
Australia's drugwar - Nimbin Mardi Grass 2012 live mp3

Live recordings from the recent drug law reform protest in Nimbin by Grover from Community Radio, David Marr on Australia's drug policies, and music by the Spliffmasters

39:30 min 128 kbps stereo 37 MB

Luis Walker on the sideline of CSG Lismore mp3

Live recordings from Lismore's recent Coal Seam Gas Mining protest.
We hear Aboriginal Elder Louis Walker's views on the sideline.

Recording by Grover and friend [ ]

music: "4 Tha Tribes" by Kaliba

17:00 min 128 kbps stereo 16 MB

Commuters set to rally against myki

Unite campaign Media Release May 23rd The newly established Fightback! campaign is organising a protest outside the Transport Minister’s office calling on the State Government to scrap the bungled myki ticketing system and to instead make public transport free.

The details of the protest are: 4pm Friday May 25 outside the Transport Ministers Office and the Department of Transport, 121 Exhibition Street in the Melbourne CBD.


UK Supreme Court to rule on Julian Assange extradition - National rallies occurring

The judgment in WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange’s final appeal against extradition to Sweden was handed down by the UK Supreme Court on Wednesday 30 May.

Breaking news: Julian has lost his appeal.

Assange now faces being sent to Sweden by force within 10 days. From Sweden, he could be sent immediately to the US where he faces prosecution for publishing information just like any other journalist.

Rallies on the 31st May: Details on Wikileaks Central


Refugee Action Collective to rally at Immigration Department over ASIO security checks

RAC Press Release, 24th May 2012 On Friday, 25th May, refugee rights activists will stage a protest at 12:30 pm outside the Department of Immigration office building in the Melbourne CBD.


Ploughshare activist Bryan Law in Rockhampton court

Rocky Tiger Ploughshares Media Statement 24 May 2012 Bryan Law, the peace activist who disabled an Australian Army Tiger helicopter with a blow from a garden mattock during the Talisman Sabre war games last June, will appear in Rockhampton Court at 9 am today.

Mr Law is defending himself. He expects the outcome of the appearance will be a "hand up committal" to stand trial in the District Court at some future date.on two Commonwealth charges: “willful damage” and “threatening an aircraft”.


WGAR News: "Brisbane tent embassy given permanent site" Tracker

Newsletter date: 24 May 2012

* BNI: Trade union support strengthens NT nuclear waste dump campaign
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Tracker: Brisbane tent embassy given permanent site
* Video: Sam Watson: The police attack on the Aboriginal Sovereign Tent Embassy, Brisbane
* ISJA: On Sovereign Embassies and police brutality
* IC: More Aboriginal Tent Embassies Appearing Throughout Australia
* Background to the Aboriginal tent embassies
* Video: Lest We Forget the Frontier Wars - ANZAC Day 2012

Human Rights Alliance media release: It is not right that the truth is not being said and what is right still waits

Indonesian children continue to languish in Australian adult prisons. The HRA can confirm that conversations took place between the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and their Indonesian counterparts, between Foreign Minister Bob Carr and similarly with his predecessor, Kevin Rudd and their Indonesian counterpart - commencing in July last year and till very recent, regarding the release of the Indonesian children and Schapelle Corby.

Brisbane Tent Embassy given permanent site

After an elders meeting with the Brisbane Mayor a spokesman for the council said the protesters would be able to maintain a marquee, "a couple of tents" and an open fire on the embassy site.

Local Original activist Sam Watson said tensions from last week's eviction remained but the Indigenous community was nevertheless positive at the prospect of formal ownership over the second site.

"For the first time our connection, our right to have a say in the way in which this park is used, has finally been acknowledged."

Sovereignty inevitable, says tent embassy founder

The only surviving founder of the Aboriginal tent embassy in Canberra yesterday (23 May) told a Wollongong forum that indigenous sovereignty was not a matter of if, but when.

Speaking at a legal symposium held at the University of Wollongong’s Innovation Campus, Michael Anderson said indigenous people had a legal right to sovereignty, which would lead to a complete change in the legal and political dynamics of Australia.


National Renters Alliance campaign - WA rally August - National day of rallies October

Interviews with the HRA's National Renters Alliance

It started in the Blackwood region of the South West of WA, and then became the WA Renters Alliance, and now it's a national movement with the National Renters Alliance campaign

In August there will be a renters rally for justice at WA's state parliament followed by a coordinated national day of rallies in October

police brutality

by ray jackson

whilst our rally at parliament house, macquarie street at 12.30pm on friday 25/5 will go ahead i have been informed that there is to be an equally important rally to be held at the war memorial, hyde park, beginning at 11am and ending at 12.15pm. this action is being taken to show and give honour to all those aboriginal and torres strait islanders who served in every war that white australia has fought in with the exception of the maori wars.

we also honour those who fought and died during the 224 years of invasion.


