RAC Press Release - 14/5/2012 A Tamil man who was on the Oceanic Viking has attempted suicide in Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation in Broadmeadows overnight. Jasee is the third Tamil with a negative ASIO security clearance to try and take his own life this month. Tamils in this situation face a life of indefinite detention, unable to be returned to Sri Lanka as they have been recognised as refugees, but the Immigration Department refuse to release genuine refugees if they have unappealable negative security clearances from ASIO.
These continued suicide attempts highlight the desperation and hopelessness inside detention for the tens of refugees inside the Broadmeadows detention centre. The Refugee Action Collective demands the immediate release of these refugees and for the Immigration Department to act swiftly to prevent any further suicide attempts before they succeed.
"The Australian Government is trying to kill these refugees everyday. By refusing to release these men, they are driving them to suicide," said Benjamin Solah from the Refugee Action Collective. "Indefinite detention is killing them. They need to be removed from this fatal situation immediately. Is Chris Bowen waiting for one of them to succeed?"