
Greens Senator Larissa Waters' wrap of Rio +20 Earth Summit

Twenty years ago, at the first United Nations Earth Summit, the Australian government signed the Rio Declaration and committed to transforming the way Australians treat the environment.

Australia signed each of the subsequent international agreements intended to propel national action to overcome the great planetary threats of climate change, biodiversity loss and desertification and degradtion.

The Wrong Method mp3

Collage about the environmental predicament limited by the flawed method to create money

excerpts of "Age of Stupid", "97% Owned Monetary Reform", "BP Oilspill" Clarke Dawe, Onion News, Yes Men "Post Consumer Waste Recycling Program WTO"

music: Jamaaladeen Tacuma, Marcus Miller, P.V. Ellis

NSW police out of control - RALLY at THE OMBUDSMAN OFFICE, JUNE 28

SHOOTINGS, TASERS, COVER-UPS NSW police, out of control

RALLY at THE OMBUDSMAN OFFICE, JUNE 28, 4.30 p.m. Corner of George & Bathurst Sts. (Across from the Town Hall)

Questions for Mr. Bruce Barbour, NSW Ombudsman:

--How do you monitor Death in Custody Reports WHEN POLICE INVESTIGATE POLICE?

--Are you able to re-investigate cases IF YOU SUSPECT POLICE REPORTS ARE NOT FACTUAL?

--Can you deliver justice for the these victims and their families:

"Only a sovereign treaty can provide justice in constitution reform"

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 24 June 2012 - - A leader of the sovereignty movement has blasted proposals for including Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in the constitution as “tinkering at the edges of a profoundly racist constitution” and says the only reform with the potential of justice is a treaty negotiated under international supervision.

WGAR News: Stronger Futures Petition with 43,000 signatures - audio of petition handover

Newsletter date: 23 June 2012

* Uncle Kevin Buzzacott returns to court to block Olympic Dam expansion
* Background to expansion of Olympic Dam mine challenge
* Stronger Futures Petition with 43,000 signatures official handover - audio
* Arena Magazine: Barbara Shaw: Shifting Fortunes: Mount Nancy
* SBS World News Video: NT Intervention: 'We desperately need housing'
* DARC: NT Aboriginal voices oppose 'Stronger Futures' law
* Arena Magazine Editorial: Jon Altman and Melinda Hinkson: Hope-Less Futures?

Australia is failing all of the environmental commitments it signed up to 20 years ago

By Greens Senator Larissa Waters

With the United Nations Rio+20 conference, 20 years since the Rio Declaration on Sustainable Development, we must now look back on our record of environmental protection. Sadly, our record leaves much to be desired.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaks from Ecuadorian embassy

Reprinted from the WSWS

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange spoke out today from the Ecuadorian embassy in London about the escalating assault on his democratic rights and why he had been compelled to seek political asylum in Ecuador.


Government to blame for asylum seeker deaths as sea

RAC Press release 22nd June 2012 The possible loss of lives of nearly 100 asylum seekers feared drowned at sea between Australia and Indonesia was entirely preventable. The Refugee Action Collective places the blame for these lives lost with the Australian government and demands people smuggling is decriminalised to prevent any further loss of life.


Urgent: Save Rio, save the planet

Dear Friends,

Over a million people have called on world leaders to end fossil fuel subsidies at the Rio Earth Summit, but our leaders have so far failed to deliver. Now, the only chance to save the talks from disaster rests with Brazil's Dilma -- sign this urgent petition calling on her to emerge a planet hero and end the polluter payouts!

Bravery award revoked from a man who bashed a woman, left her blind in one eye and killed her unborn child

Jeannie Blackburn has just heard news that the Royal Humane Society has revoked the bravery award given to the man convicted of serial and vicious assaults against her -- and it's thanks to users.

Here's Jeannie telling this incredible story in her own words:


I felt like crying all over again, but this time for a very different reason.

WGAR considers Stronger Futures legislation should face Human Rights scrutiny

Media Release of WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights, Australia - 22 June 2012

Working Group for Aboriginal Rights considers Stronger Futures legislation should face Human Rights scrutiny

The Working Group for Aboriginal Rights condemns the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention and its proposed extension for ten years and expansion into other parts of Australia, through the proposed 'Stronger Futures' legislation.

The Shortwave Report 6/22 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 22) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Yolŋuw Makarr Dhuni (Versammlung der Yolngu Nationen)

German language articles on the Australian Federal government intervention into Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal communities:

* Yolŋuw Makarr Dhuni (Versammlung der Yolngu Nationen)
* Amnesty International Buchtip - „This Is What We Said“ - Dies ist was wir sagten
* Amnesty International - Our Generation - ein Film über die Aborigines


Yolŋuw Makarr Dhuni (Versammlung der Yolngu Nationen)

Good idea, Andrew Bolt

Everyone is talking about Gina Rinehart's campaign to take over Fairfax Media.

In the last week she has bought huge stakes in the company. Journalists are reporting that the mining magnate is seeking three seats on the board, but has refused the company's requests to sign the Fairfax Charter of Editorial Independence. In short: editorial independence is under threat at Australia's oldest newspapers.


Eureka Street: Aboriginal solidarity with refugees

it is always welcomed when one's words and/or deeds is positively endorsed
and reported on by others of the calibre of john falzon as it shows that
future is not all doom and gloom or we are not all dumb, drunk and racist,
to steal a name.

i have made comment on our first visit to the villawood asylum seeker
detention camp to 2 tamil brothers suffering indefinite detention on the
unknown analysis of our very own spooks, asio. they keep their reasoning's
to themselves so that one is unable to prove them wrong, an easy task i
would argue.

Green electricity tariffs shouldn't include a price on carbon

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has warned the business community to not raise consumer prices before the impact of the carbon tax on their own costs have been properly evaluated. The ACCC has highlighted the only commodity that can easily document the impact is the electricity generation industry, and this will be reflected in their tariffs from 1 July 2012 as generators can readily evaluate the impact of a $23 per tonne price on carbon on their fossil fuel costs.

WGAR News: "Aboriginal and church leaders oppose the NT intervention extension legislation" Greens

Newsletter date: 21 June 2012

* Richard Downs, a leader of the Alyawarra nation: The true path to stronger Indigenous futures
* Background to the Ampilatwatja Anti-Intervention Walk-off
* Greens MPs Audio: Aboriginal and church leaders oppose the NT intervention extension legislation
* IRAG: Central Australian Human Rights Defender and campaigner Barbara Shaw has been in Canberra this week
* Dr John Falzon: Statement to Stronger Futures press conference
* ACM Sydney: Public Outcry Mounts against Stronger Futures
* 'concerned Australians': 'Stronger Futures' Bills opposed