
Honduras coup update May 2012

Honduras Coup Update - May 2012

(see full version here

There was a sudden surge of political killings during May. There were at least nine political assassinations.

On the Status of Visiting Forces Agreement with Australia

The Philippine-Australia military agreement, known as the Status of the Visiting Forces Agreement (SOVFA), which was poised to be ratified by the Philippine senate on June 6, has now been postponed until late July for final ratification. The SOVFA will enable Australian troops to conduct military exercises and other related activities in the Philippines. The SOVFA, as with the US Visiting Forces Agreement, sets the guidelines for the treatment of visiting Australian troops. The SoVFA was signed in Canberra in May 2007.

On recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution - a belated homage or yet another swindle?

by George Venturini *


                                             “There are two issues that will manifest our maturity: first,  

A prisoner with HIV left to die in his cell in Germany

Thomas Meyer-Falk | 04.05.2012 12:02
Willi was born 45 years ago – he died on 10th April 2012.

In 1996, Willi was infected with the HIV-virus through needle sharing in the use of drugs in prison. Later he escaped, and to get money for drugs and to finance his life on the road, he carried out some robberies. Although no-one was ever physically injured.

Socialist Alliance statement in solidarity with the Yolngu Nations Assembly

The Socialist Alliance stands in solidarity of the Yolngu Nations Assembly in its unequivocal rejection of federal Labor’s Stronger Futures bills.

This proposed legislation continues the trauma of invasion, dispossession, paternalism, neglect and cultural destruction that Australia’s First Nations have withstood since colonisation began in 1788.

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 10 events from 13 June 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 13 June 2012: Carlton South, Melbourne, Vic
Lizards Revenge - Info Night (Melbourne)
"Come along to have your questions answered &
find out more about the Lizards revenge DIY
music, arts blockade/festival in South Australia
14-18 July. Find out more about Transport,
logistics, actions & legals. We will have speakers
spoken word performances & a short film."
Event details:
Event details:


Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 7 events from 12 June 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 4 May - 8 July 2012: Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW
Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud
Photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
Curated by Sandy Edwards
Head On Photo Festival
""The photographs are excellent. They are a moving
portrayal of Aboriginal Australia that all Australians
aught to know about on an issue that wont go away."
- John Pilger, Writer and Filmmaker, January 2012"
Event details:

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 21 events from 12 June 2012

Newsletter date: 12 June 2012

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia
- 21 events from 12 June 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 4 May - 8 July 2012: Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW
Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud
Photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
Curated by Sandy Edwards
Head On Photo Festival
""The photographs are excellent. They are a moving
portrayal of Aboriginal Australia that all Australians
aught to know about on an issue that wont go away."
- John Pilger, Writer and Filmmaker, January 2012"

HRA release: It is not that charges needed to be laid but rather the truth and an apology from the Office of the Prime Minister

It still remains important for the Office of the Prime Minister to come clean about the extent of their role in trying to orchestrate members of Aboriginal Tent Embassy to attend the Lobby restaurant on Australia Day.

Special public forum on racism and police violence at Trades Hall, Melbourne

Socialist Alternative invites you to a
Racism and Police Violence
Thursday June 21, 6:30pm
SA Centre, Trades Hall
(corner of Victoria St and Lygon St)

Tamar Hopkins, Principal Solicitor for Flemington & Kensington Community Legal Centre, industry expert on police and racism
Robbie Thorpe, Aboriginal activist and one of the Organisers of the Victorian Tent Embassy
Gerry Georgatos, Journalist and PhD researcher into Australian deaths in custody and Australian prisons and detention centres
Louisa Bassini, Long-time Socialist and anti-racism activist

An Indonesian lawyer describes how unsophisticated villagers with hard lives became even harder lives when they believed sophisticated lies

Lisa Hiariej
Almost all Australians don’t have any sympathy for those perceived as people smugglers. I do not blame Australians for that because they don’t know the real story about why they end up in Australian Waters. I believe that Australian people only know from the media or hear from radio about what the journalists write and say.

The story behind the children accused as smugglers of boat people who were and are in adult gaols in Australia by an Indonesian lawyer

Indonesian laywer, Lisa Hiariej
In late December 2011, I visited some very young men held (in fact they were minors) detained at Villawood Detention Centre in Sydney and to be arrested on the charge of people- smuggling. Their stories provide a brief background of how and why they were crewing boats which ended up in Australian waters.

Canadian daily: "Australian Aboriginals call money-management policy racist"

RAMINGINING, AUSTRALIA—Living in Australia’s Northern Territory, a vast stretch of sun-baked desert, swamps and tropical forests, a tough-as-nails truck is the only way to get around.

But with each 10-hour drive in his mud-splashed Toyota Land Cruiser to visit relatives, Albert Djiwada wonders whether the trip will be his last.

Koala scam still not reported in mainstream media

Sam the scam, Sam the koala is an impostor!

Media release – 13 February 2010

Sam the scam: Sam the Koala is an impostor!

On 12 February a paper was published that for the first time revealed that the stuffed “Sam the Koala” sitting in the National Museum of Victoria is an impostor or fake.

Yes, the original water-drinking Koala is a different animal!

That was a male Koala, later renamed “Bob”, who had been captive as far back as 2006!


Melbourne Zoo and DSE fail to shut down rival with superior wildlife shows

Hands-on reptile parties are back on the agenda in Melbourne after a small business shut down by the government regains it's licence.
After an interesting week, Australia’s best reptile parties, run by corruption whistleblower Raymond Hoser are back in business.


Two brothers attempt suicide within 12 hours and AVS officers not called in

Gerry Georgatos
Western Australia’s Greenough Prison has at this time no Aboriginal Visitors Scheme (AVS) according to AVS officer Joyce Capewell and confirmed by the Department of Corrective Services (DCS). In February, two young Aboriginal brothers, around 20 years of age, attempted suicide by hanging, were found in their cells and cut down - such is the despair in Greenough Prison which Mrs Capewell describes. The AVS officers were not allowed to assist the brothers.


WA's first Aboriginal school principal ostracised by the Department of Education

Gerry Georgatos
Margie Webb was West Australia’s first Aboriginal female school principal – appointed in 1991 to Glen Hill Primary school. In 2000 Mrs Webb caused a storm by taking on the Department of Education on grounds of discrimination. Once again Mrs Webb is standing solid in her drive to see Indigenous languages at Derby High School. However, Derby High School is refusing to include Indigenous languages under the ‘Languages other than English’ program. LOTE is a requirement, and currently Mrs Webb says there is no LOTE at Derby.