Media disinformation: Understand South China Sea standoff through the Filipino media

China is now Australia’s largest trading partner. Western Australia’s Premier is right to point out that: “… of the 60,000 new jobs created in Australia over the past 12 months, 50,000 were in WA, which now accounted for 70 per cent of the nation's exports to China … To some extent, the strength of the WA economy is concealing the true weakness of the national economy.” Therefore, it is in Australia national interest that our policy makers are able to understand China in an objective manner. I hope that the following article will contribute to such an objective.

WGAR News: "NT intervention law must comply with Australia’s human rights obligations" M. Bogner

Newsletter date: 23 May 2012

* Matilda Bogner, UN Human Rights Office: NT intervention law must comply with Australia’s human rights obligations
* ABC: NT Aboriginal intervention breaches Human Rights - NGO
* Panel discussion: Poverty reduced by Indigenous communities' self-management
* Congress: Unity is the key: Speech to ACTU Congress 2012
* Gerry Georgatos: The NT is a prison built brick by brick by the Commonwealth
* Jack Waterford: Macklin policies do not translate
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles

Apple will only act if it believes its customers honestly care about the issue

Apple may think the spotlight has faded from the horrendous working conditions at the factories that make iPhones, iPads, and other iGadgets, but we have news for them: We are not going to forget that the workers who make Apple products continue to be treated horrendously.

International Day for Biological Diversity - Seagrass meadows are key carbon sinks for combatting climate change

UNESCO's International Day for Biological Diversity on May 22 focussed strongly on conserving our marine diversity. One of the important marine ecosystems are the seagrass meadows around the coasts of the world. A new global scientific research study just released has shown that seagrass meadows store significantly more carbon than any land based forest. They are very important as carbon sinks. But they are also suffering a major decline due to pollution from agricultural and mining development and chemical runoff, coastal development changing water turbidity upsetting photosynthesis in seagrass, and increasing sea surface temperatures affecting seagrass growth due to global warming.

The new global study of seagrass meadow ecosystems has found that coastal seagrass beds store much more carbon than can be stored in even the most carbon dense forests, such as the temperate native forests of Victoria. Seagrass meadows can store up to 83,000 metric tons of carbon per square kilometre, mostly in the soils below them. In comparison, a typical land forest stores around 30,000 metric tons per square kilometre mostly as wood. It is the first global study to analyze the carbon storage capacity in seagrasses.

More Information: Seagrass Watch | Global Seagrass Monitoring Network

International bulletin about crisis : Why talk of “crisis?”

We want to attack a certain discourse, the dominant discourse of the crisis, which explains to us that its causes lie in bad, finance capitalism. We think the financial crisis is just a symptom of another. In reality what’s at stake is a crisis in capitalism itself. The consequences of this crisis will be terrible, but they might also put capitalism into question—or rather, become the occasion to do so—down to its very foundations.


Australia commits to indefinite military occupation of Afghanistan.

The signing of the Long term partnership between Australia and Afghanistan by Julia Gillard and Hamid Karzai at the NATO summit in Chicago on 20th May is being presented by the government and the press as an “aid commitment” as part of the “end of the Afghanistan war”. This is a lie.

Whilst the majority of Australian troops are returning from Afghanistan in 2013, these are the troops involved in training the Afghan army, the agreement is a commitment for Australian Special Forces to occupy Afghanistan indefinitely alongside the U.S. Our Special Forces, the only Australian troops in a combat role, will continue in the name of “security” to operate as defacto assassination squads for the U.S. Peace activist will be saying no to both the U.S. alliance, escalating militarism and the occupation of Afghanistan when they blockade the Swan Island military base where the SAS train in September at the Swan Island Peace Convergence 2012
Related: Text of the Agreement -- Interview with Defence Minister Stephen Smith -- The SAS dirty war -- WSWS analysis


Human Rights Alliance demands release of Indonesian children from WA incarceration

The Human Rights Alliance calls on the WA state government, and on the Commonwealth, for the en masse immediate release of all the Indonesian children incarcerated either by remand or judicial conviction in Western Australian prisons - and in particular HAKEA and Albany Regional Prisons.

Current affairs programming under threat at 2SER

Radio Station 2SER FM has decided to “abolish” the staff position which oversees talk and current affairs programming.

The non profit university station says it has to make cutbacks due to a budget shortfall but a large number of the stations volunteers are strongly opposing the move.

Volunteers have formed a new group to fight the move and say the stations 19 specialist talk programs will suffer or disappear if the decision goes ahead.
