Support the Sarayaku people's right to their land!

The Sarayaku people of Ecuador have a rich cultural history that dates back hundreds of years. But the government of Ecuador has sold their land out from under them to foreign oil companies.

Support the Sarayuku's right to their land! »

According to Amnesty International, the government of Ecuador did not consult with the Sarayaku People when they brokered a deal with a foreign oil company that allowed them to look for oil on Sarayaku land

Fortunately for the Sarayaku, they were able to resist and hold off these explorations and they have been in a legal battle with the Ecuadorian government ever since. Amnesty states that international law requires any state to consult with any community about their land prior to offering it to any other party. The Ecuadorian government clearly violated this law.

The Sarayaku’s case has been taken to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and they are expected to make a decision soon.

Please tell the court that you support the Sarayaku's right to keep their land! »


Support the Sarayaku's Right to Their Land

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....indigenous people treated like vermin.