
Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke visited the Tarkine forest

You might have caught the front-page stories about our campaign to save the Tarkine rainforest in yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald and Age, or the detailed story in The Australian.

Right now the ancient Tarkine rainforest is under threat from being open cut mined. Thousands of GetUp members took action and challenged Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke to visit the area, to experience it for himself, before he considers applications to mine the area.

Between 1,500 and 3,000 at nuclear dumping demo in Germany

More pictures at this website, shot by an activist, are free to use.

Between 1,500 and 3,000 German anti-nuclear activists demonstrated on 28 April against government deceit over waste storage plans.

The conservative government says it's starting an "open ended" search for suitable sites other than Gorleben, a village between Hamburg and Hanover in the north.

Global warming intensifying global water cycle by double current climate model projections

New research into ocean salinity levels has revealed a strong global water cycle intensification during the period of 1950 to 2000. The researchers report the rate of change in the global water cycle is double the rate projected by current-generation climate models. The study found "robust evidence of an intensified global water cycle at a rate of about eight per cent per degree of surface warming," said study co-author Dr Durack, a post-doctoral fellow at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US.

Reinstate Domino's Pizza drivers' wages

"This proactive approach is about ensuring we our operating our business ethically and in the best interests of our valuable team members,'' a statement from chief executive Don Meij in regard an audit on driver wages held in February.

It appears Domino's only uses these words it doesn't mean them.

Domino's have cut the wages for delivery drivers affecting thousands of delivery drivers across the country.



Brisbane & Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 7 events from 27 April 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 28 April 2012: Musgrave Park, Brisbane, Qld
Corroboree - Dancers, Music, Speakers
All welcome!
Brisbane Sovereign Embassy
Event details:
Event details:
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Wed 2 May 2012: Brisbane, Qld
Constitutional Recognition Forum
Tiga Bayles will MC the forum
Panellists include:
Congress Co-Chairs Les Malezer and Jody Broun
Hosted by:


ARZone's Vegan Buddies now fully operational

Animal Rights Zone (ARZone), the global campaigning, activities, and social network for animal advocates, announces the third phase of their ongoing Vegan Buddies Programme.

With a new video
[direct YouTube link:] this phase of ARZone’s Vegan Buddies programme makes the facility publicly available to people who are new to veganism or who are thinking of or interested in living vegan.

Mad Max 2038

Thus it had arrived
Died was freedom
The prisons were spread out everywhere
Everyone became insane
The love was not any more
And any friendship, had been keep silent
The poor
Were made mercenaries
Rich person
With the gold bearing resources
One remembered, with favor
Of Sarkozy, Le Pen, Holland, without savor
Free, Salazar, Mussolini
And even of the ace of the cretins
Whose tortured still cries push
Bachar el- Assad with infinite inhumanity
Who in 2038, would be and by far
Men of the left, without any bond
Now, it is terror
Today, it is the horror
Thus it arrived

Accusations flying thick and fast over Aboriginal Heritage Act

Gerry Georgatos
Accusations are flying thick and fast at the Western Australian government's proposed overhaul of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972. The Act was intended to protect sacred sites however it appears it will become easier for the mining sector to steamroll sites in pursuit of expansionist projects, said a Greens parliamentarian, anthropologists and rights advocates.

Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 20 events from 28 April 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 28 April 2012: Janalli, NSW
Briefing on Constitutional change proposals
St George & Sutherland Community College
" ... what the Expert Panel has proposed, to help people
understand what that is about and what are the
next steps. The briefing will include an interactive
session and briefing material."
Presenters: Representatives of Reconciliation Australia
Event details:

Event: Wed 2 May 2012: Bankstown, Sydney, NSW

Melbourne & Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 9 events from 27 April 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 18 April to Sun 6 May 2012: Northcote, Melbourne, Vic
"The Lurujarri Dreaming Trail – Living Country"
Exhibition by Jeanné Browne
"This exhibit celebrates the Lurujarri Heritage Trail
established in 1987 by Goolarabooloo traditional custodian,
Paddy Roe O.A.M., upon a section of the Northern Tradition
Song Cycle along the North Western Kimberley coast, as a
cross-cultural bridge, and to help look after that country. ...
This is big, old, strong country, with a mob who are bent on


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 35 events from 27 April 2012

Newsletter date: 27 April 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 27 April 2012: Bankstown, Sydney, NSW
Speak Out against Income Management
"As part of the 2011 Federal Budget, the Australian
government announced that it plans to spend $117.5 million
over the next five years to introduce Income Management to
five "disadvantaged" communities across Australia. ...
Income Management will commence in these sites from 1st
July 2012 and will be compulsorily applied to welfare
recipients in the "trial sites" who are assessed by

The Shortwave Report (April 27) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (April 27) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

WGAR News: "Work Not Welfare: Investing in a waged employment program in remote NT" APO NT

Newsletter date: 27 April 2012

* APO NT: Work Not Welfare
* Jumbunna, UTS: Jobs With Justice
* ACTU Congress: The fight for Aboriginal Rights in the NT
* Union Campaign Letter on Bankstown Income Management
* 'Our Generation' to broadcast on NITV
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Interview with Olga Havnen on 'Stronger Futures' funding
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws


The importance to activists in Qld of FOI in unearthing police misconduct


Any activist serious about their role in attempting to change the system is bound to come into contact with the cops sometime in their journey. Often this will be a life changing event opening your eyes to the reality of the way cops see themselves and those that dare to question them and their actions.
As a citizen engaged in social and environmental activism since 1997 in Townsville and North Queensland I have had many such encounters.


WGAR News: "Frontier wars remembered on ANZAC Day" Koori Mail

Newsletter date: 26 April 2012

* Koori Mail: Frontier wars remembered on ANZAC Day
* Ray Jackson, ISJA: NSW police 'too deadly'!
* Sandon Point Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Bulli, NSW
* Corroboree at Brisbane Sovereign Embassy, Musgrave Park
* Let's Talk: Live from Moree Tent Embassy, NSW
* Update on the Nyoongar Tent Embassy, Perth, WA
* Background to the Aboriginal Tent Embassies
* Other articles


- News

Koori Mail: Frontier wars remembered on ANZAC Day
[scroll down page]