
WGAR News: Still more organisations express support for the Yolngu Nations Assembly Statement

Newsletter date: 7 June 2012

This newsletter includes support for the Yolngu statement and statements opposing the Stronger Futures laws.

* Tracker: Aboriginal groups angry at intervention
* Walter Shaw, CEO of Tangentyere Council: Indigenous 'solutions' just disempower us further
* NSWALC: Stronger Futures Destined to Fail
* IPO Network: Government must implement Indigenous Declaration for a 'Stronger Future'
* VIEN: A statement of support for Yolngu Nations Assembly’s rejection of 'Stronger Futures' Bills
* ACAL expresses it’s solidarity with Yolngu Elders

Country regions right behind the renters rights revolution – now a national movement

Gerry Georgatos
Renters Alliance (RA) WA coordinator Lea Keenan said that every week now Blackwood residents, renters and some who are home owners, are joining the movement and "are motivated for a united pursuance for legislation to make life fair for everyone."

Rally – August 15 – WA State Parliament – Rallies Australia-wide – October 16 – every capital city and many towns.


Statement by R.I.S.E. on Four Corners report on people smuggling

RISE (Refugee Survivors and Ex-detainees) is highly critical of ABC's Four Corners report on people smuggling which aired on Monday 4 June, 2012 in its failure to address the most pressing aspects of the issue of refugees and asylum seekers. We condemn ABC's obvious descent into the fear-mongering and dog-whistling around this issue that has been indicative of Australian politics since mandatory detention was instated as official policy, and perhaps well before that when White Australia was the state's prerogative.

Electricity consumption has peaked around the world, not just Western Australia

A report of falling electricity consumption in Western Australia as homes cut electricity use should not be surprising - electricity consumption is falling all around the world, and has been falling for the past few years, in some countries since 2007, says the Sustainable Energy Association of Australia (SEA).

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 20 events from 6 June 2012

Newsletter date: 6 June 2012

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia
- 20 events from 6 June 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 4 May - 8 July 2012: Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW
Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud
Photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
Curated by Sandy Edwards
Head On Photo Festival
""The photographs are excellent. They are a moving
portrayal of Aboriginal Australia that all Australians
aught to know about on an issue that wont go away."
- John Pilger, Writer and Filmmaker, January 2012"

Pesticides and Melbourne's drinking water: New report released

June 6 2012
Friends of the Earth (FoE) today released a new report investigating risks associated with pesticides in Melbourne's drinking water.

The report focuses on Sugarloaf Reservoir, Melbourne's only reservoir that is supplied from the Yarra River, downstream of one of Australia's most intensively farmed (and sprayed) regions. Sugarloaf supplies drinking water to over 1.5 million Melbournians living in the north and west of the city.


Sunrise is under attack over marriage equality

Last night the anti-equality movement launched a stinging campaign against Sunrise and its corporate sponsors. Why? Because on this Thursday's show, Sunrise and marie claire will be joining celebrities and a growing movement of people who support marriage equality.

Let’s stop the campaign by those who seek to propagate hate in its tracks by getting more than ten times as many viewers from around the country to thank Sunrise for standing up for marriage equality.

Victorian police pay out secretly on dozens of misconduct claims

VICTORIA Police has made dozens of secret financial settlements to halt civil lawsuits in the past five years, ensuring allegations of police brutality and other wrongdoing are not heard in an open court.

Documents obtained by The Age under freedom of information laws show the government solicitor settled 39 lawsuits before trial on behalf of Victoria Police between March 2007 and March this year. Allegations against police included false imprisonment, negligence, assault, trespass, malicious prosecution and defamation.

The allegations were against police stationed across Victoria.


WGAR News: Audio from the 'Litigating the Boundaries of Sovereignty' symposium

Newsletter date: 5 June 2012

* Sovereign Union: Sovereignty Conference 2012 - Sound & Pictures
* CAAMA: Academic takes look at legal implications of sovereignty
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement
* Congress: Congress tells PM: Native Title is not real land rights
* AHRC: The promise of Mabo is yet to be realised
* National Indigenous Times: Celebrating Mabo
* Congress: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Languages
* Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools

We need an Abbott-proof fence

Reposted here with the kind permission of Green Left Weekly's Simon Butler

Saturday, June 2, 2012
By Jay Fletcher

The Liberal leader is an outspoken climate denier, a hardliner on locking out refugees, determined to crackdown on union and workers’ rights and wants to extend racist and draconian attacks on Aboriginal rights.

Yet polls have consistently shown Abbott and the Coalition far ahead of the Julia Gillard Labor government, whose pro-business policies and internal scandals have made it deeply unpopular.

Human Rights Alliance media release: No such thing as 'people smugglers'

Irresponsible politicking fever pitch with scare-mongering must cease. Describing humanity as ‘people-smugglers’ and ‘illegal’ Asylum Seekers must end – it is racism and discrimination to describe people as such.

It is disappointing to witness reputable news media fuel the racism by portraying those who assist our Asylum Seekers in their passage as ‘people smugglers’ and describing them as ‘cynical’, ‘sinister’ and ‘criminalised’.

It is the ‘migration walls’ that are criminally inhumane.

War being prepared against China behind the backs of the Australian people

It has been revealed in The Australian newspaper that the 2009 Defence White Paper “Force 2030” included a secret chapter that planned for Australia to fight alongside the U.S. to enforce a naval blockade of crucial sea lanes and how in return Australia might be faced with retaliatory attacks by China on our ports, mines and strategic targets like the U.S. Pine Gap military base. It also reveals that this potential conflict was the reason that the White Paper committed Australia to purchasing tens of billions of dollars worth of military equipment. This revelation is just the latest that documents how the deepening of our military alliance with the U.S. in a time of increasing militarism in the Asia Pacific poses great dangers to the working classes of not just Australia but indeed the whole region.
Related: Coverage in the Australian -- Analysis in the WSWS


Class war by the mega-rich

It's interesting that it is OK for people to single out for praise personalities such as Rinehart, Forrest , Palmer as individuals who contribute to society , but if it is suggested that they should pay more tax as a contribution to society, that is described as Class Warfare.

I can see a case for claiming Class Warfare when Rinehart and Co become among the richest people in the world by mining the Land of "impoverished indigenous people".

Aboriginal people remain "impoverished" despite Rinehart and Co having already amassed billions from mining their Country.