
Australia's South West forests dying - death of trees world-wide

Gerry Georgatos
Disease and drought are threatening iconic South West forests, including Warrup, Yabberup, Arcadia, Kingston-Perup - in fact the whole region. Murdoch University researchers and international scientists are warning that thousands of Marri trees throughout the South West, including in the wineries regions, are dying or are already dead.

Professor Giles Hardy and Dr George Matusick from Murdoch University's Centre of Excellence for Climate Change Woodland and Forest Health said they are dying from the devastating from of tree cancer know as Marri canker.


Judge breaks ranks to lash media over Mabo case

Four Corners tonight on ABC at 8.30pm

ABC News – 7 May 2012

Former chief justice Sir Anthony Mason has taken the unusual step of breaking ranks to speak publicly on the historic High Court Mabo judgment.

He has spoken to Four Corners, which is examining the impact of the historic judgment 20 years after it was made.

Former prime minister Paul Keating has told the program that senior figures in his Cabinet wanted him to "give up" on passing the key law for Indigenous Australians.

"I said 'you've got to be joking'. But they weren't joking," Mr Keating said.

Boomalli Aboriginal Artist Co-operative calls for donations of artwork from Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists

$300 day: SATURDAY the 26th of May at 2pm at Boomalli.

Boomalli Aboriginal Artist Co-operative is calling for donations in support of the ongoing artistic programming at their home gallery, our longest running Aboriginal Artists' Cooperative and flagship for self determination over the course of 25 years.

Your Brain Will Fall Out part 2 mp3

potentially offensive

more satirical collage

Betty Bowers marriage advice, The Real Housewifes of the L.D.S, The Secret World Of Mormonism, 'WeHaveToLive' Norel Pref, Onion Radio News, Frank Zappa, Ricky Gervais, Bill Burr, Bill Bailey

29:20 min 128 kbps stereo 28 MB

Your Brain Will Fall Out part 1 mp3

explicit language !

Politics and Religion collage

And I'm a Mormon Ad , Comedy central cartoon slams MORmONS CAPT GIRL, Can we talk about politics and religion now, Mormon LDS Comedy If you wanna be an Elder, Cult collage,Hi my name is Elizabeth and I am a Mormon, Hello can I come in, Mormons are crazy, I'm a Mormon and I know it, Mormons Missionary Rap, Andy Kline, Tim Minchin, Nib Oswald, Jim Jeffries, Frank Zappa

Control bill pushed to target Aboriginal peoples and to erode civil liberties

Gerry Georgatos
Australia-wide Aboriginal organisations, communities and rights advocates are more than just apprehensive of the consolidated push by State and Territory governments for the introduction of Criminal Association Control Bills better known as anti-association laws – in Western Australia, the Criminal Organisation Bill 2012 appears that it will be passed and within days.


Renters Alliance coming to the Blackwood to meet the people and get the ball rolling

Gerry Georgatos
The renters’ rights movement that recently started in the Blackwood region has spread Australia-wide with the Renters Alliance swamped with emails and calls from distressed renters, said Lea Keenan, WA Renters Alliance co-ordinator.

As a result of the burgeoning movement other organisations have also begun highlighting the plight of renters, and rent stress, and of those in social housing, and the increasing hardship most face.

Project Nishkam (Selfless): A lifeline to the South Philippines dying indigenous tribes

By Jamel Kaur

Blackburn Gurdwara Sahib in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia has been hosting a 20 ft. container, which is being sent on May 18th to the Mindanao region of the Philippines filled with food and basic essentials to help the Indigenous tribes that lost everything in recent floods and typhoon.

The forests of Gondwanaland

Step into the cathedral hush of the ancient Tarkine rainforest. Stand beside trees older than our great-great-grandparents. Their limbs block out the sky. Their roots search deep below the carpet of moss on the forest floor.

These Myrtles have siblings fossilised beneath the ice in Antarctica -- from a time when the earth had just 2 continents and this forest stood on Gondwanaland.

It has survived tectonic shifts, wildfires, climate changes, and human intervention for 65 million years. Now is our time to protect it.

WGAR News: "ANSTO radioactive waste application more responsible option than remote dump plan" BNI

Newsletter date: 6 May 2012

* BNI: ANSTO radioactive waste application more responsible option than remote dump plan
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* AuSIL: Indigenous languages in education: What the research actually shows
* Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools
* ABC Video: Elders take stand on intervention
* Congress: Stop, listen and test NT laws for human rights violations
* Background to the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles

Free Pussy Riot action at Russian consulate April 21 Sydney

On April 21 a demonstration was held at Sydney's Russian consulate in solidarity with three young women imprisoned by the Russian state. They stand accused of being members of Pussy Riot and performing a punk prayer on the alter of Russia's central cathedral.

Nuclear radiation affects sex of babies, study suggests

Clipped Voigt.jpg

ScienceDaily (May 26, 2011) — Ionizing radiation is not without danger to human populations. Indeed, exposure to nuclear radiation leads to an increase in male births relative to female births, according to a new study by Hagen Scherb and Kristina Voigt from the Helmholtz Zentrum München.

Background to the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples

Last updated: 8 May 2014

- Homepage

National Congress of Australia's First Peoples


WGAR News: ... (25 Feb 14)
"Contents: ...
* CAAMA Radio: Arm-twisting the Abbott Government not to be the chief protectors [Featuring Congress co-chair Les Malezer]
* Dan Harrison, The Canberra Times: Lack of funding for First People's congress 'disappointing', says Tom Calma


Hope in Chch rebuilding, ethical human rights despite all attempts to crush human potential.

Hope in Chch rebuilding, ethical human rights despite all attempts to crush human potential.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.
Auckland City.
Ph: (09) 940.9658

A private member’s amendment bill proposes that the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, passed by a conscience vote of only 36 per cent of MPs in August 1990, and ‘by and for’ a left-minority, now be entrenched by requiring 75 per cent of MPs to agree to any change.


Global May 11 protest vs 'China encroachment' on Philippine territory

MANILA, Philippines – Organizers of a multi-country protest against Chinese encroachment on Philippine territory are vowing to gather tens of thousands on May 11 in Manila alone, as they announced a roster of prominent Filipino personalities that they said have already pledged to show up in the rallies.


Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools (bilingual education)

Last updated: 9 April 2014


* Updates (11 July 2012 - 9 April 2014)
(Last updated: 9 April 2014)

* Email Discussion Group - Bilingual Education
(Last updated: 25 March 2014)

* Analysis and Opinion regarding Bilingual Education
(Last updated: 9 April 2014)

* Statements regarding Bilingual Education


Congress says Stop & Listen on the Intervention

The National Congress of Australia's First Peoples backs calls by Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory for the Government to withdraw its legislations to continue the Intervention. All Australians that support justice and equality should put their names to letter below, telling the Parliamentarians that the bills must be properly scruitnised to ensure that they comply with Australian human rights standards.