Swift, intimidating, unnecessary

Police have forcibly removed and arrested people at a sacred Aboriginal site in Brisbane -- sign Steve's petition calling for the Mayor to apologise and allow their return.
Sign Steve's Petition

Here's what happened yesterday: at 6.15 am, 270 police swarmed Musgrave Park in Brisbane, forcibly removing and arresting residents of the Aboriginal tent embassy. 

Steve Skitmore says the show of force was swift, intimidating -- and unnecessary. The local student and youth worker watched on in horror as the newly elected Brisbane Mayor ordered in hundreds of police, despite organisers saying they have been in peaceful negotiations about sharing the park for this weekend's Greek festival. 

Musgrave Park is a place of sacred and spiritual significance for the local Indigenous community -- and was handed back to traditional owners over 20 years ago. Now, the Mayor is considering never allowing them to return. 

Steve can't believe the Council would use such heavy-handed tactics to remove a peaceful community from their own land -- so he's started an urgent petition on Change.org in support of the Musgrave Sovereign Embassy. 

Click here to sign Steve's petition calling for the new Brisbane Mayor to apologise and allow the Aboriginal community to return to their land immediately.

Steve says he's concerned about what message new Brisbane Mayor Graham Quirk is sending with yesterday's eviction. It's been 28 years since police last forcibly removed the Aboriginal community from Musgrave Park -- many thought this type of behaviour had been banished to the history books. 

With an outpouring of criticism about his decision, Mayor Graham Quirk will be hoping media interest fades quickly and he's able to continue with his original plan. But if thousands of people from across Australia take a stand and force the issue back into the media, he'll need to act quickly to protect his reputation. 

Join Steve and the local Aboriginal community in calling on Brisbane Mayor to apologise and recognise their right to return to Musgrave Park.

Thanks for being a part of this, 

Nathan and the Change.org team.