
WGAR News: "Brisbane City Council to try to forcibly remove Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy" MR

Newsletter date: 16 May 2012

* The Wire: Aboriginal passport for refugees
* MR: Brisbane City Council to try to forcibly remove Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy
* Gerry Georgatos: Police amassing at James Price Point [north of Broome, Kimberley, WA]
* Socialist Party: WA: Support the Nyoongar Tent Embassy! [Heirisson Island, Perth, WA]
* Background to the Aboriginal tent embassies
* Interview with Elder Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra on Stronger Futures bill
* Rachel Siewert: Greens: Intervention funding could be stripped from existing programs

Perth and WA Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 6 events from 16 May 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 16 May 2012: Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane
National Day of Action
in solidarity with the people of Broome
"250 police have converged on Broome, Western Australia,
as the WA Government attempts to crush peaceful
community opposition to a proposed industrial complex
at James Price Point on the pristine Kimberley coast."
Event details: [scroll down page]

Poverty is increasing, life is getting harder say The Salvos, Shelters for the Needy, Renters Alliance, Human Rights Alliance

Gerry Georgatos
The Salvation Army says life is getting bleaker for our poorest, and that the numbers of poor are increasing.

The Salvation Army's annual survey drew responses from more than 1700 folk and is backed by Shelters for the Needy spokesperson Lea Keenan who said that the nation's poor have grown and that more Australians are homeless than ever before.


Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 6 events from 16 May 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 16 May 2012: Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane
National Day of Action
in solidarity with the people of Broome
"250 police have converged on Broome, Western Australia,
as the WA Government attempts to crush peaceful
community opposition to a proposed industrial complex
at James Price Point on the pristine Kimberley coast."
Event details: [scroll down page]

Sydney, Wollongong & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 19 events from 16 May 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 16 May 2012: Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane
National Day of Action
in solidarity with the people of Broome
"250 police have converged on Broome, Western Australia,
as the WA Government attempts to crush peaceful
community opposition to a proposed industrial complex
at James Price Point on the pristine Kimberley coast."
Event details: [scroll down page]

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 10 events from 16 May 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 16 May 2012: Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane
National Day of Action
in solidarity with the people of Broome
"250 police have converged on Broome, Western Australia,
as the WA Government attempts to crush peaceful
community opposition to a proposed industrial complex
at James Price Point on the pristine Kimberley coast."
Event details: [scroll down page]


Phill Moncrieff says WA Labor must commit to justice for Stolen Wages victims

Gerry Georgatos
Yamatji singer/songwriter, rights activist and Stolen Wages campaigner Phill Moncrieff has not given up in the fight for justice for the victims of the Stolen Wages in Western Australia.

In March 2012, the WA government said that the living victims only, and not any of families, will be eligible to apply for upto $2,000 from a Government Trust Scheme. The right to application to these funds has been limited to six months from late March and with the expectation that any further claims are extinguished.

Phill Moncrieff speaks on the Stolen Wages injustices

Yamatji activist and singer/songwriter, long time campaigner for some justice for Aboriginal workers and their families of the Stolen Wages tragedy speaks in this radio interview in light of yesterday and today, and with a tribute to Tjandumarra O'Shane - justice has been denied by the WA government to the victims of the Stolen Wages.


YouTube - 13 minutes of interviews in reference to the Criminal Organisations Controls Bills (anti-association)

Undercurrent WTV interviews (13 minute segment) with various identities regarding the proposed anti-association Controls Bills which the NSW and SA High Courts have ruled against and which the QLD LNP is looking to repeal however in WA it appears it will be passed by the Liberals, Nationals and Labor.

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 32 events from 15 May 2012

Newsletter date: 15 May 2012

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia
- 32 events from 15 May 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 16 May 2012: Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane
National Day of Action
in solidarity with the people of Broome
"250 police have converged on Broome, Western Australia,
as the WA Government attempts to crush peaceful
community opposition to a proposed industrial complex
at James Price Point on the pristine Kimberley coast."

Brisbane City Council to try to forcibly remove Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy supporters urgently needed at Musgrave Park

Press Release 14 May 2012 Brisbane City Council has turned its back on negotiations with the Brisbane Sovereign Embassy over its right to exist in Musgrave Park, South Brisbane.

This afternoon at around 4pm, Luke Bell from Brisbane City Council told the Embassy by phone that negotiations were off and that Council would be forcibly removing the Embassy in the near future.


Captain Paul Watson arrested In Frankfurt, Germany on warrant issued by Costa Rica

May 13th Press Release Captain Paul Watson was arrested yesterday in Germany for extradition to Costa Rica. The German police have said that the warrant for Captain Watson’s arrest is in response to an alleged violation of ships traffic in Costa Rica, which occurred during the filming of Sharkwater in 2002. The specific “violation of ships traffic” incident took place on the high seas in Guatemalan waters, when Sea Shepherd encountered an illegal shark finning operation, run by a Costa Rican ship called the Varadero.

Tamil refugee from the Oceanic Viking attempts suicide overnight

RAC Press Release - 14/5/2012 A Tamil man who was on the Oceanic Viking has attempted suicide in Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation in Broadmeadows overnight. Jasee is the third Tamil with a negative ASIO security clearance to try and take his own life this month. Tamils in this situation face a life of indefinite detention, unable to be returned to Sri Lanka as they have been recognised as refugees, but the Immigration Department refuse to release genuine refugees if they have unappealable negative security clearances from ASIO.


Police amassing at James Price Point (Monday May 14) - after yesterday's 600 people power peaceful protest at Broome Police Station

Gerry Georgatos - INDYMEDIA first with this story - Australia needs Indymedia.
Today, Monday May 14, after yesterday's peaceful protest by 600 folk outside Broome Police Station, police are amassing in large numbers at Blacktank camp access route - to ensure Woodside Petroleum geophysical site work for the proposed gas hub precinct at James Price Point. Police are reportedly expected at Manari Road access (near Walmandan Tent Embassy), and Cape Leveque after between 140 to 250 police officers with riot gear arrived in Broome in the last several days.


Aboriginal passports issued to two asylum seekers incarcerated at Villawood

Gerry Georgatos
Sydney's Indigenous Social Justice Association president Ray Jackson tried to issue Aboriginal passports to two Tamil Asylum Seekers who are detained at the Villawood Centre.

Because he held a news conference outside the Villawood Detention Centre, he and three other gentlemen were denied a meeting with the two Tamil men, which had been previously agreed to, by SERCO's centre management.

Mr Jackson speaks to SBS:
