
Did Jackson, Lawler and Abbott tangle Thomson with the HSU? Who else is involved and why?

Gerry Georgatos
The Craig Thomson and Peter Slipper dramas have been used to threaten the toppling of the incumbent government however whether this happens or not the dark pall of aspersions, the eerie shadow over Australian politics and the spheres of influence that are imputed to underlay the manifest of government and its orchestrations are increasingly deeply questionable to many folk - however what are the questions for there to be the pursuit of answers - where do we start looking?


Reconciliation lost in Musgrave Park

ABC The Drum

Adam Stone

Around 6am yesterday, a line of police snaked into view at the other end of Musgrave Park in Brisbane's West End and moved quickly down toward the fenced Brisbane Sovereign Embassy.

It was a much longer snake than I had anticipated, and more squads were arriving from other directions.

Sisters Inside needs our help as the Queensland government has cut funding

Gerry Georgatos
"For most of these women, the notion of human rights is unheard of. They have lived all their lives believing that they have no rights at all."

The Queensland Liberal-National government has withdrawn $120,000 annual funding from Sisters Inside, a long-time organisation that has provided counselling services for imprisoned women and for those recently released.

Stronger Futures laws slammed at UN

An Aboriginal leader has taken the fight against the federal government's continuation of the Northern Territory intervention to the United Nations.

The chairman of the National Congress of Australia's First People, Les Malezer, spoke at the UN permanent forum on indigenous issues in New York this week, where he criticised the proposed 10-year extension of the intervention.

He said a "major disappointment" was the decision to extend the laws "without the consent of the peoples concerned".

The Wilderness Society/Environs Kimberley media release May 17

Environment groups ask Environment Minister Tony Burke to protect National Heritage listed dinosaur footprints in Kimberley from Woodside

Woodside jack-up barges could be on the verge of destroying National Heritage listed dinosaur footprints on the Kimberley coast today, according to information provided to conservation group Environs Kimberley. Woodside have not referred their proposal to Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke for approval.

Imprisoned women's second chance

--Debbie Kilroy, founder and head of Sisters Inside, has started a petition on CommunityRun, our new platform where anyone can start their own campaign. Debbie is urgently trying to get the Queensland Government to re-instate funding for Sisters Inside, a group that provides counselling services for imprisoned women.

Broome Shire Rangers and WA Police issue move-on notices today to local civil anti-gas hub protestors at James Price Point

In the last hour Broome Shire Rangers have been issuing move on notices to camped protestors, all civil, at the Manari Road camp - so it appears all dissent needs to be crushed.

Most of the campers at this time are local residents not happy with the prospect of a gas hub.

On all tents where there were campers were not nearby move-on-notices were stuck to them.

The Kimberley's homelessness rates the worst in the nation - nothing in the budgets to help them

Gerry Georgatos
The Kimberley, tourist mecca and resource-rich, has the highest rate of homelessness in Australia, and just about all of this homelessness is Aboriginal folk. The Human Rights Alliance released a statement describing the homelessness tragedy of the Kimberley as a scandal, and as "despicable racism", and slammed state and federal governments for continuing to neglect the Kimberley's Aboriginal homelessness.


Is Pfizer next?

It's working! Already, eleven corporations including General Motors, Pepsico, and State Farm Insurance have given Heartland the boot in response to its outrageous and offensive billboard campaign equating belief in climate change with being a serial killer or terrorist.

Australia challenged at United Nations over racist laws

16 May 2012

Statement of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander delegations to the United Nations

The United Nations has heard significant criticisms from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander delegations over race-based laws currently being considered by the Australian Government.

Our ad in cinemas next week

The major commercial networks are refusing to run our ad. Two weeks ago, thanks to members' contributions, we submitted this TV ad highlighting the involvement of Woolworths and Coles in owning and operating dangerous high loss poker machines. So far every network has refused to run it, but that doesn't mean they win.

$100,000 a day on police to escort Woodside workers while Aboriginal youth dies

Gerry Georgatos
WA Police sent 140 to 200 special response police officers to Broome to escort Woodside workers and their machinery onsite at James Price Point where the gas hub precinct is being considered.