
Pussy Riot Solidarity action in Melbourne

A show of solidarity occurred in Melbourne on the steps of Parliament House, Australia for the plight of pussy riot, a Russian feminist punk-rock collective who have been recently jailed in Russia & are facing charges of “hooliganism” which carry a 7 year prison term.

Photo and text by Mark Burban - pixelwhip

How many more suicides before we open our eyes and ears?

Gerry Georgatos
Kabi Kabi Elder, and Bundaberg campus coordinator Nulloo Yumbah at Central Queensland University, Cheri Yavu-Kama-Harathunian said she is devastated by the rising disenfranchisement of Aboriginal youth, and the world's highest suicide rates - of Australia's Aboriginal children.

"Across my desk came a study that reported 'the number of completed Indigenous suicides (in the Kimberley) last year exceeded the Australian Defence Force fatalities in Afghanistan'. I cannot comprehend this statement. It is too much," said Mrs Yavu-Kamu-Harathunian.


ANZAC DAY Callout for Assange and Manning! Free them! End the Wars!

Today is the 500th. anniversary of Julian Assange being detained without charge.
Next week Bradley Manning will have been jailed for 700 days without trial.

These two men are facing life in solitary confinement for exposing the nature of the wars millions in the west marched against in 2003.


WGAR News: "Radioactive waste on Pacific Highway highlights dangers of Muckaty dump" BNI

Newsletter date: 20 April 2012

* BNI: Radioactive waste on Pacific Highway highlights dangers of Muckaty dump
* Background to proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Other articles


- News

Beyond Nuclear Initiative:
Radioactive waste on Pacific Highway highlights dangers of Muckaty dump

Course for better lifestyle options offered to Sunshine Coast Indigenous people

An Indigenous health promotion group operating on the Sunshine Coast and in the Gympie area is offering places in a 12-week program to make changes towards a healthy lifestyle.

Natasha Hawkins, Project Officer of the “Living Strong” program offered by the North Coast Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health (NCACCH) writes that the program is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders 18 years and over.


The Shortwave Report 4/20/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (April 20) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

First Declaration of the Hambach jungle

The Forest is now squatted!

A part of the Hambach forest has been squatted in order to save it from the excavators send by the giantic energy coperation RWE digging up the coal.
Alongside a cultural happening/fair in the woods (Waldfest) „Wald statt Kohle“ Forest, not coal! the squatting commences. Even though the
Under the slogan „Forest, not coal!“ („Wald, statt Kohle“) a festivity is celebrated in the forest. Alongside that happening the squatting has started, though both activities remain independet of each other.

Wrap up of the week's nuclear news, by Christina Macpherson

Articles about all these items, and links to sources, can be found on the front pages of and


Olympic Dam uranium mine expansion. Justice Besanko will hand down his ruling this Friday 20th April on legal challenge against Federal Environment Minister's approval for this. Meanwhile, also on 20th April, a Supreme Court first directions hearing of challenge against the South Australian govt's approval.

WGAR News: Aboriginal Nations assert sovereignty over the Northern Murray Darling Basin

Newsletter date: 19 April 2012

* Aboriginal Nations assert sovereignty over the Northern Murray Darling Basin
* Workshop on legal and political implications of claims to Aboriginal sovereignty
* Interview with Michael Anderson, founder of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement
* SBS Living Black: WA's Government remains silent on its stolen wages offer
* SBS Living Black: New Representative Group for Aboriginal & TSI with disabilities
* More Intervention: Lecture by 3 UTS experts in Indigenous law reform

Indigenous men dealing with daily life challenges sought for ABC documentary

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men at a crossroads in their life and wanting to address the issues affecting their life expectancy are being sought for an ABC television documentary series. They have to be open to being filmed for 12 months and ready to make work on their problems.

Following is from Michaela Perske, who is developing the series with director Adrian Wills.


Radioactive waste on Pacific Highway highlights dangers of Muckaty dump

April 18: The Beyond Nuclear Initiative is reiterating calls for an national independent inquiry into radioactive waste transport and storage following unearthing of radioactive materials during a Pacific Highway upgrade near Port Macquarie.

BNI Project Coordinator Natalie Wasley says the nausea, vomiting and health effects experienced by roadwork crews highlight the threat to workers, communities and the environment if the proposed radioactive dump at Muckaty in the NT goes ahead.

Is Australia fascist?

By George Venturini *

The word ‘Fascist’ has become a term of abuse, rarely employed in Australia, quite often by people who are short of arguments, and in many cases by people who do not know precisely what the word means. A clarification is essential before proceeding.

Launch of Fin Free Ranges to save the sharks

On April 13th 2012, Fin Free Ranges was launched in Belgrave with a showing of the documentary Sharkwater The aim of Fin Free Ranges is to work with local government, businesses and the community to help rid the Shire Of Yarra Ranges of the ecologically destructive delicacy of Shark Fin soup and to raise awareness of the plight of the worlds Sharks
Related:Fin Free Ranges on Facebook -- Sharwater Documentary


Aboriginal nations want all Murray-Darling water licenses scrapped

Weilmoringle, northwest NSW, 17 April - - A group of 21 Aboriginal nations who have coalesced in the northern Murray Darling Basin are demanding that all water licences be revoked and that the rivers’ water be dealt with from a base of Aboriginal sovereignty, dominion and ultimate title.

The Northern Murray Darling Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) call on all state and federal governments involved in the rivers system to allocate 100% of all environmental flows in the northern basin as cultural flows.


Amid signs of slump, Australian PM reiterates “tough” budget pledge

repreinted from the WSWS By Mike Head 16 April 2012

Despite gathering signs of downturn and social distress throughout much of the Australian economy, Prime Minister Julia Gillard last week emphasised her Labor government’s commitment to deliver a 2012-13 budget surplus in order to satisfy the global financial markets.


Harvey Norman furniture tagged as destructive to at-risk native forests

This week, Harvey Norman stores across Australia have been visited as part of an innovative marketing campaign to give customers the real story of where their new native forest furniture is sourced.

The Last Stand has been campaigning to highlight the role Harvey Norman plays in the destruction of our native forests. Their native Australian furniture and flooring is sourced from high conservation value forests at risk in New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania.

“If Harvey Norman won’t tell the truth to their customers we will” said Nicola Paris from the Last Stand.
