UPDATED: Justice for Roberto Laudisio Curti!

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No More Deaths: Crack Down on Police Taser Use
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New CCTV footage reveals that Brazilian student, Roberto Laudisio Curti, was acting erratically--but certainly not enough to warrant a fatal tasering.

Roberto, aged 21, was tasered to death by policemen merely on suspicion of taking biscuits from a convenience story in Sydney. This, even though Curti was unarmed and did nothing to threaten anyone's life. Following a set of three shocks, he was knocked to the pavement and could not be revived.

We must crack down on the use of tasers by Australian police. You can send your friends a message with our tell-a-friend tool, post the petition to your Facebook profile, tweet it or copy and send the sample message below:

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Hi -

I recently signed the petition to demand justice for Roberto Laudisio Curti, a student who was tasered to death in Australia. Will you join me?


Brazilian student Roberto Laudisio Curti, 21, was tasered to death by policemen merely on suspicion of taking biscuits from a convenience story in Sydney. 

According to several news sources, after hearing from the shop attendant that Curti had acted strangely at the store and run out without paying for a small package, six police officers chased him down and used deadly force.

This, even though Curti was unarmed and did nothing to threaten anyone's life. Following a set of three shocks, he was knocked to the pavement and could not be revived.

Please join me in demanding that Australia crack down on taser use by their police forces, so this never happens again. Will you join me?




Thanks for taking action!
