WGAR considers Stronger Futures legislation should face Human Rights scrutiny

WGAR News: avaaz.org community petitions: Putting Australia to the human rights test

Newsletter date: 29 June 2012

* avaaz.org community petitions: Putting Australia to the human rights test
* Congress letter to Parliamentary Human Rights Committee
* Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights: Chair's Statement to the House of Representatives
* Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service calls for human rights scrutiny on income management national rollout
* 'concerned Australians': Stronger Futures or human rights: will FAHCSIA remain closed?
* ACM Sydney: The ACM endorses requests to send Stronger Futures for scrutiny by Parliamentary Human Rights Committee

WGAR News: Stronger Futures Petition with 43,000 signatures - audio of petition handover

Newsletter date: 23 June 2012

* Uncle Kevin Buzzacott returns to court to block Olympic Dam expansion
* Background to expansion of Olympic Dam mine challenge
* Stronger Futures Petition with 43,000 signatures official handover - audio
* Arena Magazine: Barbara Shaw: Shifting Fortunes: Mount Nancy
* SBS World News Video: NT Intervention: 'We desperately need housing'
* DARC: NT Aboriginal voices oppose 'Stronger Futures' law
* Arena Magazine Editorial: Jon Altman and Melinda Hinkson: Hope-Less Futures?