
May Day in Byron Bay

May Day in Byron Bay Tue 1st May, Railway ParkMay Day in Byron Bay was celebrated as a day to mark the people's movement that is part of the global spring heralding change worldwide. The rain held off, the peace flags flew, and the sun shone down on Railway Park and the people gathered in the centre of Byron Bay.They gathered in solidarity with the traditional people of the land and working and struggling people - the 99 % - everywhere.


The week's nuclear news, by Christina Macpherson


Uranium miner Toro Energy promotes quack scientist Doug Boreham 's speaking tours to preach the false gospel that low level radiation is harmless. Medical doctors call on Toro to stop this.

South Australia grants lease for Four Mile uranium mine - which is mainly owned by nuclear weapons making company. BHP Billiton and the Federal Government out to punish Aborignal elder Kevin Buzzacott, with legal costs for his one man battle against the planned Olympic Dam uranium mega-mine.

PHILIPPINES: Sentro, Nagkaisa herald new era of labor unity

THOUSANDS of trade unionists and activists poured into the streets of Manila and other key cities to celebrate May Day amid renewed hopes that the two latest efforts at labor unity will provide strong impetus to their uphill battle for labor and trade union rights.

At least 5,000 affiliates of the Sentro ng mga Progresibong Manggagawa (Sentro), a newly organized labor center, joined a more massive march and rally in Manila of the recently launched Nagkaisa! labor coalition.

Sydney, Wollongong & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 18 events from 2 May 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 2 May 2012: Bankstown, Sydney, NSW
Stop the expansion of Income Management in Bankstown
Organising meeting for unionists
"STICS is supporting the Say No To Government Income
Management Campaign Coalition in Bankstown call-out to
unionists. Please discuss sending representatives to the
following meetings to build the campaign to stop the
expansion of Income Management in Bankstown"
Event details:

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 36 events from 2 May 2012

Newsletter date: 2 May 2012

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia
- 36 events from 2 May 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 1 to 3 May 2012: Alice Springs
NTCOSS Conference 2012
Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS)
"NTCOSS aims to share information, ideas and practical
strategies to assist growing a fair Northern Territory by
exploring four key themes: ...
* Exploring Intercultural working - How or do we embrace
two way working, and in particular with Indigenous peoples

Zero tolerance to lateral violence to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Islander peoples in Australia 2012


On the 19th March 2012 after extensive discussions with Aboriginal and Islander Elders across this vast land, we launched the decade of Lateral Love and Spirit of Care for all Humankind 2012 – 2022 Campaign.


Doctors slam uranium miner over junk science on radiation safety

The Medical Association for Prevention of War has released a statement signed
by 45 medical doctors calling on uranium mining company Toro Energy to stop
promoting the view that low-level radiation is beneficial to human health.

Toro Energy plans to mine uranium at Wiluna in WA and has interests in
uranium exploration ventures in the NT and SA. The company has sponsored at
least three speaking tours by controversial Canadian scientist Doug Boreham,
most recently to the Paydirt uranium conference in Adelaide where he promoted
radiation as “anti carcinogenic”.

Congrats on Tuesday

Nice work, everyone. On 1 May our campaign calling on Prime Minister Gillard to keep her promise on foreign aid made national news. 

After our press conference I wanted to give you a quick update.

As you can see in the photos, every major TV network sent cameras to our press conference, and the major radio and news outlets all had Sydney journalists along. Independent MP Andrew Wilkie, CEOs of Australia's major aid organisations, and GetUp's Simon Sheikh stood together to launch our full-page newspaper advertisements and local marginal seat campaign.

A very anarchist Melbourne May Day

May Day - an international day of workers protests and celebration - came to Melbourne today in a small but anarchic way. May Day in Australia is not what it once was but is still carried forward by elements of the trade union movement and the broad left including anarchists.


