Our ad in cinemas next week

The major commercial networks are refusing to run our ad. Two weeks ago, thanks to members' contributions, we submitted this TV ad highlighting the involvement of Woolworths and Coles in owning and operating dangerous high loss poker machines. So far every network has refused to run it, but that doesn't mean they win.

It is no secret that Woolworths and Coles are major network clients, spending millions on TV advertising each year. We expected some reluctance - even delay - but we didn't anticipate being told flat out by a Channel Ten advertising representative that there's "no chance" the network would consider running our ad during their popular show, MasterChef. 

If they thought this would deter our movement, they're wrong. We've just finished signing a contract for an impactful cinema ad buy across the country. Thanks to you we'll be running our ad in places like Bankstown, Wetherill Park and many more beginning next week. It will be running during movies in key areas where there is a high concentration of poker machines - reaching core customers of Coles and Woolworths.

Right now Woolworths and Coles are laying low, hoping that if they sit quiet, networks will continue to reject our ads, and eventually we'll just go away. Well, we're not giving up. Together we will keep showing them that movements powered by people with conviction cannot be silenced.  After the cinema ad run spreads our message to the people who need to see it, we will continue to campaign for Woolworths and Coles to voluntarily adopt reforms that are good for their communities and customers. Reforms that are not only backed by the Productivity Commission [1] and independent research, but also by the overwhelming majority of Australians [2]. 

Thanks for standing up for the vulnerable in our communities,
Erin, for the GetUp team.

PS - The next phase of this campaign will involve reaching out to the people that the Boards of Woolworths and Coles serve; their shareholders. Activating shareholder power is a potent weapon in a corporate campaign. Are you a shareholder of Wesfarmers or Woolworths? Click here if you're a Wesfarmers shareholder, or here if you're a Woolworths shareholder, to let us know and we'll be in touch about the next phase of the campaign.

PPS - We realise that you initially chipped-in to help run this ad on commercial TV. Since that option has been blocked, we decided the ad would reach our target audience just as well in cinemas across the country. If you would like your donation refunded because of the change in the ad buy, please let us know by emailing us at: donations@getup.org.au

[1] "Gambling Report Volume I (Report NO 50)", Australian Productivity Commission, 26 February, 2010.
[2] 'Essential Report: GetUp Poll', Essential Research. 30 January, 2012.