police brutality

by ray jackson

whilst our rally at parliament house, macquarie street at 12.30pm on friday 25/5 will go ahead i have been informed that there is to be an equally important rally to be held at the war memorial, hyde park, beginning at 11am and ending at 12.15pm. this action is being taken to show and give honour to all those aboriginal and torres strait islanders who served in every war that white australia has fought in with the exception of the maori wars.

we also honour those who fought and died during the 224 years of invasion.

i urge all who can to do both rallies, as i hope to do.

our rally is being held to support the peaceful protesters in the tent embassies in perth and brisbane. the protesters were monstered by an outright over-kill by the state governments and their 'bully-men' forces. in perth over 200 police turned up to destroy the embassy and arrested but 4 protesters whilst in brisbane they sent in some 300 cops and arrested 30. such reactions clearly show to all that we as the traditional owners of the stolen lands must never be allowed to maintain any human right that we presume to hold. our innate and historical rights must always be not just questioned but physically fought against and that has been their modus operandi for over 200 years.

we must never ever be allowed to win!

as we know only too well, native title is not land rights. we do not own our lands under the control of the indigenous land use agreements that is now greatly favoured by federal, state and territory governments as they know that they cannot any longer trust the courts to favour their views rather than the traditional owners. we will never rise to our rightful place as equal to the governments whilst we are being robbed of our resources every day.

with an ilua we are merely granted visitation rights only (thanks cb) similar to every other tourist who visits this country. we are not tourists! we are the rightful land owners as the descendants of the oldest living culture in this world.

as i have called for recently i believe that we need to have well established embassies in every capital city or some other designated place. these should be both protected from police action and professional to our culture and rights. as we are formally dealt with as second class citizens (asylum seekers are third class citizens) and tourists then we can no longer accept the dictates of the governments. we must act upon the wrongs that continue to be forced upon us every day. our embassies will speak on our behalf after consultations with our elders and communities.

governments must be sat at the table as equals to our recognised elders, and appointed by our communities, and the criminal acts that have arisen from the invasion to be resolved before real reconciliation could possibly be found.

the rally will also continue to highlight the brutality of the 'bully-men' around the country and especially their crimes and the different media and judicial treatment of these offenders.

in victoria a coroner has found that the two police officers involved in a high-speed car chase have lied to the court and have colluded to falsify evidence on the facts of the death of the driver being pursued. what will happen to the officers involved? maybe some re-training but that is all.

a nt police officer has been found guilty of "possessing child abuse material".
why the coyness from the media report? child or kiddie porn is exactly that and no amount of semantics from the court or media will change the factual basis of the matter described. the officer got only a two months sentence to be suspended after serving a week in gaol for possessing 11 images of child porn. had the offender not been a copper i am very sure the sentence would have been more honestly described and a much longer gaol sentence given.
the magistrate advised that he had to take into consideration that the officer 'may' lose his job! and so he should, we don't want cops like him in the force. oh, and yes, the police union appointed legals are appealing the severity of the sentence and the officer is on bail perhaps to pursue his warped interests.

another nt officer.part of operation maverick to stamp out drugs in the top end, has been arrested for playing both sides of the drug world. he has yet to be charged.

an officer involved in the police rampage through the perth tent embassy was seen to be targeting a young pregnant woman, who was nursing the young child of marrianne mackay also, as he ran her down with his horse. luckily little damage was done, apart from ongoing headaches, but it clearly shows the hatred of police for aborigines who are seen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. the young woman was not in the embassy area but was standing apart from it. it made no difference to the police involved, in their opinion she should not have been there ergo therefore she could be legitimately targeted.

and we are told to respect these bully-men! not bloody likely.

these are only the tip of the police brutality practices that our people have lived with since the invasion.

over to you, premier barry o'farrell and police minister mike gallacher.

defang your attack dogs and teach them to respect all the public.

hope to see you at both or either rally. if you cannot attend then please consider sending a support note to be read to the rally.


ray jackson
indigenous social justice association

(m) 0450 651 063
(p) 02 9318 0947
address 1303/200 pitt street waterloo 2017


we live and work on the stolen lands of the gadigal people.

sovereignty treaty social justice