Blocking the abusers: New comment moderation policy on Australian Indymedia

A steady and swelling inflow of racist and otherwise abusive comment to this site has prompted us to take protective action. We had to choose between keeping the site open and quickly responsive, at the risk of being overwhelmed by the abusers, or putting up some barriers that might slightly inconvenience the visitors who do the right thing.

We, the editorial collective, the small group of people who run this site, have opted to put in some restrictions.Just as we do with articles, we now look at comments before we allow them to appear or bin them.


TAFE sector Privatisation by stealth - funding slashed by Baillieu Government in Victorian Budget

The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) on May Day, attacked Premier Ted Baillieu and the Victorian Government over its budget cuts to TAFE education announced in the Victorian budget today, calling them another significant step in the dismantling of the state’s public vocational education and training system and privatising the sector by stealth. The cuts to the public TAFE institutions reduce public funding by 22 per cent from the start of 2013.

Related: Tafe4all: Baillieu takes the axe to TAFE


WGAR News: "I feared I was going to die" National Indigenous Times exclusive

Newsletter date: 1 May 2012

* Interview with Steve Hodder on UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
* Keynote Address by NACCHO Chairperson Justin Mohamed
* NIT exclusive: "I feared I was going to die"
* Interim National Unity Government Assembly - 23 & 24 May 2012 - Wollongong, NSW
* Henry Reynolds: After Mabo, What About Aboriginal Sovereignty?
* Glenelg Shire Council recognises rights of Portland Embassy, Vic
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement
* ABC: Elder seeks judicial review of mining approval

Palestine protesters on trial in Melbourne Magistrates' Court

Palestine solidarity on trial

For three weeks in May, the right to peacefully protest will be on trial in Melbourne.

ON 1 MAY, 19 Melbourne activists will be put on trial for their political activity. In a precedent setting case, these pro-Palestine activists will be fighting a variety of charges designed to criminalise dissent in Baillieu’s Victoria and intimidate supporters of Palestine in Australia.


Raelians declare May 1 “International Day of Paradism” Coming soon: A world without work or money!

SYDNEY, April 30 – “While millions around the world celebrate an international ‘Labour Day’ on
May 1, our members will celebrate and promote the impending end of labour instead,” said Australian resident Jarel Aymonier, leader of The Movement for Paradism and editor of in a statement released today.


Ron Woodham on the way out

After a ten year stint in the top job, NSW Prisons Commissioner Ron Woodham is on the way out, with the Attorney General Greg Smith announcing this week that his contract will not be renewed.

There is a lot of debate about whether the Woodham was removed or if he happily stood down.

Some commentators view this decision as Greg Smith’s first successful move in his bid to reform the harsh, old school prison system.


Call for police citizens review boards - another rally on Saturday 12 May

By Ray Jackson

Since the shooting of 6 unarmed Aboriginal occupants of a stolen car by police officers at Kings Cross we have witnessed a major push by the police, the O’Farrell Government and the (mostly right-wing) media to turn our attention away from the dangerous and possible lethal attack by the police to bring to bear upon the families of the 6 Aboriginal youth involved in the event.

Gail Hickey received by minister of Aboriginal affairs

By Raul Bassi
What happened on Saturday morning in Kings Cross has jumped to the front of our activities and organising the rally on Tuesday the 24th took priority, and stopped us to report some things that have been happening around the TJ Hickey-Death in Custody campaign in Sydney.


UFO photographed over Bridgetown

Gerry Georgatos
In recent times the Blackwood region has become a hotspot for UFO sightings and recently a Bridgetown resident photographed a UFO in Bridgetown's sky.

77 year old Robert Meldrum lives on one of the highest vantages of Bridgetown, near the well-known Bridgetown Lookout, and his front verandah is a pilgramage to one of the great views of the valley town. He and his wife retired to Bridgetown ten years ago. Mr Meldrum is an avid photographer who on the afternoon of Sunday April 22 was shooting photographs of cloud formations from his front verandah.
