
Charges against Musgrave Park tent embassy protesters dropped

POLICE have dropped charges against five activists arrested in the wake of a last month's fiery protest at Musgrave Park.

Prosecutor Rob Lamason told the Brisbane Magistrates Court police offered no evidence against the men - all wearing clothing emblazoned with Electrical Trades Union insignia - arrested during the protest at the Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy at West End, in Brisbane's inner-city

Background to the Ampilatwatja Anti-Intervention Walk-off, Northern Territory (NT), Australia

Last updated: 30 December 2012

ABC The Drum Opinion: The true path to stronger Indigenous futures (18 Jun 12)
By Richard Downs, a leader of the Alyawarra nation and of the Ampilatwatja walk-off

WGAR News: Ampilatwatja Community Leaders give their full support to Yolngu Nations Assembly (30 May 12)

Intervention walkoff's Blog - Videos

Intervention walkoff's Blog

Navy chief raped us said two sailors - one of many such complaints

Two retired sailors have accused a former top navy officer of raping them aboard the ship he commanded in 1973. I know both these men and they are telling the truth. For far too long they have been denied all forms of justice and one of these men had his pension denied as the Navy Chief had gone to great lengths to silence him.


Dexamphetamine and ADHD cons - Mental health policies must move from medication to recovery

Gerry Georgatos
"In Western Australia, 1989, 880 people were prescribed stimulant medication (for ADHD). By the year 2000 this had increased to 20,648, with the WA Health Department estimating 18,000 prescriptions having been issued to children. By 2002 WA prescription rates were amongst the highest in the world, exceeding the US national average,” said Martin Whitely.


Carbon capture and storage and the Melbourne earthquake

Melbourne: Did the earth move for you last night? It did for me. Melbourne experienced one of the strongest earthquakes for many many years. Now consider what it might do if we had a couple of billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) geosequested beneath Southern Victoria and under Bass Strait. Because that is what Premier Ted Baillieu and Federal Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson have planned.


Ratify and implement ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers now!

Statement for International Domestic Workers Day

Today, as we commemorate the first anniversary of the adoption of ILO Convention 189 (C189) on Decent Work for Domestic Workers, we call on ILO Member States to immediately ratify and implement C189 as a demonstration of their global commitment made at the 100th Session of the International Labour Conference on 16 June 2011.

Ratifying C189 is important, urgent and a priority! Wide ratifications of C189 would benefit an estimated 100 million domestic workers around the world who for long have been unrecognized, neglected, and forgotten.

Larissa Waters in Rio for The Greens

Greens Senator Larissa Waters is in Rio de Janeiro representing the Australian Greens at the UN Earth Summit.

In an email to Greens members she writes that on the first day she participated in the GLOBE legislators forum, where Parliamentarians from parliaments all over the world got together to share ideas, stories and to commit to holding governments to account: "It’s not enough to walk the walk, they have to talk the talk."

She signed the commitment to continue to push Australia to pass and enforce strong laws to protect the climate, biodiversity and our natural treasures.

Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam, an alliance of views calling out to the Australian consciousness

On Jun 06, 2012 former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser delivered the 2012 Whitlam Oration to the Whitlam Institute in Sydney. Despite the chasm of differences and political ambitions of Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam they are both a far cry from the bottom of the barrel politics and personal ambitions of some our nation's contemporary crop of most prominent politicians.


Malcolm Fraser writes Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison have nothing to be proud about in their race to the bottom of the barrel

From occasional commentator and former PM, Malcom Fraser, via

The Coalition's latest asylum seeker plan is inhumane and lacks integrity.

TONY Abbott and Scott Morrison recently stood in front of Australia and proudly presented the Coalition's plan to ''ensure integrity and restore confidence in refugee assessment''. There is not much to be proud about in this policy. The announcement was based on misinformed and misleading information that plays straight into the unfounded public fear of asylum seekers.

fbi operative admits to cyberstalking and more

fbi assassins (i.e. J. Robert Upton) show their evil intent
by geral | 06.18.2012
Journey if you will into the sick criminal minds of fbi/cia homicidal sociopaths & operatives by reading their comments and threats to this Target.For example see comments by assassin J. Robert Upton (the living dead) at the following links:


Occupy Melbourne Reflects

Since the fateful eviction day of the 21st of October 2011, the diaspora of those who participated in or bore witness to Occupy Melbourne have continued to engage with the global Occupy movement in a multitude of ways. Many have remained close to those networks that were cemented in the City Square occupation, others have moved on to new activist projects, returned to old projects, or possibly dissociated themselves from the Occupy Melbourne protest altogether.


The Avengers: A love letter to the War on Terror

When you go to see a Hollywood superhero movie you should expect a little glib American patriotism, however Joss Whedon’s The Avengers is much more than this. It endorses the worst aspects of the “War on Terror” including the idea high tech surveillance and torture keep us safe, that unilateral U.S. military power will save the world and that Americans needs to unite around patriotism to defeat its enemies. Ominously The Avengers can be seen as ideologically not just glorifying existing U.S. wars but helping to prepare the country for the next World War.

Sprinter Peter Norman a forgotten hero, maligned by media and the pompous Australian establishment


By Uli Schmetzer

When two Americans raised their fists in the Black Power salute in 1968 no one paid much attention to the third man. After all he had not raised his own fist though pinned to his chest was a button demanding equal rights for all mankind no matter what their color or creed.
The button-badge would become the cross Peter Norman carried for the rest of his life.