
Neo Liberal Failures mp3

The Global Right recites their Neo Liberal agenda once again with elections pending in several countries. The Right repeats the mantra - manipulating scarcity to rule.

pop media samples, and popular youtube clips, Nib Oswald, Clarke Dawe, Graham and myself, Delusional Peter Schiff, sounds by Yarkhob Transmissions, Norel Pref


Eight day hunger strike: Refugee advocates demand Australia brings tortured Afghan murder witnesses to safety

Three Afghan Hazara asylum seekers who were tortured and beaten unconscious by guards at the end of February after attempting to escape the Pontianak detention centre in West Kalimantan, Indonesia have been refusing food since the night of Wednesday 18th April.

Mark Goudkamp from the Refugee Action Coalition and Ridwan Bakar from the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) visited the traumatised men in Pontianak’s St Augustus hospital on April 16.

This country's original farmers and land managers

I have just heard the most fabulous argumentation of how Aboriginal people managed country, dispelling the ever-touted racism-perpetuating rubbish that they just roamed around doing nothing.

Their farming principle was to create by fire and dams (!) a mosaic of grass patches and wooded, swampy and other habitat shelters for food animals, turning all of Australia into “The Biggest Estate on Earth”.

Veterans group condemns hollow remembrance on ANZAC Day

"You do not honor the dead through mindless flag waving, rewriting history or promoting new wars," said Hamish Chitts, East Timor veteran and spokesperson for Stand Fast -- a group of veterans and former military personnel who oppose the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ANZAC Day Statement from Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group

WAR IS HELL. Galllipoli, 1915. On 25 April, 1915, Australian, British and other imperialist troops landed on a Turkish beach. It was the beginning of a horrendous waste of human life in the Gallipoli campaign, which was itself a minor part of the larger waste of human life during World War I. Both sides in this war were reactionary imperialist alliances, fighting to re-divide the world in the struggle for colonies, resources and markets.


Interview with Pred, Predaor, Mike Carlton

Here is a working link to a video interview with Pred. I shot in his bedroom at Broadway in 2001.

There is also a clip of Pred bolting a poem that he wrote on a car hood onto a parking sign.

From Sydney Indymedia-


Is a renters revolution nearing?

Gerry Georgatos
A renters rights movement is gathering momentum in Western Australia with its first impetus surprisingly from the state's South West, and in particular from the Blackwood Valley.

"Our NSW police are just too deadly!" - Ray Jackson

Gerry Georgatos
Sydney's Indigenous Social Justice Association (ISJA) held a rally outside the NSW state parliament in protest to the recent spate of perceived police brutality and to the five deaths in police custodial incidents in NSW.


Warrup activists hit with record fines

Gerry Georgatos
Forest Rescue Australia (FRA) Warrup activists have been hit with record fines by the Courts said FRA spokesman, Simon Peterffy.

"It appears to have got 'political' and where activism is concerned we are being hit with the biggest fines to date in WA history. It is disappointing because we are not doing anything wrong, only fighting to save the lives of our numbats, to stop unnecessary logging, and to protect the legacies of our children that everyone should best understand," said Mr Peterffy.


Canberra, Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 15 events from 24 April 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 24 April 2012: UTS, Ultimo, Sydney, NSW
Public Lecture: UTSpeaks: More Intervention
"Will the Government’s Stronger Futures law
reforms aid indigenous communities or
further divide Australia’s people?"
Lecture by three UTS experts in Indigenous law reform:
* Nicole Watson
* Alison Vivian
* Craig Longman
All are senior researchers with the UTS
Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning
Event details:

A24/25/26 - Bradley Manning, facing life sentence or death penalty, back in military court; we're back on the streets!

If you can't make it to the tribunal at Ft. Meade (maryland, USA) or the U.S. embassy in London, consider making a public stand for Bradley Manning on April 24th., 25th. or 26th. wherever you are - as he stands before a military tribunal that wishes to bury him alive!
Bradley has now been in military custody for over 700 days!

There are solidarity actions presently planned in Cardiff/ Wales, Fairford Base/ England, the gates of Ft. Meade /USA and 14 cities world wide

Brisbane & Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 6 events from 26 April 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 26 April 2012: University of the Sunshine Coast, Qld
Our Generation film screening
"The University of the Sunshine Coast's
Amnesty International Uni group will be
hosting this screening as a part of
Amnesty International's Homelands campaign."
Event details:
Event details:
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews


Melbourne Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 5 events from 28 April 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 28 April 2012: Brunswick, Melbourne, Vic
Desert Liberation Front presents
Lizard Rising Fundraiser Gig
Special guests:
* Uncle Kev Buzzacott aka Buzwapa,
* Robbie Thorpe and
* Johnny Harding
Event details:


Warrup forest logging halted as FRA protestor, like spiderman, webs between two trees

Gerry Georgatos
A Forest Rescue Australia (FRA) activist halted logging in Warrup after he constructed a "spider's web" between two trees that blocked an access way for logging vehicles into Warrup coupe 06.

Sean Gransch built a makeshift "spider's web" between the two trees in the early morning hours of Tuesday April 23. At 4am in the morning he climbed the platform in the middle of the "web" and stayed there for the day. The platform dangled about 15 metres above the access way.

Barristers stand up for Nyoongar Tent Embassy

Gerry Georgatos
Aboriginal barrister Stephanie Monck has taken up the cause to defend the rights of Nyoongar Tent Embassy. Ms Monck has contacted the chief executive officer, Peter Edwards, of the Perth City Council and notified him she is acting "on behalf of large number of Nyoongar people who are taking part in or supporting the use of Heirisson Island (Matagarup) for a number of purposes, including for a peaceful political protest."

This is our sacred place despite police and council

Gerry Georgatos
The five clans predominant in Nyoongar Tent Embassy stand defiant in refusing to leave Matagarup, three months after setting up the camp.

Elder Bella Bropho said, "We are still here at the Nyoongar Tent Embassy. We stand in peaceful protest for our sovereignty. We stand against the deal proposed by the WA government and the SWALSC representatives."
