consultation on the Aust Human Rights Commission's (AHRC) launch of its Anti-Racism Strategy. The Race Discrimination Commissioner, Helen Szoke (who previously did a good job heading up Victoria's Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission), appealed for assistance in building up an evidence base on what the Australian people think should be done to address racism in Australia.

One of the reasons why she is doing so is that the AHRC has very limited funding to put the Anti-Racism Strategy into practice.

Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 12 events from 1 April 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 1 April 2012: Glebe, NSW
The Tall Man documentary film screening
NSW Reconciliation Council
"In 2004, Cameron Doomadgee, an Aboriginal man,
was arrested for drunkenly swearing at police
Sgt. Chris Hurley and died less than an hour
after being arrested. ... The Tall Man is an
important documentary, shedding a new light on
Doomadgee's tragic death and the events
that followed."
Event details:

Event: Mon 2 April 2012: Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
Public Meeting:


Pat Dodson attacks Stronger Futures as 'veil of exclusion'

From Georgina Gartland, concerned Australians

Friends, There has been an outpouring of concerns around the proposed Stronger Futures (SF) legislation. NT Elders reject the legislation (submission 40), and many are asking for it to be withdrawn. This legislation is likely to come before the Senate and be voted on in May. Despite 454 submissions – the majority of which strongly opposed measures - the Senate approved it with 11 minor recommendations, there was a dissenting report.

WGAR News: Responses to Ten-Year Funding of NT Aboriginal Communities

Newsletter date: 1 April 2012

* Congress: Ten-Year Investment in the NT Must Involve Local and Community Control
* AHRC: Long-term funding commitment welcomed but Stronger Futures still must change
* Greens: Funding shouldn’t be tied to Intervention legislation
* APO NT: NT Aboriginal Organisations Welcome Homelands Support
* AMSANT: Long term funding for Aboriginal health-at last!
* CLC: Ten year Funding Boost will bring relief to the bush
* NACCHO: Ten year funding should be committed to all ACCHO's
* Amnesty: A huge win for homelands

Rally for peace and nuclear disarmament, Brisbane: Palm Sunday

Rally for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, Inc
Mobile: 0414 671 730

Media Release
April 1, 2012

NO Uranium Mines in Queensland, NO Nuclear Waste Dumping or
U.S bases in Australia…

Palm Sunday Rally and March

Date: Sunday April 1, 2012
Time: 1pm
Place: Rally at Reddacliff Place
(Brisbane Square - George Street, top of Queen Street Mall) Followed by a march


Brisbane Sovereign Embassy: We need a 'Bran nu Dae'

National Indigenous Radio 23rd March 2012  Brisbane Sovereign Embassy, Musgrave Park | Location Map - Musgrave Park-- Interview ABC Radio 612 30 March -- Sydney Morning Herald: Pitching camp for a cultural cause - -
Related: Moree joins the list as Tent Embassies spread

The founder of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Brisbane says Indigenous people need to be heard on the issue of sovereignty. Musgrave Park in South Brisbane is the site of the third Aboriginal embassy to be set up across the country, with others already operating in Canberra and Perth.
